I'm liking the new look?



The new look is much better! I'm going to look around a little for other changes and new stuff..:cool:
Considering all the work that Wilbur and Elmer do to make this stuff work " liking the new look" is not optional .

Just checking to see if I can post. I sign in, and it shows that I must sign in again. As for posting permission, it says I have permission.
Just checking to see if I can post. I sign in, and it shows that I must sign in again. As for posting permission, it says I have permission.

I'm experiecing the same thing.

AND NO, I don't like this new "look". Mainly for the practical reasons, like when you get in your 50's like me YOU CAN'T READ THE PRINT!!! The pastel blue print doesn't stand out well to older eyes, and all the print whether in blue or black is TOO DARN SMALL. Ok....I've said my piece. It's still a great websight in spite of this brand new problem for me.

I'll just have to wear my reading glasse all the time when here.
If you are using Mozilla Firefox as your browser you can click on the "View" button at the top of the page and select "zoom in" and the print becomes larger and more distinct.

When posting you can also select text to be bold or colored...
We had to install it and then learn how to modify it. Please continue to post problems, likes and dislikes. We'll try to get it between the ditches as soon as possible.

I too find myself "squinting" to read the text.
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I too,

We had to install it and then learn how to modify it. Please continue to post problems, likes and dislikes. We'll try to get it between the ditches as soon as possible.

I too find myself "squinting" to read the text.

....do not particularly like the new look. But at the correct price (FREE) I can learn to use it. I find more and more ,less PC time is better spent for more productive things in life. ...Jan
looks good wilbur and elmer. im just waiting for my computer to shoot out money. when are yall putting that in?
I don't mind the new look, however I have to log in every time. I'm sure it takes time to work the bugs out.
The front page has been created the wrong way. The blue lines are meant to separate different sections and have multiple forums in each one to aid navigation. Here is an example from the vbulletin site: http://files.vbulletin.com/images/cart/screenshots/forum_main.png
Benchrest.com only has eleven forums and they should be put in one section only. Removing ten blue lines from the front page would also minimize the need to scroll.

The thread icons (the envelopes) are too big

The user info should be on the side to make the pages a bit more compact. Currently you can see less than five posts without scrolling which is ridiculous.

If you have to login every time you should remove the benchrest.com cookies from your browser.
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Some things have already been fixed. Nice.
And there are new styles to choose from too.

On the thread list the main problem is having a blue font on blue background - "Grayish & Red" has black on white which is easier on my eyes.

Reading the discussions is easier when using" Dark Blue". Except the light blue (where you find the username, join date etc) should be slightly darker to make the actual message text stand out better.

edit: Someone's messing with the styles. :) The "fixed" on the style name means the width is fixed and if the browser window is narrow you will need to side scroll.
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Thanks for figuring out that Forum Index - I knew something warn't right about it.

Pretty sure that Grayish/Red style will be gone in a bit. It has some funny stuff going on in the background. "Callbacks" for the lack of a better word and I found some binary that I don't trust. Kinda sure it's harmless but who knows. None of the other styles contain that stuff.

Try out the "SimpleBlack" style....
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Pretty sure that Grayish/Red style will be gone in a bit. It has some funny stuff going on in the background. "Callbacks" for the lack of a better word and I found some binary that I don't trust. Kinda sure it's harmless but who knows. None of the other styles contain that stuff.

Thanks for activating some of the styles. The "fluid" styles work well with the newer browsers and wide screen monitors. If you have a fluid type in light blue it would be appreciated. The grayish-red one has some columns that are difficult to read.

I have settled on the grayish & red with my browser view set at 125% (IE) and it looks just fine. It fills my screen (22" LCD) perfectly. As far as I am concerned, we are there.
new look

i really dont like any of the changes but i guess ill have to get used to it.

Thanks for activating some of the styles. The "fluid" styles work well with the newer browsers and wide screen monitors. If you have a fluid type in light blue it would be appreciated. The grayish-red one has some columns that are difficult to read.


In fact I do have one. I'll have it up in a couple of hours....