Iowa/IBS 1000 Yard Nationals Report

Gordy Gritters

New member
The 2009 Nationals in Iowa went very well. The competition was fierce, the notorious Iowa winds (which actually were quite calm most of the time compared to what we often shoot in) caused quite a few DQ's on some relays, and quite a few screamers were fired also. The Thursday evening "Symposiums" and "Ladies Night Out" were well attended and the attendees seemed to really like it that we did this little extra for them! The Friday evening business meeting and "hog roast" went over very well. Everyone was well fed and happy!

I for one really liked the relaxed atmosphere we had by going to three days and it seemed like everyone else, staff included, liked this also. We were done shooting around 3pm Thursday and Friday, and before noon on Saturday, and the awards were done and people were on their way home for the holidays with their families by 3:30 pm Saturday. I know for the first time ever, I actually had time at the end of each day to sit and talk with some of the other competitors, which I thoroughly enjoyed! Judging from all the groups sitting around relaxing all over the grounds talking and laughing, about everyone else enjoyed this also.

Our staff had some fun Saturday morning with our stuffed baboon by sitting him in the bean field right in front of the firing line and watching people's expression when they saw it looking at them.

Our staff did it's usual exemplary job, which really helped things go super smooth: besides Lee Fischer and myself, we had Randy Bonnett and Dave Clark scoring targets, Dean Walther and Chris McLees running the line, Matt Bonnett, Colton Pinegar, Jordan Pinegar, and Dustin Gritters ran targets, and my wife and many family and friends kept us well fed. Jeff Walker also stepped up to do the computer work in the scoring room, which was a tremendous help - thank you Jeff!!! We had some problems with our computer program going to a 4 target agg, so Jeff stepped in to help Lee get it figured out and between his program and his and our computers, they got it done and done well. Jeff had the relay results and the standings at the end of each day posted quickly for the competitors to see, which everyone appreciated. Lee and Jeff will get the results to the IBS website as soon as they can get home and get the equipment info entered and double-checked (weren't able to do this at the match due to the computer glitch so this could take them a little bit).

I see from Charles E's post that he's getting impatient for the results to get posted, which I can understand, but sorry Charles, my wife had to come first here! It's our 35'th wedding anniversary today and after all the time spent over the past several weeks getting ready for Nationals and then running them, I spent the day with her and our family today. But I'm back home now and I'll list some of the winners below so you'll know who to congratulate.

Top 20 in the Two-Gun Grand Overall: 1. Edward Nazy, 2. Lee Fischer, 3. Jeff Walker, 4. Rick Curtis, 5. Tod Soeby, 6. Steve Sabo, 7. Glen Sterling, 8. John Ammerman, 9. Marion Packett, 10. John Stecik, 11. T D O'Connell, 12. John Potratz, 13. Danny Brooks, 14. Henry Brewer Jr, 15. Ken Wilson, 16.Steve Hoskin, 17. Bob Rosen, 18. Nathaniel Miller, 19. Alvin Johnson, 20. George Kelbly

Top 20 Light Gun Overall: 1. John Ammerman, 2. Rick Curtis, 3. Edward Nazy, 4. Lee Fischer, 5. Tod Soeby, 6. George Kelbly, 7. Nathaniel Miller, 8. Egan O'Brien, 9. Truman Beasley, 10. Randy Beasley, 11. Steve Hoskin, 12. Shannon Ammerman, 13. Ken Wilson, 14. Bob Rosen, 15. Dave Clark, 16. Jeff Walker, 17. Alvin Johnson, 18. Henry Brewer Jr, 19. Jim Bauer, 20. Glen Sterling

Top 20 Heavy Gun Overall: 1. Edward Nazy, 2. Danny Brooks, 3. Jay Cutright, 4. Lee Fischer, 5. T D O'Connell, 6. Jeff Walker, 7. Marion Packett, 8. John Stecik, 9. Steve Sabo, 10. Ray Lowman, 11. George Tompkins, 12. Glen Sterling, 13. John Potratz, 14. Joe Thielen, 15. Daniel Stonebreaker, 16. Jason Pearson, 17. Clay Earhart, 18. Al Forbes, 19. James Lorenz, 20. Stephen Reimers

Top Junior Shooter: Truman Beasley
Top Female Shooter: Christina Thielen

All in all I think things went very good. I hope everyone had a great time in Iowa and made it home safely!

