IBS Rules Questions


New member
I shoot mainly 600 yds and am wondering about a couple rules. The first one concerns the muzzle being past the front of the bench, and the 2nd is about placement of wind flags. How far out can a guy put flags. I have been shooting lately at our local club with a flag at the 500 yd mark (100 from bench) raised up to be just below line of sight (horizontal crosshair). I think this is fine because I was at Piedmont and someone on my bench the following relay used my scope to set his flags up. How about down range. I have been shooting with a 2nd flag at the impact berm at the actual target. Is that one legal? Please help as we had a monthly match and someone was complaining about the muzzle not being past the front of the bench. Opinions are fine, but need facts about rules please. I did just surf the IBS in respect to these questions and came up empty, so here I am asking. Thanks for your replys Tim Claunch
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Tournament Procedures Pg 11, N Position on Bench/ R for wind flags
Safety IV D For Barrels being placed beyond the edge of the bench
notice the wording on flags...below the line flight of the BULLET...not the top of the bench......at mid range of a 600 yd match, that could be 24-30" ABOVE the line of sight.
Actually, the rule was changed to match the NBRSA rules, which is the flags can be no higher than the line from top of bench to bottom of target. The Rules on line have not been updated to reflect this. I'm not sure if there was exceptions for different disciplines or not, but I don't think so. Dick Grosbier, please correct me if this is wrong.
you still don't get it, do you? i ASKED if your [ yes your ] muzzle was supposed to be in front of the bench. that is all, i just asked. i did not complain that your muzzle was beside my ear. you informed me that that was what the ear muffs were for. i said no problem, i would wear them. you took offense and accused me of telling other people your muzzle was in front of the bench. i did not tell anyone else but you. the person shooting on bench one is the person you should be mad at, as he did tell someone your muzzle was not in front of the bench. you were the best shooter there and what could possibly be gained by setting up with your muzzle even with my ear? i had no idea that was common practice among long range shooters at the time. i am truly sorry i even asked the question.

just because there is no rule against it, does that mean that all consideration for other shooters is ignored?
just because there is no rule against it, does that mean safety is ignored?
i wont ask any questions again. ray porter
The IBS rule book page 11 ..item "N"...(the NBRSA also has same rule)....http://internationalbenchrest.com/downloads/IBS_Rule_Book_July 2009R3.pdf
,,It is common knowledge that the muzzle must be in front of the bench.....Roger

PS..Ray...there are a lot of "long" range competitors who have no or very little "short" range shooting experience and thus...very little knowledge of the rules or "bench etiquite",,,this is one of the major shortcomings at most "long range" events.....and there has been sevral "procedural mistakes" made in rescent yrs about bench selection and rotation at National events!!!....that would have not occoured if simple range and rule procedures had been followed....we all should look at the rule books (both IBS and NBRSA ..even though they are VERY similar)....and take an active part in following them.....I aplaud your effort to bring to the attention of a fellow comopetior about a simple infraction....and OBTW about 30 yrs ago we found the muzzzle when over the bench surface usually resulted in "stray" shots ,,,there were people trying to set up their unlimited guns clear at the rear of the bench for their shooting convenience and didnt know they were "messin" up....
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I understand the rules, given IBS match regs. but we shoot club matches in a welcome all envionment. We are not IBS sanctioned,so when a non member complained about muzzle position which it has never come up in our history of 8 or 9 years it was a bridge that had to be crossed. Folks started pulling IBS rules our of their ahole, I took a poor position. We are non IBS currently, it is a good ole boy match, and complainers were not welcomed. My 2nd relay I was told to shoot with my muzzle in front of the bench to quiet the complainers, I did, and finished my personal best score and new club record in Lt class of a 194. It is a shame our match director will not entertain becoming IBS sanctioned. We desparately need new blood in Memphis.
ray, you will not have to ask, the 2 club members who didn`t meet your standards will now be shooting differenly than we have in the history of the Memphis 600, I`ll call it growing pains. I`m open minded and see this is a good rule, and I apologise for not being aware of this. You guys come on back and no worries of future fusses over this issue.
Actually, the rule was changed to match the NBRSA rules, which is the flags can be no higher than the line from top of bench to bottom of target. The Rules on line have not been updated to reflect this. I'm not sure if there was exceptions for different disciplines or not, but I don't think so. Dick Grosbier, please correct me if this is wrong.

