Ideal way to scope an Anshutz



My Anschutz is D&T from factory and of course has grooved receiver. I know that people do both , buy rings that attach to the receiver or install a picatiny rail and then use whatever rings they wish. I am considering mounting a 1" scope with 40mm objective. Which way do You prefer to scope an Anschutz? And why? Thanks.
Would help to know which model annie. Old or new?

Its a 1999/2000 era MPR . D&T receiver. My dilemma is : Put a good rail on it and use whatever rings I want , or get really good rings that attach to the gun. I like to hear pros and cons for both. PS. I will be mounting a 1", 40mm objective Leupold scope.
scope closer to the bore is always better. only reason for a rail would be long range and needing the bit of gain to keep scope adjustments in the midrange area. The more doodads up there the more likely hood of a problem possiblly cropping up. That said there was a time when I had a damaged eye, there fore I needed to off set scope to other side . I accomplished that by stacking 2 sets of rings. worked fine, but not something you would use on a centerfire.
Get the Anschutz clamping rail and a set of Kelbly rings. The rail will allow optimal placement of the scope for eye relief and is not much additional height.