thanks gordy sir,

we had a great time,great company, the food was plentyful and the match went very smooth.and wow those were some wicked winds ,i sure didnt want the free ice cream that you would get if you got a dq,but came within a half an inch of a dq myself.and wow , in all of the caos there was still at least one 2-5 inch group shot on almost every relay. it was a unique wind experience to say the least. and thanks to jeff and lee and dave and the ladies in the kitchen and a few others i didnt know their names for their hard work in getting a match to come together . everybody did a wonderful job . tim in tx
Luckily, this year they planted beans by the firing line and in front of the target line, so we didn't have to remove hardly any crops to run our matches. The corn started about 400 yards out, and went down to where the flooding was earlier this summer, then planted beans down there after the floods went back down.

Besides, Iowa baboons prefer beans anyway!!! :)
Great Nats Gordy

You guys out in Iowa ran this match smoothly and efficiently. It was a new experience shooting clay bird sighters but I picked up quickly enough. I enjoyed meeting new folks out there and I'll plan on shooting out there again when you guys have the Nats again. I also enjoyed being able to get great tasting breakfast and lunch out at the range. Keep up the good work guys.
I would also like to thank all of our staff for all the hard work they put in< that includes the many days before the event also. I would also like to thank all the shooters who attended, hope ya all had a great time, and what about that 4 target agg?

We will post the results on the IBS and Iowa web site as soon as possible, a special thanks also goes to Jeff Walker who not only placed 3rd over all beating Danny but also for his hard work keeping all the stats.

There was some outstanding shooting Ed Nazy The Two Gun Champion was very steady and after the second day of shooting no one was going to catch him and we tried. And Shannon Ammerman with her 4.168 LG group agg wow, I sat next to her i one relay and can she shoot fast! There were about 50% of the shooters that DQ'd atleast 1 target over the 3 days of shooting.

Here are some more Stats

Two Gun Overall Champions
aggregate Standing
Ed Nazy 19
Lee Fischer 24
Jeff Walker 59
Rick Curtis 62
Tod Soeby 69
Steve Sabo 73
Glen sterling 77
John Ammerman 78
Marion Packett 78
John Stecik 79

Light Gun Overaall

Joh Ammerman 9
Rick Curtis 14
Ed Nazy 15
Lee Fischer 15
Tod soeby 16
George Kelbly 23
Nathaniel Miller 27
Egan O'Brien 28
Truman Beasley 34
Randy Beasley 37

Heavy Gun Overall

1 Ed Nazy 4
2 Danny Brooks 8
3 Jay cutright 9
4 Lee Fischer 9
5 T D O'Connell 17
6 Jeff Walker 18
7 Marion Packett 23
8 John Stecik 25
9 Steve Sabo 27
10 Ray Lowman 28

Light Gun Group

1 Shannon Ammerman 4.168
2 Egan o' Brien 5.495
3 Ed Nazy 5.733
4 Nathaniel Miller 5.766
5 Alvin johnson 5.926
6 John Ammerman 6.085
7 Lee Fischer 6.315
8 Randy Beasley 6.541
9 Tod Soeby 6.591
10 Bob Rosen 6.983

Light Gun Score

1 Rick Curtis 46.75
2 George Kelbly 46
3 John Ammerman 45.75
4 Steve Hoskh 45.75
5 Trum Beasley 45.5
6 Jeff Walker 44.75
7 Tod Soeby 44.25
8 Lee Fischer 44
9 Dave Clark 44
10 Anita Paulsen 44

Heavy Gun Group

1 Ed Nazy 6.081
2 Al Forbes 6.937
3 Jay Cutright 7.864
4 Danny Brooks 7.874
5 Ray Lowman 7.993
6 John Stecik 8.124
7 Glen Sterling 8.495
8 Lee Fischer 8.853
9 James Lorenz 8.960
10 Jeff Walker 8.970

Heavy Gun Score

1 Lee Fischer 93
2 Marion Packett 92.25
3 Ed Nazy 92
4 Danny Brooks 91t.75
5 T D O'Connell 91.75
6 Jay Cutright 91.25
7 William Ice 91
8 Jeff Walker 90
9 Clay Earhart 90
10 Ken Wilson 89.5

