I shouldn't have looked....borescope shock

I'm with Pete, I use mine to keep the carbon out. one of my best shooting rifles is pitted. But that doesn't mean it won't keep shooting, I've seen some that would make your eye light up that shoot great. And ones that are pristine that wouldn't shoot at all.
Joe Salt
I took the barrel over to a friend' shop, and and after fitting the proper pilot bushing to his 6mm throating reamer, he was able to fix the problem, turning the reamer by hand. Now to the range. If all works as planned, I will post a group from that trip.
I took the barrel over to a friend' shop, and and after fitting the proper pilot bushing to his 6mm throating reamer, he was able to fix the problem, turning the reamer by hand. Now to the range. If all works as planned, I will post a group from that trip.
I HATE these cliff hanger season finale episodes! Did it do anything?
It's been cold (for California, ice on the windshield in the AM) and I have just started a new job (Wish me luck.), so a trip to the range may take a while to get to. I have no doubt that I will shoot fine. It did some good work before. The question will be how it fouls. Thanks for the interest.
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