You are not wrong. Current set of rules on the website does not include the last couple of years agenda items so a person must consult rulebook and appropriate meeting minutes to have complete picture.

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so the rule book is NOT the rule book ???
common...i complained about how poor the other org was and now i find out OUR rule book is incorrect ???

how is a competitor to know what to do ????


( no im not yelling at you dick, but if the site is THE RULE book, it needs to be correct in a timely manner....years aint timely)

mike in co
so the rule book is NOT the rule book ???
common...i complained about how poor the other org was and now i find out OUR rule book is incorrect ???

how is a competitor to know what to do ????


( no im not yelling at you dick, but if the site is THE RULE book, it needs to be correct in a timely manner....years aint timely)

mike in co

Check the date on the first page ,it is up to date to that point and the minutes contain the only subsequent changes. And if you want to volunteer to integrate the two that would be great, do it and send it to me to get the executive board to check it's accuracy and we will have a more up to date rule book to post. People seem to think this is some big organization with people and budget to do these things, IBS runs almost entirely on volunteer labor and most of the volunteers are already doing more work than they originally intended to do.

so what we( the club) need to do, is make part of the rule change process, that the presenter is responsible for incorporation of the change if accepted.
i did not say no to your suggestion......

have to find time...not for a couple of weeks atleast.

mike in co
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Mike for the amount of time you spend on the forum, you could write a rule book for all the disciplines! The PA. Club has a new rule book every year, even if the rules don't change. If we want to make a change we have a meeting ,discuss the change and at the next meeting we vote on it. Real easy!

Joe SAlt
how much input to that process do the members that do not live in pa have ??
you will notice i did not say no to his suggestion.
i have time but it comes in small increments between other tasks...yes i do work.
mike in co
Mike for the amount of time you spend on the forum, you could write a rule book for all the disciplines! The PA. Club has a new rule book every year, even if the rules don't change. If we want to make a change we have a meeting ,discuss the change and at the next meeting we vote on it. Real easy!

Joe SAlt
At the PA club, you get just as much say as anyone from anywhere else. And, if you say something that makes sense, you get even more say in the matter cause other people listen.

All in all, it's sorta like the IBS. Are you telling me that you did not receive a ballot for any rules changes? I get them in the mail. It's funny you do not.

Take your small parcels of time and use them typing up the new rulebook. And don't bother telling me that it won't work, cause I've done it for years. Minutes here, minutes there. Just depends if you want to get something done, or just B**** to someone else cause your too lazy to do it yourself.
Mike before you go putting anything in gold look at the rules for other clubs, and see if there is room for improvement then ask others in each club what they think and keep everything in laymen terms, were not all lawyers.

Joe Salt
Mike before you go putting anything in gold look at the rules for other clubs, and see if there is room for improvement then ask others in each club what they think and keep everything in laymen terms, were not all lawyers.

Joe Salt
This is not an option in this task.
When integrating previously passed agenda items into the IBS rulebook only exact wording passed at annual meeting can be utilized. Anything more than that requires a new agenda item w/25 signatures.
Check the date on the first page ,it is up to date to that point and the minutes contain the only subsequent changes. And if you want to volunteer to integrate the two that would be great, do it and send it to me to get the executive board to check it's accuracy and we will have a more up to date rule book to post. People seem to think this is some big organization with people and budget to do these things, IBS runs almost entirely on volunteer labor and most of the volunteers are already doing more work than they originally intended to do.


The last online update was March 2009
It appears the last paper/physical update was ??2004??