Thanks again to all the shooters, vendors who donnated the prizes, we will have a list up on the Iowa web site shortly and the staff

Thanks, Gordy and Lee for the update. I hope to come down in April and shoot with you guys. :D

Thank you Iowa 1000

Gordy, Lee, Dave, Randy, et al,

And all of the staff & members of the Iowa club. This was the most relaxed atmosphere at a Nationals that I have ever seen. I don't even remember about hearing about a target protest. There may have been some, but...
I know that the winds sometimes were tough even on local shooters, as a lot of them had the bad luck of getting DQed along with some of the foriegn shooters.
I met some " new to me" shooters which is always a plus and a couple of the Minnesota guys spoke with me about the possibility of their hosting the event next year. From what they are telling me, they have a great facility for hosting that match. I am looking forward to making the trip.
And a big thanks to Jeff Walker for stepping up and helping the club with the computer work.
Congats to Ed Nazy on the win. You definately earned it in those conditions. And to Jon Ammerman, good shooting. And to the rest of us who were lucky enough to keep all shots on paper and those who weren't, I look forward to seeing you all and doing it again next year.
To those who couldn't make the trip, better luck next year, you missed a great time.

Also, great meeting for IBS items on Friday night.

Great Nationals at Iowa

I sent the following message to Lee but did not have Gordy's address so I am posting the message here to make sure others understand how appreciative we shooters are for the hard work of the Iowa Club in hosting the 2009 IBS Nationals.


From: Henry Childs
To: Lee Fischer
Sent: Mon Sep 07 07:52:28 2009
Subject: Great IBS 1000 yard Nationals


I would like to thank you, Gordy, the folks in the score room, the pit crew and the ladies and men who prepared and served delicious meals for us shooters. We are truly lucky to have hard working folks like you to lay before us a great time in long range competition, a shoot that operated smoothly and efficiently. The shoot also provided the opportunity for good conversation with new and past acquaintances and reminiscing about past shoots.

Sitting at the range just before the hog roast supper, enjoying the beautiful rolling hills of Iowa in the background, cool weather and looking forward to one more day of competition was a little bit of heaven.

Nancy and I drove from Louisiana to Pella mostly via back roads, enjoying the beautiful hills of northwest Arkansas, southwest Missouri and the beautifully green pastures, hills and woods of northern Missouri and southern Iowa. Seeing the small towns and homes there of hard working folks makes one realize that the heart of America lives. I can say from the bottom of my heart, it was truly an enjoyable and worthwhile week spent by Nancy and myself and we both enjoyed the events immensely.

It goes without saying, Congratulations to all the winners. Ed for 2go and hgo, Jon for Lgo, Rick, lee and Shannon.

The number that stood out to me at first was the margin in LG Group. Not really surprised on Shanon shooting well, and even 4.1. An hour and a half later, it dawned on me, Holy ___, that's a 4.1" FOUR target agg. Wow!

Ok, I'm convinced.
Thanks for everyone's kind words above.

I can honestly say that this was the most enjoyable Nationals I have ever been to. Pella, Iowa is a wonderful and beautiful part of the country, and the people ( whether at the range or meeting people in the way EVERYBODY knows Gordy ! ) are pleasant and friendly. Danny, Steve, and myself arrived on Monday morning to settle in and be relaxed by the time shooting started on Thursday, and what a wonderful decision that was.

Congratulations to everyone, and thanks to all who made this a wonderful experience. Also, thanks for making this a four target agg ! I would very much like to see this become a tradition that all clubs follow.

I also would like to apologize for not having my part of the after match work done, but after being gone for a week some family time was taking the front seat. I will be getting on it when I get home from work tomorrow.

Gordy - thanks for the great post.

There must be something going on in Iowa. Two IBS Nationals were held there in recent days: the 1000Y and short-range Score. All I have been hearing is a heck of lot of the "best Nationals I have ever been to". That says a lot about the host ranges and the myriad of people that are needed to put on first-class shoots.

On behalf of the IBS many, many thanks to Gordy, Lee, Jeff, Dave and the rest of the hard-working team that made the 1000 yard Nationals such a successful event.

Also, hearty congratulations to Edward, John, Rick and Lee and the rest of the winners!

Did I see George Kelbly's name in the top 20? I knew that he was starting to dabble in long-range. 200 yards must be too close for him! :D

Jeff Stover
IBS President