Interesting bumper sticker

do you know the juries do not reach verdicts...
the INFORMATION THEY ARE allowed to see censors thier precption of the events.

GEE you would'nt be a lawyer would you ??

No, I don't know that "juries do not reach verdicts"; however, I live in the USA. Furthermore, I'm willing to give judges the benefit of the doubt as to fairness in deciding what juries are allowed to see/hear.

"GEE you would'nt be a [civics teacher] would you ??"
Getting back to the original thread Bumper stickers
That one is a pip'' It would give some people something to think about. Getting rid of at least some rotten apples would be some kind of a start.
FRom PErsonal experience,,, even if lawyers and law suits were out of the picture health care is still not affordable.
Dr.'s (not all) want money. Nurses make $20 an hour plus all the other employees that it takes to make a hospital run.
Then the hospital. $10-$20+ for a tylenol, $12 for a box of kleenex?
I dont want Obama care. However after being involved in the medical scene for 15 years, even during Hillary care, that most seem to have forgotten about, the Dr.s, nurses and hospitals and all connected are not about to concede in making less money. They have strong lobbies to make sure they dont.
ON the other hand without Lawyers some, only some, Dr.s would run rough shod over patients.

Ill give you just 2 (of many) examples.
Dr. has a patient who has lung cancer in 1 lung. Brings surgeon in to remove lung. Surgeon removes wrong lung. Now you have a patient who has only 1 bad lung.

Labor and delivery... woman comes in, in labor. Dr. comes in and chooses to do a c-section. When the nurse questions his choice since the woman has not been in labor very long he stated "I am about to go on vacation and I need to get this over with so I can leave. My family is waiting on me."

I think there are way to many frivolous law suits, like the McDonald's coffee thing but without the legitimate ones we would be in a world of sh.....
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I can't comment for a while - too biased. I was sick for a week and watched 5 seasons of Ally McBeal on my ROKU box.
Wilbur LOL'
Yes Vern your right . I guess al of us have a horror story or two about health care.
Speaking of bumper stickers, for years I have threatened to have one printed, that summarizes my view of the complexities of how we are governed. It would simply say,"We have the best government that money can buy." Do you think that I would sell any?
WE the unwilling
Lead by the UNKNOWING
have done so much
for so long
with so little
we now attempt the impossible

Thats what our future holds if the current rate of spending keeps on.
I think there are way to many frivolous law suits, like the McDonald's coffee thing but without the legitimate ones we would be in a world of sh.....
You might want to look up the full story behind that McDonald's coffee suit.

Everyone knows that if you spill hot coffee on yourself you're going to hurt yourself. Additionally, every company that sells a bazillion cups of coffee knows that some of their customers are going to spill it. McDonald's, by established procedure, kept their coffee so much hotter than necessary that it caused far worse injuries than would have otherwise happened.

Here's the key point: McDonald's had been sued about (according to McDonald's own files) 700 times previously over this same issue and had already paid out over $500,000 to settle those claims. McDonald's knew they kept their coffee so hot that any spill would cause severe skin damage almost instantly. McDonald's had known for a long time that they needed to turn down the temperature of their coffee because people were being injured.

McDonald's didn't do that. If they had, they would have been admitting they were wrong and they felt they would be opening themselves up to more lawsuits. Their risk analysis told them that it was probably cheaper to keep paying off small lawsuits rather than take action to prevent injuries that they knew, statistically, were going to happen. They kept their coffee way above too-hot as a way of demonstrating they weren't really wrong.

Then it finally happened that someone had a really bad spill and was *severely* injured. In the court's view, McDonald's could not have reasonably been unaware that such a thing would happen. So when the big spill, the big injury, and the big lawsuit finally happened, the court decided that McDonald's had already been given far too many chances and warnings in the past and dropped the hammer on them. 700 strikes and you're out; McDonald's absolutely deserved the ruling.

McDonald's, of course, turned up the PR machine to paint the incident as frivolous. It most assuredly wasn't.

Good analyses can be found in lots of places (there was even a documentary movie about it) but for an explanation that's not too long and wordy, try:
I, like most people, am leary of lawyers and the supposed damage they do. However, if we did not have lawyers how much shoddy and dangerous products would we get subjected to? We have to have lawyers to keep business from taking advantage of people without the muscle to do anything about it.
Yesterday was a great win for America!:D

I'll second that. We won it all but lost a Senator from my hometown. The guy that lost was a retired cop, and the one who beat him, was beat the last time around himself. He's been teaching at a local school here. This person refused to serve his country when called upon and went to canada. Yup..he lives here after being given a "full pardon" by our then president.
Some years ago when he ran for office, I called him about this episode. As I recall, I told him Elvis Presly went when he was called.......and that he wasn't given a pardon by the people who served.
listen to what you just said......

i'm so entrenched in the socialist /demo lifestyle, that i CANNOT THINK AND ACT FOR MYSELF.
I need lawyers to protect me from myself, i cannot look at poor workmanship/design and decide to NOT USE THE PRODUCT.


