Andy Cross
The reason we have no Vihtavouri power in Australia at the moment is there is only one powder delivery a year from Finland and Nioa missed the boat...First Fleet was Nioa's transport company that delivered powders to us in New South Wales...Our shop had its last ADI powder delivery about 3 weeks ago from an other supplier in Victoria who now is no longer an ADI supplier now that Winchester has been given the ADI distributorship...There will be no more powder shipped to NSW until Winchester have jump through all WorKcovers hoops to get a license to transport powder into NSW.
Nioa didn't really miss the boat because at the moment there isn't a boat to miss. Since first fleet went out of business there isn't a hazardous materials shipper sailing from Europe that is licenced to enter Australian waters. Check the merchant shipping register. But the procedure is in progress.
The WW licencing has to be done for each state not just NSW. But as they already have the necessary Federal compliance documentation for such materials the process should only take a few months. When the VV powders eventually arrive they will probably come from the Belgum plant who do have the necessary set up to make the N series powders.