IBS 600 Yard Nationals Winner is:


New member
Richard Schatz!
After coming in 2nd or 3rd in last few Nationals, Richard Schatz came through convincingly to capture the 2010 IBS 600 Yard 2-Gun National Championship!
St. Louis was the most attended 600 Yard Nationals to record. With the best of the best there, we had nearly half the competitors DQ mostly because of unpredictable, switchy, gustly winds up to 25MPH. On one relay alone there were 12 of 16 shooters DQ. You would never know we had wind by looking at the way Richard shot though. I have shot in higher winds, but nothing as unpredicatable. You could be dead on, then completely off the target in less than 10 seconds.
Richard did well in LG the first day, placing high. Continuing with unbeatable consistancy Saturday to capture HG Overall Champion. His consistant high scores and low groups over the two days gave Richard the 2-Gun Overall Championship. I don't believe there has been a more deserving winner and nicer guy than Richard. My hat is off to you. It was a memorable trip to St. Louis. I feel fortunate to be there and see Richard win it all! Congradulations!
Samuel Hall, Boonville, NC
Congratulations Richard !!!!!! ...... As Sam put it... Very well deserved !!!!!!

Heard from other competitors their that you put on a stellar performance......
Also want to Thank you for calling and keeping me up to date.

Happy Shooting
Donovan Moran
Congratulations Richard. Good shooting, as always.
I don't think anyone is too surprised that you came out on top.

James Howsden
Way to go Richard ! I definitely owe you a breakfast in Missoula next year.
Some nice shooting my friend.

Gary C.
Thanks guys;

As far as the conditions, Sam is right on the money. There were about twenty plus wind flags plus about ten range flags and very seldom were any two in agreement as to what was happening at any one time.

Sam was also on top of his game shooting several 1.xxx groups in both light and heavy.

It was great seeing old friends and making many new ones.

Thanks again;

Richard Schatz
Great shooting Richard! Also fine shooting by Sam Hall (no surprise) and Hobie Bond. Hey Hobie, 600 yards is a bit too far isn't it??

Nice turnout of 74 shooters, that is good to see.

Jeff Stover
IBS President
Whew Im finally gettin "rested up" from the event...it was a whale of a match....4 full relays (near 80 competitors) and just about every good shooter in the nation was there (not me...) ..the event was conducted very professionally and smoothly...not a hint of any favoritism or "home cookin" like has soiled some of the events in rescent history,,,I am a NBRSA shooter and had not shot in a IBS 600 yd event ...I like the NBRSA format at 1000yds ...buttttt ...at 600 yds. the IBS shoots 8 targets ,LG, the first day and 8 targets the next (HG) and it is a real knock down drage em out shootin match...I like it!!! I feel like it is worth the drive half way across this great land to participate in one of these events.... I saw some old friends and met some new ones and have experienced one of the best matches ever.....Congrats to Richard and Sam ...they both put on a clinic on how to do IT,,,,,Roger
Congratulations Richard !!!!
Wished I could have made it this year but I had conflicting schedule (work).

Hey Hobie great shooting for a new shooter in 600' competition.

Joel Kendrick