Internal organs of a March scope?

Does anyone out there really know, just what exactly type of internal Nob adjustments a March scope has that is so much diff than a Leupold comp or a NF BR scope?
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not me, but YES.......there are at least 4 people who KNOW because they went over to Deon and sat with the designers.

Lou Murdica and Eric Stanton are two who come to mind. Lou has been posting here, perhaps he'll take the time :) Eric comes on occasionally. Another fellow who might know is Jackie Schmidt but he's off building a ratrod so's he prolly won't see this.....

Eric Stanton explained it to me one time and while I "got it" at the time I just don't know enough about scopes to give you an answer. He convinced me though, and as I understand it he was one of the guys who went to the source with Lou. They are radically different in design.

Sorry Gabe, I hope you get some answers from someone more informed than me. I'm just posting to let you know that the answer is out there, the main guy who got the thing off the ground is Lou Murdica and he's over on CB or COBO! writing about the new powder.

March Scope

One very important name is left out of Al's list of sources who are familiar with the March Scope internal design. That name is Turk Takano. Turk worked closely with the Japanese Manufacturers during the early prototype development stages before the scope got its name. The manufacturers stated objective was to purposely design a scope that would address
a nagging problem with scopes in competition shooting. That problem is, point of impact change. No other scope manufacturer that I am aware of has a similar stated objective.

Turk is the guy to talk to. It would help though, if you spoke Japanese. Just kidding.;)

The following Link is from Stewart Elliott's web site(Australia). There is a good description of the March Scope design in this article.

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At one time, there was a diagram, or cutaway somewhere on the internet. Last night, I looked for it, and could not find it. From what I remember, the design of the erector tube, and how it pivoted looked quite a bit different than other scopes that I have seen diagrams, cutaways, or X rays of.
There was a rumor floating around down here in Texas, that somebody got a peak inside a March Scope, when it was accidentally dropped by the owner. Alledgedly,the one piece tube(Body) burst open and exposed the internals. An expert peeked at the scopes internals and determined that the design was identical to some other Japanese designed scopes.????

I'm still trying to figure out how do you drop and break a one piece aluminum tube. Bend,yes, Break??????

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C'mon Glenn!!!




How many scopes have you seen "burst open" so "an expert" could peek inside?????

Plus, these badboys are EPOXIED TOGETHER, when you send one back to the factory they cut them open.
I would sure like to see an exploded view of the inside click adjustments of one of thees March scopes so i can convince myself that they really ar worth the extra Mula, yes they do have excellent glass,but i have found that Looking through one, and maybe its just me but i find it harder to get back on target with a march than with my Leupolds . The eye relief on my Leupolds i find easier to get back on track. Or maybe its just me as i do have 20-13 vision on my right eye.
Gabe, the glass is good, it's state-of-the art ED glass with good coating but that's not the heart of the thing. The HEART of it is repeatability.

Mechanically they're different.
As I recall the basic layout uses coil springs but the big difference is that there's about 1/2 the internal parts compared to a LCS.
C'mon Glenn!!!




How many scopes have you seen "burst open" so "an expert" could peek inside?????

Plus, these badboys are EPOXIED TOGETHER, when you send one back to the factory they cut them open.

C"mon AL ,I never said I believed the Story. I played around with one of the first March Prototype's. I'm quite familiar with the build quality.

I'm still trying to figure out how do you drop and break a one piece aluminum tube. Bend,yes, Break??????


There are way too many ridiculous rumors floating around about March scopes. I will tell you a story that is not a rumor. A good friend who has several , had his rifle completely knocked off the bench and the scope was bent so bad it was obviously totaled. He fully expected the warranty to not cover it but he sent it back anyway and they either rebuilt it or replaced it. Which I cannot say, since the tube which has the SN was obviously replaced. I believe he said it took a total of 16 days and cost him right around $100.00 mostly the shipping to Japan.
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Dick…I have/had several March scopes. Been a big fan since I looked thru the first prototype. I sent one back to Japan for repairs and reported my experience on this forum.

Contextual communication,on an internet forum, is a tricky thing. depending on who is looking. Sometimes rumors are not rumors at all,but just plain ole lies. Been that way as long as I can remember.


You are quite correct by inserting TURK TAKANOS name, a man that does not make any noise about what he does. I am sure he had the first one and used it in a match in TX. And, why wouldn't he? His input with his countymen was instrumental in building this scope. Lets put credit where it belongs...
Most do not know Turks capacity.
Turrets are definately different to most other scopes and use coil springs rather than usual gimble type, trouble is cant think whats really different.

Deon actually design scopes for other manufacturers.

They do use ED lenses which are lighter and purer than other glass but also use less of them.
Some of the parts used in the build are extraordinary, just for a quicky unscrew the battery cover off its a work of art.

Had 7 Marchs and sent one back twice each requiring an export licence taking a minimum of two weeks, same again in Japan. First one was 2 months no serial number change. Such is the understanding of whats required and cultural differences they should be perfect for the money.
Gabe, the glass is good, it's state-of-the art ED glass with good coating but that's not the heart of the thing. The HEART of it is repeatability.

Mechanically they're different.

Yes al repeatability. As a benchrest shooter, that is one of the things that is most important to me, not so much the cost of the scope, but knowing and felling confident that my scope will give me just that. Repeatability shot after shot, now my next dilemma is what power to get 40 or 50?
I will say this, i did own a March 50 power and it was the worst scope i ever owned. I double grouped and was terrible as far as clarity. It was sent back and the double grouping was cured but clarity was still bad. .....jim
I will say this, i did own a March 50 power and it was the worst scope i ever owned. I double grouped and was terrible as far as clarity. It was sent back and the double grouping was cured but clarity was still bad. .....jim

Never heard that before. Did somebody adjust it for you?
I prefer the 40X for short range BR.
Dear Mr. Lambert.
You must have seen posts like this:

I will say this, i did own a March 50 power and it was the worst scope i ever owned.
I double grouped and was terrible as far as clarity. It was sent back and the double
grouping was cured but clarity was still bad. .....jim

We have March scopes here in Iceland...and what?
It is just another overpriced scope doing nothing even the old Weaver 36 did not do
when it comes to holding POI!

Magnus Sigurdson
Different people

Never heard that before. Did somebody adjust it for you?
I prefer the 40X for short range BR.

About 18 months ago I was visiting a friend in a small town out in western Queensland in Australia. He was shooting F class and had a March 8x-80x fitted. He told me that the image wasn't sharp and had doubts about its ability to hold POI. He would never buy another. I decided to shoot some groups with it on my old trued and sleeved 40X PPC. The focus of the cross hairs had to be adjusted but the image looked sharo to me. I then shot three 5 shot groups measuring .192, .265 and .283 at 100 yards. The conditions were almost trigger pull. That is about as well as that barrel can do these days. He was amazed that I thought the image was sharp and even more amazed I was able to get those groups. I didn't solve his problem but did raise the question about different peoples perceptions.