Information on Trophy brand rifle action


Active member
A fellow shooter just acquired a nice 6PPC rifle with a "Trophy" branded action. It looks like a HALL M clone or darn close to it. Any information on the company that made it would be appreciated. Thanks --Greg
Greg, a couple local shooters bought several used Trophys from a deceased shooters estate. A couple bolt handles have fallen off, and I haven't seen one rifle perform well. They certainly look like a Hall clone, but looks don't make it shoot.
Wayne, thanks for the info. FYI its in a dark blue stock with what looks like an air brushed eagles head on the right side of the butt stock. I hope this shooters purchase isn't one of the ones you mentioned! --Greg
There was a clone of a Hall M action made under the name Searcy. I think they were made in Cal. Could be the same outfit calling the action model "Trophy". Possibly made in the late '90's to early 2000's.
Hope I'm halfway accurate here!
Steve Kostanich
There was a clone of a Hall M action made under the name Searcy. I think they were made in Cal. Could be the same outfit calling the action model "Trophy". Possibly made in the late '90's to early 2000's.
Hope I'm halfway accurate here!
Steve Kostanich
Thanks Steve.
The trophy actions were made by Bart Weider from Bath Pa. I would say late 80's era, very few were made....I think only one run total..