IBS Rules Questions

Muzzle brakes allowed on IBS Heavy Guns?

Has the IBS rule disallowing muzzle brakes on 1000 yard Heavy Guns been changed to allow muzzle brakes?


The answer to your question is yes...and sort of no...let me explain.

In 2010 there was an agenda item to allow muzzlebrakes in HG class. It got the required number of signatures, was turned in on time, it was voted on and passed at the IBS Winter Meeting this past January. So, for 2011, muzzlebrakes are allowed in HG class as a trial period. It will be voted on, by mail in ballot, by all IBS members this fall/winter. If it gets voted in this way, it will become a rule in the rulebook.

Good to hear.

Thanks Jeff, that is great news and hope it becomes permanent.

Over the past five years or so, I have been shooting what I call an Accumulator. Basicially it is a 2" dia. by 7.5" long (my current version) closed container over a conventional muzzle brake. The container accumulates part of the propellant gases and discharges them back through the vents and out the muzzle at much reduced velocity, long after the bullet is gone. By IBS rules, it is not a muzzle brake since all gases are discharged straight out the muzzle, in-line with the long axis of the barrel, just like a barrel with no attachements.

The Accumulator quitens muzzle blast a little, reduces recoil some and hopefully makes the rifle group better.

By drilling many and very small holes in the side of the Accumulator it becomes a muzzle brake. That arrangement reduces recoil further and I believe even quitens muzzle blast further since mixing of the hot gases is distributed over a much wider area and mixed with a greater mass of cool air.

I had not drilled holes in the side of the current Accumulator but will do so today, thanks.

Henry, I've been working with something similar for hunting and have been informed that the ATF is really picky about anything that could possibly be construed as illegal. I've corresponded with two people who've had similar devices banned from use. One company was making a "blast reducing muzzle brake shroud" and had to recall them or pay the 200.00 tax for use.

Have you checked into this?

I'd LOVE to be able to make a huntable brake......




I went to an ATF, or similar, website but could find no specifications that would restrict devices that lowered sound level to a defined value. That sort of thing is probably left nebulous so that they can come after you if they feel you are up to "no good".

I also talked to a suppressor manufacturer and described my accumulator. He felt like it would no be legal even though it reduces sound level only slightly. When shooting a rifle with my accumulator, it is necessary to wear ear protection.

It would be interesting to see the devices that you refer to, the muzzle attachments that the ATF would require a suppressor license to own.

I am drilling holes in the O.D. of my 1.93” O.D. by 7.5” long accumulator and will finish this morning and give it a try this afternoon. The open area, of what is now a muzzle brake, which discharges propellant gases normal to the long axis of the barrel and directly to the atmosphere will be 23.3 times the bore cross sectional area. The interior vents are a little over 3 times the cross sectional area of the bore.

If you look up "supressor" on the Wikipedia website, there is a good bit to read there.

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anyone that make a legal decission based on a wickapedia posting is not playing with a full deck.......

If you look up "supressor" on the Wikipedia website, there is a good bit to read there.

Mike, I'm guessing you're the only one here who didn't figure out that paragraph was simply added information.

As to full decks, people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
Mike -

Think your missing about half your deck for not reading Henry's post correctly.

You continue to cease to amaze me...... purely pathetic !!!!!

Mike, I'm guessing you're the only one here who didn't figure out that paragraph was simply added information.

As to full decks, people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
You are not wrong. Current set of rules on the website does not include the last couple of years agenda items so a person must consult rulebook and appropriate meeting minutes to have complete picture.


A new version of the rulebook was uploaded to the IBS webpage last week (all new additions/changes are shown in red) , this will make it easier for all to have access to a complete set of rules.

Dick Grosbier
Dick I looked at the rule book, but maybe I missed it. Do you have to wear safty glasses. I'm not against them so lets not start an argument about it fellow shooters. But sorry to say I don't use them. But would like to know for the Nationals. Thanks

Joe Salt
Eye protection is an area not covered by IBS rules. Most IBS clubs require their use and IBS allows application of any club safety rule that is more stringent than IBS's requirement.
most ranges require eye and ear protection........
can't shoot at any of the ranges i shoot at here in co without both....not an option. they willnot make the firing line hot till all have both.
it maybe your eyes and ears, but its thier liability....
mike in co
Do you know if West Virgina requires them. Anyone!

Joe Salt
i do not know how you got it done, but thanks to you and anyone that helped
mike in co

Eye protection is an area not covered by IBS rules. Most IBS clubs require their use and IBS allows application of any club safety rule that is more stringent than IBS's requirement.
ok children...
first, yes i should have edited out henry's name in the quote, my error.
second...my comment was weickapedia is not a valid source of trusted data.
it is an accumulation of information with no verification.
thats alll
now back to out regularly scheduled broadcast..

mike in co
Mike First off if I'm not wearing eye potection and I have a problem, thats my fault like if I were to ask you permission to hunt your property and I fell out of a tree is that your fault hell NO. I'm the one who is the idiot. So all I need to know can I be An idiot in west Virgina? And my wife knows how I feel about that CRAP. So don't say she would sue, Don't need a lawyer. Thats the reason we pay so much for health insurance.

Joe Salt
The Reason I need to know is the eye relief on my l.g. scope, I have to be against the scope with the glasses and shooting a 300 wsm with no brake, would be a little problem.

Joe Salt