Is that single side split going to work guys? Looks to me like it would be hard to get a good even torque on the barrel.Now what to heck do I do with it?
It's 2.5"x3.5"x6"x1.220"
Just mill into a hugh benchrest stock and bolt in down?
Any ideas, are appreciated.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,I went to a round ID split this year, in conjunction with a 3/16 inch thick Nylon insert beteen the barrel and the block. It is two piece. The insert is one piece. Works great!!
I agree with you. I think you can controle the tighteness as far as an even torque all the way around with a split block.
But hey, that looks real nice. I agree with Mike Bryant. Bolt that puppy on top of a Rail Gun.........jackie
Is that single side split going to work guys? Looks to me like it would be hard to get a good even torque on the barrel.
Check these rails out. Bunch of seedy looking characters shooting though!!If I have trouble with it, I can slit the other side, since it is symetric. My plan was to make the barrel +.001-.000 to keep it from rolling, we'll see.
Any suggestions Jackie?
Check these rails out. Bunch of seedy looking characters shooting though!!
I've got a 20x put back for hard times.I saw Don Nielson had a Lyman Supertargetspot, I love those.
I have been working with Rail Guns for years. I have tried several different configurations in order to make the barrel as "dead' as possible. Up untill this year, I have been using a 2 1/8 OD x 1 3/4 ID steel tube with a 1.450 Unlimited barrel epoxied in to it. The space was taken up by 100 percent epoxy.
I have been quite successful with this set-up.
The past couple of years, I hace seen very successful shooters isolating the barrel from the rest of the Gun with some sort of non-metalic sleeve between the barrel and the block. This acts quite well as a deading agent. I tried it, and believe it accomplishes the same thing as my barrel-in-the tube, with a lot less work. Since I have built this set-up, the agging capability seems to be on par with what I was using before.
Many shooters ask why I do not use a tuner on my Rail Gun. I tried one, and found that when shooting slow, the accuracy was top notch. But, since you can shoot a Rail VERY fast, the tuner throws some sort of weird vibration in the barrel that does not settle between shots. The results are disastrous.
With a bag gun, there is no way that you can shoot it fast enough, so all residule vibrations from the previous shots are gone. It always has time to settle into it's static state. With a Rail, it does not. So, what we do is put a dampennig agent between the barrel and the rest of the Gun without any other attachments.
Some of the things we do, in fact, most, are nothing more than the results of trial and error. Since shooters like myself have the skill, and the facility, to build just about anything, it gives us the freedom to try ideas in a timely manner,.........jackie
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Thanks PePe,
I enjoy your posts. Some are from an imbecile and some are good. I will continue to keep you on your toes. Looking forward to seeing your receiver. Post photos as you go and that will hold our interest.