Interchangeability of Remington HS Stocks??


New member
If I remove the .270 action from out of my Remington HS Sendero stock, would I be able to fit a Remington 7mmMag or Remington 300WinMag action right back into that stock?

Some how, I think the 7mm and 300Win actions are beefier and will not fit into a regular Remington long action HS Sendero stock, but I wanted to check with you guys first before I buy anything.
They should fit just fine. I believe the only difference in the actions is going to be the bolt.

The body of the action is the same. In fact, the only real difference in the actions is the bolt face counterbore on the Magnum Chamberings is larger in diameter.

Even the action body for the big super boomer Ultra Mags is the same.

The accepted method with the HS Stocks, (the ones with the full length bedding block), is to 'skim bed" the action. The reason?? Not all actions, and bedding blocks, are a good match.

Rough up the aluminum bedding with some course sandpaper. Make sure it is clean, with a capitol "C".

Smear a thin coat of JB Weld or Devcon on the blocks surface. Put a release agent of your choice on the action, (I use nuetral Kiwi Show Wax), and on the action screws. Place the action in the block and install the screws just barley snug. Very lightly tighten the rear screw just untill the tang seats. Take a look to be sure everything is straight, and let the Devcon set.

After it sets for at least 8 hours, pop the action out. You should have a perfect bed. Clean the action of any bedding that might have stuck, and sand away any spill over. You should now have a perfect bedding job, ready to tighten your new action in........jackie
Thank you gentlemen for the help. Jackie, I especially appreciate the tip about "skimming" an HS bed.
Maybe I asked the question wrong. Maybe I should not have asked if the action would fit.... but maybe instead I should have asked if the factory Remington 7mmMag or 300Win Mag barreled action will fit?

Here are two different Ebay links about "Magnum" Remington stocks being offered. The sellers are trying to indicate some kind of difference, which I want to make sure I understand:|66:3|65:12|39:1|240:1318|301:0|293:3|294:100

I am under the distinct impression, that if I tried to put a Remington factory 7mmMag barreled action in my HS 270 regular stock, it will not fit. Something doesn't jive. Is it then the complete barreled action being the difference is?
Rem 700's come in two action lengths only, long and short. The long actions are for the .270, 30-06, and any of the magnums you've mentioned. Bolts and action thickness are all the same except the bolt face.

There may be a difference in the barrel if it's a sporter or varmint contour though. Check to make sure your stock will fit that or it needs to be opened up. Some HS stocks cannot be opened up to a varmint contour or heavy barrel.

Think I'll call HS Monday and see if they can tell me why some Ebay sellers make it be known that their stocks are for a magnum cartridge or not.

I'll hold off selling my 270 barreled action from out of my HS stock, until I'm sure that a replacement 7mmMag barreled action will just drop right in.
doubting Thomas eh?


Think I'll call HS Monday and see if they can tell me why some Ebay sellers make it be known that their stocks are for a magnum cartridge or not.

I'll hold off selling my 270 barreled action from out of my HS stock, until I'm sure that a replacement 7mmMag barreled action will just drop right in.

The eBay sellers are hardly a credible source. Remington 700 actions are made in TWO configurations, just as the other poster said!!!!

Long, and short.

If your barrel is a much heavier contour, then maybe you'll need to open up the barrel channel. That's the only difference. Barrel contour from one barreled action to another. It's not about the action, it's about the barrel diameter.

I made the mistake of asking if I can swap out one rifle action for another, when what I really meant to ask is if I can drop a Remington Magnum barreled action into a Remington HS stock that is NOT a Magnum barreled action stock. THEY ARE DIFFERENT.

The two HS stocks are made to different dimensions, due to a thicker factory barrel, and IT WILL NOT FIT without minor modification. There is a reason why just about all the sellers on Ebay who sell stocks on a regular basis will purposely mention "magnum". The reason is, because the Magnum calibers are 30,000th's larger barrels at the recoil lug area.

I really needed to open this thread inquiring about the dimensional swap-out fit of the two different Remington LA barreled actions. Thanks:)
Like you said Remington does make two different long action stocks, one for regular and one for magnum. I think it's the relief for the barrel contour that's the only difference in the two. I remember trying a takeoff from a standard on a magnum and discovering it didn't fit.
H-S, Ebay and Bell and Carlson

Most of the stocks sold on Ebay as H-S Precision are actually Bell and Carlson.
It is hard to tell the difference so most people advertise a H-S stock because it will bring more money.
I live six miles from the Bell and Carlson factory so I can take one to them if I am not sure.
Like you said Remington does make two different long action stocks, one for regular and one for magnum. I think it's the relief for the barrel contour that's the only difference in the two. I remember trying a takeoff from a standard on a magnum and discovering it didn't fit.


I have learned in the last two days of researching this question, that I will simply need to open my .270 LA HS stock a little bit to fit the larger 7mmMag barrel contour. This is where I'll apply Jackie's "skim-bed" tip with any recesses that I must make.

As far as Ebay goes; a little bit of caution and common sense goes a long way. I've bought and sold some really good gun stuff there.
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The body of the action is the same. In fact, the only real difference in the actions is the bolt face counterbore on the Magnum Chamberings is larger in diameter.

Even the action body for the big super boomer Ultra Mags is the same.

The accepted method with the HS Stocks, (the ones with the full length bedding block), is to 'skim bed" the action. The reason?? Not all actions, and bedding blocks, are a good match.

Rough up the aluminum bedding with some course sandpaper. Make sure it is clean, with a capitol "C".

Smear a thin coat of JB Weld or Devcon on the blocks surface. Put a release agent of your choice on the action, (I use nuetral Kiwi Show Wax), and on the action screws. Place the action in the block and install the screws just barley snug. Very lightly tighten the rear screw just untill the tang seats. Take a look to be sure everything is straight, and let the Devcon set.

After it sets for at least 8 hours, pop the action out. You should have a perfect bed. Clean the action of any bedding that might have stuck, and sand away any spill over. You should now have a perfect bedding job, ready to tighten your new action in........jackie

I have more questions. What is the grit of the sandpaper you use? Is it 80 to 100 grit? Then clean it with Acetone? Do you spread the JB Weld on the bedding block under the tang also?
Interchangibility of Remingtom HS Stocks

Quote "If I remove the .270 action from out of my Remington HS Sendero stock, would I be able to fit a Remington 7mmMag or Remington 300WinMag action right back into that stock?"

Most of the answers to your first question overlooked the fact that you specified a SENDERO stock. Remington only makes one Sendero / Varminter barrel profile, so if your new action is in fact a Sendero, you probably won't need to do a thing to your stock Barrel channel. If you get a magnum sporter barreled action, you will have enough barrel clearance to throw a cat through.

As to skim bedding the aluminum bedding block: It doesn't matter if you use 80 or 100 grit sandpaper, it is just to rough up the aluminum and remove oxidation so the bedding material can bond. You can put bedding compound on the surface of the recoil lug mortise that contacts the back of the recoil lug, and it is a good idea to mask the front, bottom, and sides of the lug. This is to make it easy to remove the action from the stock without damaging the bedding. I don't bother to bed the tang area, but some do. After you place the action in the stock and lightly snug the front action screw, use Cotton swabs and paper towells to remove any epoxy that squeezes out along the sides of the action. Also make sure to "Dam up" the front of the magazine well to keep epoxy from running down onto your floorplate.
It's really simpler than it sounds.

Scott Roeder