I, like most people, am leary of lawyers and the supposed damage they do. However, if we did not have lawyers how much shoddy and dangerous products would we get subjected to? We have to have lawyers to keep business from taking advantage of people without the muscle to do anything about it.
not around here.....
mike in co
FRom PErsonal experience,,, even if lawyers and law suits were out of the picture health care is still not affordable.
Dr.'s (not all) want money. Nurses make $20 an hour plus all the other employees that it takes to make a hospital run.
Then the hospital. $10-$20+ for a tylenol, $12 for a box of kleenex?
I dont want Obama care. However after being involved in the medical scene for 15 years, even during Hillary care, that most seem to have forgotten about, the Dr.s, nurses and hospitals and all connected are not about to concede in making less money. They have strong lobbies to make sure they dont.
ON the other hand without Lawyers some, only some, Dr.s would run rough shod over patients.

Ill give you just 2 (of many) examples.
Dr. has a patient who has lung cancer in 1 lung. Brings surgeon in to remove lung. Surgeon removes wrong lung. Now you have a patient who has only 1 bad lung.

Labor and delivery... woman comes in, in labor. Dr. comes in and chooses to do a c-section. When the nurse questions his choice since the woman has not been in labor very long he stated "I am about to go on vacation and I need to get this over with so I can leave. My family is waiting on me."

I think there are way to many frivolous law suits, like the McDonald's coffee thing but without the legitimate ones we would be in a world of sh.....
nurses get paid good money for several reasons.
one only a small percentage of nurses work 5 days a week/ 8hrs a day....
most work some sort of a shift..typically 12 hrs...3 to 4 a week
they HAVE YOU LIFE IN THIER HANDS...the doctors do not spent the same amount of time with the paticent as the nurses.
( do you honestly think union auto workers should get paid more than the nurse keeping you alive....???)
......form my own small survey...i have dated a bunch of nurses
they are democartes..i met one repub.
they are "people" persons..they actually care
( and no i have no idea why they hang with me....they like fixing the broken ones ???)

changing subjects, i have nothing wrong with hospitals making money....i do have an issue with the ins co make excess profits, the hospital making exceaa profits and "doctor" corporations making excess.
how about we make hospitals PUC controlled...a profit yes, a windfall every
another case of public service....not a gold mine.

FRom PErsonal experience,,, even if lawyers and law suits were out of the picture health care is still not affordable.
Dr.'s (not all) want money. Nurses make $20 an hour plus all the other employees that it takes to make a hospital run.
Then the hospital. $10-$20+ for a tylenol, $12 for a box of kleenex?
I dont want Obama care. However after being involved in the medical scene for 15 years, even during Hillary care, that most seem to have forgotten about, the Dr.s, nurses and hospitals and all connected are not about to concede in making less money. They have strong lobbies to make sure they dont.
ON the other hand without Lawyers some, only some, Dr.s would run rough shod over patients.

Ill give you just 2 (of many) examples.
Dr. has a patient who has lung cancer in 1 lung. Brings surgeon in to remove lung. Surgeon removes wrong lung. Now you have a patient who has only 1 bad lung.

Labor and delivery... woman comes in, in labor. Dr. comes in and chooses to do a c-section. When the nurse questions his choice since the woman has not been in labor very long he stated "I am about to go on vacation and I need to get this over with so I can leave. My family is waiting on me."

I think there are way to many frivolous law suits, like the McDonald's coffee thing but without the legitimate ones we would be in a world of sh.....
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changing subjects, i have nothing wrong with hospitals making money....i do have an issue with the ins co make excess profits, the hospital making exceaa profits and "doctor" corporations making excess.

Another good thing about this country (BO-care notwithstanding) is that you don't have to buy health insurance, or go to a hospital or a doctor; nor do you have to hire a lawyer
Jerry, stay away from those bumper stickers, you even managed to get Wilbur into the fray. ;)

I'll second that. We won it all but lost a Senator from my hometown. The guy that lost was a retired cop, and the one who beat him, was beat the last time around himself. He's been teaching at a local school here. This person refused to serve his country when called upon and went to canada. Yup..he lives here after being given a "full pardon" by our then president.
Some years ago when he ran for office, I called him about this episode. As I recall, I told him Elvis Presly went when he was called.......and that he wasn't given a pardon by the people who served.

I disagreed at the time and still do somewhat but am confident that my Mother had it right. I was raising unmitigated hell about how they pardoned those guys that skipped off to Canada while I skipped off to sunny Vietnam. My Mother looked me fiercly in the eyes and said "They just did what their Mommas told them to do...unlike yourself who for some reason bought into the whole thing hook line and sinker."
in 63 years i have not hired a single lawyer...i'm not in jail, i have not succumed to death by inferior products, have visted people in hospitals but have not stayed there. i do not have health insurance...a) because i cannot afford it, and B) i took care of the country for 11 plus years and now the VA occassionaly takes care of me...eventually. i have paid money into medicare since day one and there may or may not be any benefits available in another couple of years.
all without a lawyer.....
not so sure about thet"you dont have to buy health ins" line with obamacare....

you have a good day

Another good thing about this country (BO-care notwithstanding) is that you don't have to buy health insurance, or go to a hospital or a doctor; nor do you have to hire a lawyer
Mike in Co.
Why on earth would you think I am entrenched in the socialist/demo lifestyle. It is totally against anything I have done in my life. I came from some of the poorest most uneducated parents anyone ever had, today I owe no one anything and have amassed enough to live comfortably.
I am appalled at what simple things people will sue for, such as embarassment, but there are people that will take advantage of other people and since a damn good beating is illegal then a lawyer has to be used.