Senile Member
Fair enough Jerry.. Good quality gear certainly makes life much easier i agree..
You obviously have many years in the trade and i'm sure this question has been asked many times before, but if you were to buy a new lathe for smithing work, with a $20K budget, what would it be? (genuine question)
WOW, the $20k opens up a lot of pages of items to buy.
First, do you intend the 20k for just a lathe, or, lathe and tooling, or, an reasonably equipped shop including a mill, et. al.?
Secondly, does your wife know about this (joke)?
The best choice for a gunsmithing, mainly, lathe is still the old standby that is STILL used by many of the top gunsmiths today, and that the "Great Gunsmith" Seeley Masker had THREE of, the American made South Bend Heavy 10. Seeley's son, Gerry, still has all three BTW. There were tens of thousands of them made, so even though they are out of business, parts are still available.
Several appear on eBay on a regular basis
You will find some most times on craigslist.
As to SBL H10 in acceptable condition, just like looking under the hood of a used car, you can tell. For a really great one expect to pay up to about $7,500. For one suitable for gunsmith work probably as low as $2,500. If one is offered by a machinery dealer, and it has been repainted, look it over really close.
As to the current crop of ChiCom offerings I don't know. Made in Japan. probably several.
When South Bend Lathe shut down, LeBlond/Makino had a sample made in Taiwan and offered it at about $22,000 but that deal fell through. A US company, Grizzly, offers several of the ChiCom machines that carry the South Bend name but I personally would not recommend any of the ones I've seen for what I would expect to be of toolmaker quality. This was in the mid-era of Turn Off America!! You must remember that our hero GW Bush's last 3 months in office the US was loosing 800,000 jobs/month. So much for "free trade" NAFTA,GATT, now TPP is being voted on.....
There are still some used Monarch 10EE's around but a Monarch factory rebuild will sell for about $85K or more and most of them have a spindle bore too small for barrel work.
The SBL H10 sold in its last days for about $18.5K. The other two top tool room quality lathes the 10EE and one other brand Hardinge sold in the $100k price range. Clausing MADE a suitable model but ICR the model numbers. The Monarch and the Hardinge were so expensive because a spindle bearing pac was about $19k in 1995 when I sent some to Monarch/Sidney for rebuilds.