Info. on 6 X 47 Lapua

chino69, gun of the weeks. Recent rifles with a comparison of both of these wildcats.

My take on LR competition (F class) is always to reduce wind drift as much as possible with the lowest level of heat and recoil.

The 6.5 X47 is a very accurate cartridge for the 123gr bullets. Not big enough capacity for the 139/142gr bullets in my opinion.

6X47L is similar in case capacity to the 6XC/similar wildcats. Works really well with 105/115/117gr bullets. I feel this case volume is ideal for the heavy 6mm bullets.

Between the two, the 6X47 is best for its cal so would give better LR performance. The 6.5X47 is a bit small as a 6.5.

Now if you compared the 6X47L vs the 260AI, that would be interesting.

All are equally accurate....
Jerry, again......

"All are equally accurate...."

I realize that you believe this but please don't spout it as fact. I've spent many thousands of dollars trying to prove that "inherent accuracy" is a fallacy. MANY chamberings and MANY barrels/rifles...................And I was WRONG!

"Inherent accuracy" is NOT a myth. And once one understands the parameters it's easy to see why.

Getting your information from "Quickload" or whatever does NOT address accuracy.

alinwa, my thousands of dollars and 12 years of real world testing and wildcatting teaches me a different set of conclusions.

Don't assume my results come from a keyboard or computer simulations. They most certainly don't!

So let's not assume my info/results is less valid then yours. You post what you feel is right. I will post what I feel is right. Our views may's all good.

For your information, never used Quickload.

And YES, I do stand by my statement based on my experiences that the discussed cartridges are EQUALLY accurate or can be made so.

Ideal cartridges/combinations for a particular task/sport not withstanding.

So Jerry,

You've actually USED the 6.5X47 case and the 6BR case and the .220Russian case before??? And you've found them to be "equally accurate" to things like .260's and .308's and .243's and 6XC's and 22-250's?

In your EXPERIENCE a 6.5X47 is "equally accurate" to say a 6.5X.284?

Or a 6XC is "equally accurate" to a 6X47 or a 6BR or a DAsher?

If so, then I stand humbly corrected...................

Ohh, and BTW, it's not "all good". By your reasoning some poor fellow could be led to spend his hard-earned dollar on a .243 or a .260Rem instead of a 6X47 or a 6BR or a 6PPC because "that way he's be more versatile" and "they're all equally accurate anyway".............or are you somehow separating the 6.5X47 case from the Benchrest brass mix, from experience? Or have you "experienced" benchrest accuracy with some of your previously mentoned chamberings?

Or are you now flat stating that your "Mystic" cartridge is as inherently accurate as say a 6BR?

alinwa, I sense that no matter what I state, you will not believe me so I will only say this.

I have wildcatted many cartridges in many cals. I have built over 28 rifles using a variety of components. All to test various theories and ideas. I have shot thousands of rds of ammo at various distances as far as 1800m (1950yds). I use this experience to make my statements.

You believe what you want to believe of my experiences. I certainly don't have the interest to question yours.

You can also refer to those more worthy then I. If you do a bit of snooping, there has been lots of experimentation in various chamber styles and shapes and cals. Their results mimic mine. Maybe we all did it wrong.

I bet the next post you want is for me to post all these names, all the references, post all the data. Again, you don't believe me so that's fine.

As for my 6.5 mystic, it shoots well. How well? As I have written for Gun of the Week #75 - barrel one shoots in the 1's and 2's at 200yds with the occasional group in the 0's. Barrel two shoots more in the 2's with a few in the 3's and occasionally in the 1's.

Same everything except the barrel. Is that accurate enough to equal other cartrides and cals?

Which is more important - cartridge or barrel?

If you looked at 20 6PPC BR rifles, do they all shoot equally well? I bet they don't but there is a desired level of acceptable performance. Some just lean more to the low end of the scale.

With todays understanding of chamber design and powders, a 6BR through to a 243 can be equally accurate. It has already been proven by others much more experienced then I.

As I remember the experiment, a known gunsmith took a quality BR grade barrel/rifle and started with a 6BR. Shot it for average group then continued to run the reamer in deeper till he reached the 243 length. The accuracy level didn't change but the velocity sure did. Was this one experiment a fluke, a hoax?

YMMV, 'nuff said.
