I waited untill now to mention this, But at 3:AM Sunday Morning, I Had A Heart Attack

jackie schmidt

New member
The reason I did not want to say anything was because I wanted to wait untill they found out more, and of course, my prognoses.

I woke up suddenly at 3:AM Sunday morning with a terrible chest pain, going down into my left arm.

I got to the hospitol by ambulance. The crew emmediatly gave me aspirin, oxygen, and a nitro tab.

My blood pressure was 218 over 110......bad Really bad. By 5:00 AM, The pain was subsiding, but I felt pretty bad.

The initial blood enzymes showed a minor event. By mid Sunday morning, the Cardiologist decided to do an echo cardiogram and a Heart Catherization .

I just got back from both procedures, ( it's Monday eavning), and the news couldn't be better. The echo showed a strong heart with good rhythm and a good rate.

The catherization showed some blockage in various arteries, but not enough to warrant a ballon expansion or any stints. The culprit was a small artery that he described like a twig on the end of a small branch on a tree. It was 98 percent blocked, causing the "event". The cardiologist said it would self heal.

My heart is strong, beats good, and shows no damage.

The kicker is I will now have to be on blood pressure, blood thinning, and cholesterol meds. Since I have never taken anything, I guess I will have to bite the bullet and do it.

By definition, I do have coronary desease. I am also an old man.I will have to learn to live with it.

Most of you know I almost died from kidney failure about 8 years ago. Any meds will have to take into consideration the fact that no harm can come to what's left of my kidneys.

Anyway, I will get on with life.
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get someone to run the shop.
retire, shoot , fish, drive cars, spend time with the wife.
you never get days back.
look forward.
Jackie, keep the faith. So far I have 4 stents...piece of cake.

After I quit taking all those high powered pills I'm doing better.

Read the side effects on them///

Jackie had the same thing happen to me at the end of January this year very mild heart attack the next day was filled with testing only to find blockage two at 90% and two at 75% had stints put in the next morning I quit smoking after 45 + years and now must watch what I eat witch has been harder then quitting smoking do what they ask you to do it will be easier as time passes and you will feel better
Ronnie Berg
This is mostly good news, Jackie - all the best to you. I like retired's advice . . . wish I could follow that! ;)RG
Jackie for you the kicker will be the blood thinners- that stuff ( all of them) ( warfarin = rat poison) are extremely hard on the kidneys- It is what did my dad in. The practitioners of the black arts hate the holistic approach but you might want to look into it considering stated history. I am not advocating anything just sharing some info. For me sudafeds are a death sentence along with anything related to tree grown nuts. I also do not react well to the prostrate shrinking meds, all 3 of the common ones.
Jackie, we are all pulling for your complete recovery. We are praying for you and taking the BP medicine and cholesterol medicine is not that bad. Best wishes.....James
Getting old isn't for wimps. Backing away from your work may not be easy. Whatever your choice I wish you the best.

Jackie thanks for sharing and it's great to hear you are back on the road to better health. If you enjoy work don't stop and when you longer do that's when it's the right time to move onto another chapter in your life. I wish you the best and all though we do not know each other personally I consider you to be a good friend you have always been more than helpful in many ways.
