IBS Resiprosity ??

Jeff Stover & Jeff Walker I've got another 2 cents to throw your way, when is the IBS going to start shooting 10 shots for record! Bill Shehane told me when I was president if I could get both Organisation's shooting 17 LB. rifles with no restriction, you guys would start shooting 10 shots. I held up my part. Your turn to make things even. I would really like to hear everyone's answer on this? Our 16.5 records are still there so would your five shots if you would go alone.

Joe Salt
Joe - all it needs is an agenda item with 25 signatures to put it on the table. I cannot change the rules by fiat (at times I wish I could! LOL).

Jeff I know there is a date you have to have it in by,what is it! And can it be done on here without a problem? Was That LOL lot of luck or lot of love.haha

Joe Salt

Our membership would have to vote on that, as I really don't care either way ( 5 or 10, I'll still shoot ), I don't know the membership would go for it. It would take an agenda item, along with enough signatures (25) to get it to the floor, then the votes to vote it in for a years trial, then a mail in vote to make it permanent. We cannot just "make it so".

You would have to take that up with Bill Shehane. He had no authority to speak for me and/or my views or vote on something, and to the best of my knowledge no power to just make it happen...not a slam on Bill, nobody does. Me personally, I always had and still do have a LG that makes the 16.5lb rule. As a matter of fact, when I rebarreled my LG, you guys made 17lb legal something like a week or a month later.

If someone was to take it upon themselves to write up and agenda item ( any IBS member can do this ) and get 25 IBS member's signatures, and submitted properly, it WILL be heard. So that is all it would take...of course then the vote would tell the story.

Jeff Walker
IBS Exec. Sec.

Our membership would have to vote on that, as I really don't care either way ( 5 or 10, I'll still shoot ), I don't know the membership would go for it. It would take an agenda item, along with enough signatures (25) to get it to the floor, then the votes to vote it in for a years trial, then a mail in vote to make it permanent. We cannot just "make it so".

You would have to take that up with Bill Shehane. He had no authority to speak for me and/or my views or vote on something, and to the best of my knowledge no power to just make it happen...not a slam on Bill, nobody does. Me personally, I always had and still do have a LG that makes the 16.5lb rule. As a matter of fact, when I rebarreled my LG, you guys made 17lb legal something like a week or a month later.

If someone was to take it upon themselves to write up and agenda item ( any IBS member can do this ) and get 25 IBS member's signatures, and submitted properly, it WILL be heard. So that is all it would take...of course then the vote would tell the story.

Jeff Walker
IBS Exec. Sec.

Out of curiosity, where does the internet voting agenda item..that by my reading, passed at the same time as the non-reciprocity item passed, stand, and how might this affect the process of rule changing?
I'll end by posting a copy and paste of both agenda item's results from the lat IBS meeting...and to say thanks, in advance for your or someone's answer.

TP#1: Must be a member of IBS to compete at IBS tournaments (Williamsport 1000 yard club members
may continue to compete at IBS 1000 yard Nationals).
192 yes 59 no 7 no vote

BL#1: Enable the Ex. Board to institute Internet-based voting for officers and amendments to the rule
book and bylaws in addition to, or as a replacement, for the annual Meeting. (It was cautioned that this
allows the EBoard to institute this, but many technical and administrative hurdles remain to
138 yes 28 no 5 no vote

The deadline is Sept 1 to get on the Winter Meeting agenda.

The Internet-based voting was "enabled", but we have not moved forward with it, yet. There are both technical and administrative hurdles to succumb. BUT at least we have that ability to do so....a move forward.

Jeff that was like 2004 or 05 that Bill and I talked about that and I think he was President of the North Carolina club its been that long,can't remember. I'll see what I can do!

Joe Salt
Joe, Why not cut back to five shots in light same as IBS and NBRSA ? All you are doing is wearing out barrels for no good reason, the end result is the same. You may cut the cost a little for a shooter……….jim
Jim you don't know what I had to go through to get to where we are know as far as 17 lbs. As I see it its you guys turn to reciprocate. Besides now is a good time for you to change, You have got records that are going to be pretty dammed hard to beat. Now you can do it with 10 shots. I'll even shake your hand for doing what you did with five shots!

Joe Salt
Joe, Thanks, but i see the end just around the corner……. I have a hard time with ten shots as my vision goes south….. jim
Both Jeffs

Thanks for clearing that up. I know it was a great expense to do that for so many years and we're all appreciative of the effort.
Jim never say its over, I also have bad eyes, and a bad back, and I have to shoot this weekend. Hope I still have some friends in PA. I had to have my youngest boy load my trailer the other day. My Oldest boy lives in Maine or there wouldn't be a problem. He loves to shot! Maybe the day has come to give up the Heavy Gun and just shoot L.G. So you are not alone.

Joe Salt
Jim1k--I hate to disagree with you, but the end result is not the same 5 shots vs 10 shots. Williamsport was the first 1000 yard b/r club with the first rules the other clubs should follow, but that is up to them, this is still a free country.
Dan, You don't have to wear out a barrel to find the winner. With ten shots it just cost the shooter twice as much……. If all clubs should follow Williamsport, nobody would have a 1000 yd. range……… would they, now yes. Reede was shooting a 1000 yds. before Williamsport. We use too there in the early 60's and it was a lot closer to 1000 than Williamsport…… jim
Jim I can remember the benches built at Reade. It was not that long ago. Williamsport was the first 1000 YARD BR club. Bill Shehane and a few others traveled to Williamsport to shoot. They basically took the rules from Williamsport. Then they started Hawks Ridge. Back in the late 50's; early 60's Alex Hoyer to come to my uncles farm to shoot 1000 yards. A bunch of guys would show up to shoot. Mostly hunters and a few that came with Alex. They used portable benches to shoot. That did not make it a 1000 yard club. LOL Matt
Matt did i say BR?I used it Reede for XC practice they had the only 200, 300. 600 and 1000 range at that time in PA…… If you want to go back further than that we used a old railroad bed and had a closed off tunnel for the back stop right down the road from me we used but it would flood once in a while. and we had portable benches there also……. When was Williamsport an official 1000 range? Not including almost or around a 1000 yds. jim
Jim what do you mean by closer to 1000, the range was closer for driving or the range itself? And Matt is right or History is on our web page, Reade didn't even have benches till recently. You should read the article.

Joe Salt