Innernet information!


oft dis'd member
I want to take this opportunity to thank Wilbur and Elmer and the folks on this shooting board.

The internet has turned the entire world into a huge multi-roomed building full of people...... pick a subject, pick a topic, develop an interest, find a new hobby or explore new areas or heights/depths of your lifelong hobby and you can walk in and set down with "like-minded people" from all walks of life.

But the rooms are the same as it ever was....full of regular people.

You can get the WORST information in the world

You can get the BEST information in the world

I've been hanging around in this particular room for over 20yrs and I'm honored to have shared the room with some of the greatest minds on the planet.

GOOD information... BEST information, at a time in our great country when "information" in and of itself may well be the death of us. The term coined in the 70's was "futureshock" when it was first recognized that a surfeit of information will always lead to a surfeit of "experts" because when everyone can be heard, they will be.

I have been in a lot of rooms, have went the night-round and watched the sun come up with a lot of people....

Other than my own family, this has been my favorite....


For True

You just have to separate the wheat from the chaff....



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Agree I have learned allot of valuable information from some of the good folks on this site. Their willingness to share has truly become a real blessing unto myself.
agree i have learned allot of valuable information from some of the good folks on this site. Their willingness to share has truly become a real blessing unto myself.
its great to be able to learn from your friends after 85 yrs when you have tied down on the farm

Not oblong toilets. Elongated bowl that is the trade name. And its not for bad aim. its for a comfortable fit of the family jewels. Boss is a jerk. Friday is pay day. Don't lick your fingers. DO DO runs down hill. All you need to know
Not oblong toilets. Elongated bowl that is the trade name. And its not for bad aim. its for a comfortable fit of the family jewels. Boss is a jerk. Friday is pay day. Don't lick your fingers. DO DO runs down hill. All you need to know
Lol! ......And tall, for us long legged ones to get up easier.:cool: