Interesting bumper sticker


Senile Member
An SUV parked beside me when I came out from eating lunch today read;

SAVE the Constitution
SAVE the Country
DON'T Reelect anybody

Great Idea!!
its what i have been saying for some time.
the only way to actually change anything is to begin with a new set of bodies....
no lawyers, no professional politicians

by the way there are lots of groups out there that propose...reelect no one.....term limits and such..but too many small goups...

if you happen to find a source for the sticker let us know

mike in co
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ok just an opinon...
lawyers are a problem.
they produce nothing
and they complicate life....

the problem with medical care is ins companies and lawyers.....

remove lawyer and ins companies from the equation and you could AFFORD medical care.

maybe just remove the lawyers and you could afford med ins...

( 90+% of our elected officals are lawyers.
in school they are TAUGHT, it is not about justice nor right or wrong..but what you can prove or disprove to a point of questionable)

mike in co
ok just an opinon...
lawyers ... produce nothing
and they complicate life....

( 90+% of our elected officals are lawyers.
in school they are TAUGHT, it is not about justice nor right or wrong..but what you can prove or disprove to a point of questionable)

One of the great things about our country is you're entitled to have an incorrect opinion. :D
tell me one product they produce ???
what item do the manufacture that adds to the gnp ??
mike in co
One of the great things about our country is you're entitled to have an incorrect opinion. :D
Mike in co, you don't even have a clue as to how much sh!t comes out of you mouth do you? Everytime you open it you show more ignorance.
Yesterday was a great win for America!:D

I tend to agree. I'll qualify this post of mine with this info:

1) My Dad was the President of the teachers union in an area just south of Chicago, back in the day. In Illinois in particular.... there had been a long, long history of a "Democratic political machine" controlling both the state government and the city of Chicago, big time. Bordering on total corruption... the kind you hear about over in the national landscape of Russian politics. So, back then, the teachers needed a strong union, to get a decent salary/benefit package, in the state of Illinois.

2) Years later, after Dad was retired.... he told us that the unions like Teamsters and the Brotherhood of Auto Workers.... had gained TOO MUCH power, and were now out of control. This coming from a man who had negotiaited 3 major and impressive contacts for teachers.

We have to 'evolve' our ideals and tactics, as the government attempts to take more and more control of our lives. But not all elected officials are trying to restrain our freedoms. SOME, actually love this great nation, and are only trying to save her, and maintain our "greatness" in the world. They have an uphill battle.... as the long established and embedded various legistalors fight tooth and nail to see that our freedoms are restrained.

But I believe, as I'm sure many of you do, that our very survival as a nation and world power.... must be accoplished with equal doses of "protecting our freedoms" and "fiscal responsibility". IMHO, yesterday's re-call election in Wisconsin, was in fact a WIN for patriots with like thinking.

PLEASE, take a single minute, and read this article in my link, below. It is quite well written and insightful.... and I was very surpresed at what I read, considering the news source that published it on-line.
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actually i have some idea of what i say....
go back 40 years before lawyers sued private family doctors out of business.
go look how ins co's skinned individual doctors....the only protection was in a business with other doctors where the ins could be split...
no, a lawyer has never screwed me over personally but congress is full of them....and look where that has got us....
its not personal, its about OUR COUNTRY going down the tubes.
close your eyes and play the two party game till you have nothing left to lose.
(over 50% of the senate, close to 40% of the house......)
mike in co
Mike in co, you don't even have a clue as to how much sh!t comes out of you mouth do you? Everytime you open it you show more ignorance.
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its what i have been saying for some time.
the only way to actually change anything is to begin with a new set of bodies....
no lawyers, no professional politicians

by the way there are lots of groups out there that propose...reelect no one.....term limits and such..but too many small goups...

if you happen to find a source for the sticker let us know

mike in co

Mike you do that. And we are down to only 1 party. All the Defeatocrats are Lawyers.
And of all the MAJOR names in the Defeatocrat party. None of them have ever run a business.
There maybe an exception. But, none that I could vote for. And I have lived on 2 separate states.
Our Constitution was written by lawyers. It is supposed to be interpreted by the Supreme Court Justices that are appointed by the President. Sadly not everyone agrees with the Constitution as written. Publius warned of this in the Federalist papers.

Judicial abuse is contemptuous but the Rule Of Law is what defines our culture.

For a good article defining what is happening to our Country read; "Socialism And Democracy" an essay written by Woodrow Wilson in 1887. Remember that Wilson , Dewey, Both Teddy and FDR and many of the movers and shakers of our government were educated at least in part in Europe and schooled in European Socialism. They were well educated bright men that thoroughly dissagreed with our Representative Republic defined in our Constitution.

Nothing can be accomplished in Law without the approval of the People. Our votes really do make a huge difference in the direction the Country is headed. Being self sufficient really is hard when the alternative is to trust government to provide for us. It is what the Federalist papers warned against.

Joe Henderson
do you know the juries do not reach verdicts...
the INFORMATION THEY ARE allowed to see censors thier precption of the events.

GEE you would'nt be a lawyer would you ??

You do know that lawyers don't reach verdicts?
CANADA AND SEVERAL OTHER COUNTRIES USE MULTIPLE PARTY SYSTEMS FORCING COOPERATION TO GET ANYTHING DONE. unlike what we have, no cooperation and nothing productive gets done...i dont consider spending more money productive.

Mike you do that. And we are down to only 1 party. All the Defeatocrats are Lawyers.
And of all the MAJOR names in the Defeatocrat party. None of them have ever run a business.
There maybe an exception. But, none that I could vote for. And I have lived on 2 separate states.
do you know the juries do not reach verdicts...
the INFORMATION THEY ARE allowed to see censors thier precption of the events.

GEE you would'nt be a lawyer would you ??

Spell Check????
Sounds like a great idea!! The Wisconsin election let us know the "SMART" population has seen enough of the union thugs and the socialist agenda of this administration. Looks like Osama's days are numbered.....GO TEA PARTY!!!