IR 50/50 laminated sporter stock with carbon fiber

Dennis D.

Can an IR 50/50/ sporter stock have thin strips of carbon fiber laminated between the wood strips? Just want a rule clarification BEFORE I build one.

Thanks, Dennis
I'd tend to think that would be subject to possible protest. I can't recall seeing one and the rule states "wood" so somebody is likely going to view it as not entirely wood. Of course there could be one or two out there but ,again, haven't heard of them.
Excatly why I want an official answer

That's why I'm asking. Since the time of the rules the use of carbon fiber as part of a laminate has increased in use and I want to have an official yes or no. I'd like to build one to match my heavy gun.

That's why I'm asking. Since the time of the rules the use of carbon fiber as part of a laminate has increased in use and I want to have an official yes or no. I'd like to build one to match my heavy gun.


I don't see why not.Rules state as long is as the stock is wood or laminate. Carbon fiber is a laminate,but I guess another hole in the rules.You could email IR 50/50 or maybe Wilbur will chime in....
Jim, re read the rule. It seems rather simple, wood or wood laminate, not just laminate.
That's why I'm asking. Since the time of the rules the use of carbon fiber as part of a laminate has increased in use and I want to have an official yes or no. I'd like to build one to match my heavy gun.


Carbon used in heavy stocks has been widespread long before the latest sporter rules implementation.
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Super Glue :)

That's why I'm asking. Since the time of the rules the use of carbon fiber as part of a laminate has increased in use and I want to have an official yes or no. I'd like to build one to match my heavy gun.


Hi Dennis, You might consider looking for an exotic bonding agent that will act sort of like carbon fiber in that the wood will break before the glue distorts. It may exist.

Dennis, here's a thought....some advice, take it or leave it as you see fit. The first issue is resin impregnated carbon will add to the weight issue of a sporter stock, especially if your using a proper barrel.
The 2 guys currently making the majority of winning sporter stocks use the same basic approach, 3 virtical laminations with a wide center of something lite & two outside thin/hard slabs.
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