Iowa 1000yd matches 5 & 6



Unfortunately due to the rain and the range being under water matches 5 & 6 have been cancelled for Saturday and rescheduled for June 21, 2008.
Remember this is the Iowa State Championships. Hope to see you all thehn.

Lee Fischer


Only one guy is tall enough to wade thru the water and Matt can't carry all the targets in one trip.
Make up match scheduling snafu

Surely a make up match does not take precedence over a preapproved scheduled match. How could IBS let this happen?

We are trying to work with the land owner to get a different date. We will keep you posted.

Actually, Mike and Darrell have a point here - I'll take the blame for this one. I've been gone most of the week and when I got back to the shop I quick drove out and checked the range, saw the condition of the flooding, and realized we had to call the match off (in fact, right now a couple roads leading to the range are under water.) We just barely had time to get people notified, and in the rush I didn't even give a thought about checking other club's schedules like I should have until after we did that.

Normally we have such little overlap with other clubs it doesn't seem to matter to the IBS too much if it will only affect 2 or 3 shooters from another club who may or may not choose to attend one of our matches, since we are trying to do what is best for about 50 shooters. But with a small club like Missouri trying to get established, I would sure hate to do anything that may hurt their attendance, and I know Lee well enough to know he would feel the same way.

I talked to Lee a little bit late this afternoon and will talk to him again the first of next week and we'll make a decision then what to do. In all actuality, as bad as the range is flooded right now, it will surprise me if it goes down and dries up enough anyway for the landowner to let us to do it on the 21'st. But right now, that is the only June date we had available, so we'll talk about it and decide what to do in a few days.

Even though the Missouri Bencrest Club attendance is not as great as Iowa, there are 8 to 10 shooters that list the Doe Run Range in Missouri as their home range who also shoot in Iowa.

Listed below are some of those shooters that support the Missouri Club. and make the trip to Iowa.

Mike Eshleman, Jay Cutright, Charlie and Abe Mackey, Bob Mosley,Shelby Tracy, Dee Myers, Gene Ford, Mark Antes, Joe Thielen, Kristine Thielen, Lonnie Hummel, Randy Beasley, Dan Hobbs. Brenda Hobbs.

If a few of these elect to skip their home range scheduled match, there could be a major attendace issue for the Doe Run match on the 21st and 22nd.

I really hope this conflict can be worked out without ill feelings.

It appears you are getting plenty support from us, how about making the trip our way?

Missouri's is in it's 4th year and we welcome anyone to the Ozark challenge.

Finally got ahold of Lee a few minutes ago and we've decided to hold our rain date for the State Championship match on our regularly scheduled July 12 match instead of on June 21, so you Missouri guys can calm down. You guys must not know me very well, because if you'd have made a quick phone call or e-mail to let me know you thought I'd messed up, I would have done whatever I could to correct it right away.

I do apologize to everyone since I really should have checked the schedule first, but with the week I've just had with being unexpectedly gone for most of the week, then coming back late and realizing our range was underwater, I just never thought about checking the schedule for possible conflicts until later. It looks like Varmint Hunter has a 600 yard match scheduled on June 21 too, so that is another reason to not put our rain date on June 21.

BTW, Mike, I think every State Championship match we've ever had has had 50 or more shooters, so that was not an inflated number. But you definitely do have a point with there not being enough shooters to go around. We've seen a decline in numbers each time a new 600 or 1000 yard range opens up in this part of the country. The shooters that are closer to that range go there instead of continuing to come to us, which is entirely normal. But it does take awhile and some concentrated marketing effort to build the numbers back up again. I know from listening to guys talking at one of the IBS meetings that this has happened elsewhere around the country in times past in disciplines other than long range, so this is nothing new. Now rumor has it there is another long range club maybe opening up somewhere in northern Missouri, so if this is true, it will probably have an affect on both our numbers.

But if everyone stays civil and respectful of each other (which historically has not always happened in the past with so many clubs and other disciplines around the country, much to the detriment of the sport), and we all continue to work on ways to better attract new shooters into the long range shooting sport, everyone will win. Maybe the ruling bodies will have to temporarily limit how many new clubs are allowed into a certain geographic area until that area has attracted enough new shooters at the existing clubs, that opening a new club will not have a negative impact.

Gordy & Lee

I want to thank Gordy & Lee for all the work they have done for the Sport.

With the flooding comming so close to the shoot date you didn't have a whole

lot of time to plan another date, and it's too bad it caused some problems. I

called Ed Nazy about the new date, and I E-mailed Les Benson, Al Forbes.

Gene Ford, Macholz, and Tim Lambert about the situation and new dates.

I guess Sept. 27 will be matches #9 & #10 , and the Awards. Any one have

a House Boat we can use? :D Badlands
We do appreciate the support that the shooters that live in Missouri have made to the Iowa Club for the last six years. Mike I talked to your wife and left a message about the match being cancelled, you know you could have called me back to express your concerns. Sorry Darell I did not call you I tried to call all the shooters that attended our last match, it was all the time I had.

As far as the IBS goes I am on the Long Range Rules Committee and can tell you there are 7 IBS 1000 yard clubs and only 4 weekends per month there is going to be some overlapping. (guess there maybe one month with 5). It is up to the Clubs to work the overlaping scheduling out as best they can. There are Clubs that are at the mercy of a land owner that have nothing to do with the Club, unfortunately Iowa is one of those Clubs. we do the best we can.

Now the scheduling has been worked out by the Clubs like it should be and I think Gordy explained what happened, and we should move on. Mike or Darrel if you would like to talk about this further feel free to give me a call.

Lee Fischer
Thanks Lee, Gordy and anyone else that took the time to right a wrong when you could. I know running a match can be challenging and you can't please them all. I appreciate the fact we were able to resolve the problem with no fallout and ill feelings.;)

This years attendance will be challenging for all of us and we sincerely hope you guys can work out your range availability problem.

Good shooting.

lee or gordy

would the landowner let you guys put a raised road out to the targets in a way that you could shoot the matches even when it was flooded?and dont forget the mile target? :D tim in tx