Insights on wind reading



It occured to me that all you guys down south lack the opportunity for education that we have available to us. This revalation came to me this morning. Picture the scene, 6-8" of new powder snow, temperature about 10-15 degrees F., wind 20 mph gusting to something higher. Now enter me, with a snowblower. We all know that obstacles will create swirling winds. To really appreciate same, you need to get that light snow blown back in your face. Always snowblow with the wind at your back. Works until you get to the house or barn, doesn't matter. House on north end, barn on south end, west wind. Doesn't matter which way you're going the swirl will get you. Hell, even the basket ball board will get you and it's 10' off the ground. West wind at my back, snowblowing east, blower throws snow up and it comes back in your face. Wouldn't think a backboard would create a swirl so defined would you?

Rimfire lessons learned:
1. Watch out for any obtacles that may create unnatural swirls.
2. Don't shoot a serious match when it's 10 degrees over 8" of new snow with the wind blowing.

Happy New Year to all.

Ken Henderson

The closest that we can come to those conditions, is when the fan is blowing directly into our face over the top of our iced tea glass, causing our shooting glasses to fog up on occasion... :D :D :D

It was 78* here today..

Good shooting and "HAPPY NEW YEAR"

While out snowblowing the wind directions blowing this way and that way.Look for the predominate indicators (Snow Snakes) in the deep snow,Best seen when temp in the teens or lower When the snow has good crunch ,crackling noise to it when walking in it .I watch the snakes and the direction the snow flys or drifts to Keep your head high and watch ( Happy New Year)
Hey Ken,
You must have got out while it was still daylight to be blowing snow while it was still 10-15 degrees out. I got home after dark tonight. Temp was 8 degrees, wind was probably 20+mph off the 60 acre cornfield next door. My new snowblower doesn't have a cab....YET!:eek: Kathy wants to move South....the older I get, the better that sounds!
Happy New Year to you and Cherie! And to everyone else, as well!
Windy........... and snow snakes too...huh?

Ken and everyone here..........HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Brrrrrrrrrrr your weather report is making me colder,it actually has warmed up here the last few days.It had been down to -9 to -12 a couple nights.Now we have had a couple of nearly 60 deg. days! Supposedly tomorrow will be 50. I'm sure though that the cold will be right back soon. Anyway i hope we all have a Super 09!
Well I did hear that AFTER I moved south, they started selling snow blowers.... :D You should have been around when it was shovel time!!

But, just to keep up, I'll be out tomorrow morning at 7 when it is supposed to be below 40 (not 40 below) with 7-10 mph wind from the north. :eek:

You are welcome to join us this Saturday for our 1st ARA of 2009. But, you might not be comfortable at 50 degrees and 5-10mph

Come on down (still can't say y'all right)

You guys are really cruel.

It's 95-100 here lately. I had a shower half an hour ago & only needed to use the cold water tap - it's been hot that long!
Well I did hear that AFTER I moved south, they started selling snow blowers.... :D You should have been around when it was shovel time!!


I WAS around when it was shovel time. That's exactly why I have a snowblower now! Still haven't figured out a good way to get it on the roof though.


Being retired now makes it much more conveient. I don't HAVE to go out. Normally I wait for it to warm up to at least +10 degrees. Just more comforting to know that it's at least double digits out.;)

I got to tell you, I miss the snow. I don't miss fighting through it to go to/from work but, otherwise, I miss it. I thought I'd never get cold again after 2 winters in Grand Forks North Dakota but, time takes care of that and even though I'm in Florida, I froze this morning in 38 degree weather with 10+ mph wind. Gun didn't want to function right. Had to eject immediately or the wax hardened on end of empty case. Shooting with a friend and he had same difficulties with gun. But, I still miss the snow cuz cold without snow is worse.

Happy New Year and hope it warms some for you,

hey TT
You need to come down to Texas this spring and show "us people" how to shoot good. We will introduce a Mr. Wind that seems to like us when we shoot. No snow in central Texas. OBTW it is not as cold either.

I'ld like to come shoot with you guys sometime. Wouldn't even miss the snow. Haven't been to Texas since I was stationed at Fort Hood 40 years ago.

The "welcome mat" is always out to you.
OBTW we are planning to shoot 5050 unlimited down here later this spring. No schedules as of yet. it to cold to think about it-ha.
Bill M. got down here and shot with us one Sunday last year.
have a great New Year
There is an alternative to that snow-blower, Ken. It's called a U-Haul truck. You load all your stuff in it & point it South!
Hi Ken,
You don't have to wait till the spring to go to Texas.We shot a IR 50/50 match today at Gateway(Jacksonville,FL).Weather was terrible for this time of year.Cloudy all day and the temp barely reached 70 degrees.We also had a nasty intermittant wind out of the southwest that blew at least 3 MPH. If any of you guys want to shoot at our February match(1st Saturday) we'll try to improve on the weather.
I got to tell you, I miss the snow. I don't miss fighting through it to go to/from work but, otherwise, I miss it. I thought I'd never get cold again after 2 winters in Grand Forks North Dakota but, time takes care of that and even though I'm in Florida, I froze this morning in 38 degree weather with 10+ mph wind. Gun didn't want to function right. Had to eject immediately or the wax hardened on end of empty case. Shooting with a friend and he had same difficulties with gun. But, I still miss the snow cuz cold without snow is worse.

Happy New Year and hope it warms some for you,


I was born and raised about 30 miles west of Grand Forks, then lived there for 12 years, its got be about the coldest town in the lower 48 or at least it feels that way, moved 200 miles west and can hardly believe the difference

Thanks for the invite. Hope the weather improves for you next month. We usually wait for April to shoot in Jacksonville. That way we can take advantage of those 50 degree days, the rain and those 25-30 mph winds that swirl so nicely.

Yeah, the weather has been pretty harsh in North Dakota. Only had a couple days with the highs in the teens in the last few weeks. Most highs have been below zero with some of the lows around -30F lately. And the wind has been blowing over 10mph daily. Not to mention the the 35" of snow we had in Dec. alone. Not exactly the best conditions to get out and do some shooting.:(

Your weather is colder that what we have had. Only a couple days below zero, several days with highs in the teens. Then again it's only one week into January. Long range forcast is cold. A friend a couple miles down the road keeps track of then snowfall. So far he has recorded 120". That was a couple days ago before the latest storm. That is more than we usually see before the first of the year.
