I know it isn't benchrest but it is the shape of some things to come

As a machine shop owner, I was delighted with the amount of machining on gun chassis (used to be stocks) now coming on line. The owner of an other Machine shop and I did the SHOT show this year this is what is coming down the line. Wether it will make the civialn market and benchrest I don't know. I do know that there is a sizable market for things that look and worklike these rifles do. We make firearm parts and I just saw lots more parts that we can make.:D



"Every shot makes somebody happy."

I never thought I'd see something that................

looked more like a fugitive from a junkyard than the SA-80, but now I have.
I went up to the HP White Lab in the late 80s, and they told me about a "colonel" that came to them to have a "sniper rifle" tested, anyway, they said he came in wearing a Mohawk HC, with the obligatory cigar.....The rifle would allow the shooter to switch from 7.62 to .300 Win. I guess he switched to 7.62 after his shoulder got sore and he wanted to baby it. They said that gun weighed in at about 15-16 lbs. I guess the "colonel" figured nobody'd EVER have to, maybe, RUN!!?? I thought that idea got scrapped years, DECADES ago. There ARE ways to make a rifle extremely accurate, w/out making it an anchor for a carrier.
The hype should have read: "Made by A-Holes who lissen to A-Holes" :rolleyes::rolleyes::D ;)
Since I don't think that either you or I will ever have to run with one of these, I suggest we let those that are fighting and designing now set and solve their own problems. Our battles have been faught and are not anything close to what we are fighting now.

Who would have thought the M16 and variants would be the longest serving weapons system the military has ever used.

It is my understanding that these rifles have been well recieved by those quailfied to use them.

As a father of an Army Officer (son #1) and a Remington Research Engineer (son#2) I hear both sides as often as they let me.

Drives me nuts that both my boys have very intersting jobs that they can only tell me snipets from what they are doing, have done, or will be doing.

Everyone have a nice day and go shoot something fun!

Who would have thought the M16 and variants would be the longest serving weapons system the military has ever used.


waitaminnit now!

I would have thought it..... as would many others, tens of thousands of others.

The M-16 is an awesome battle weapon, I can't think of any improvement to be made on it.....But this has no bearing on the current discussion! :) The system in question is as specialized as a BR rifle, another platform which shares little with the Battle Rifle, Greatest Of All Time. (BR GOAT in militarese ;))



BTW, just hadda' edit this because I misspoke...... there is one weapon which totally outclasses the M-16 as longest lived.

The hammer...

The 1911 45ACP

Ain't NUTTIN' k'in touch that! ;)
I should have said Rifle instead of weapon. You are right about the 1911, I still build custom .45s, they are hard to beat. I found very little wrong with the M16 once I got an A1 without the three prong brush catcher they called a flash suppessor on the first rifle I was issued over there. For a while I humped an M14 E-1 with a 1st gen Starlight on it that made this new rifle seem small. That rig was about 24 lbs if IIRC, but we found it useful and it did what we needed it to do. Also humped an M60 until I got enough rank to assign that battlegun to some one tall enough not to drowned while carrying in the delta.

I have talked to people that shoot these rifles all the time and they really like it. I have heard some really interesting stories about bring that rifle into production and the testing of it.

Take care and go shoot.

Too much "overlap" and........................

everybody has to get "their piece of the pie". Here are four cartridges. one for close range target shooting, then three magnum ctgs for Brontosaurii, or far, FAR targets, my, my. Yeah, its hell, "I'd tellya, but then I'd gotta killya" We can't keep politicians on the straight'n level, but we can always pull a war up to keep business rollin'. Over a hundred years of war, and a peace that never arrives, because the dove keeps getting its a$$ $hot off before it can come in for a landing. Um, 'zanny-body know why there were tests done that found Thermite on interior steel of trade towers, and why did a 48 story building in the complex......UNHIT by ANYthing, also wind up flat as a pancake before the day's end??? :eek: "Pay NO attention to that man behind the........" George Orwell ain' gettin' closer, he's been here for a long time; Hillary's favorite author don'cha know?? ;)
waitaminnit now!BTW, just hadda' edit this because I misspoke...... there is one weapon which totally outclasses the M-16 as longest lived.


The 1911 45ACP

Ain't NUTTIN' k'in touch that! ;)

I can think of one weapon that outlived the M1911 in US Service, and in firepower. The M2 .50 caliber machine gun.
Yes M2HB never quits but the 1911A1 are still being carried by select units so it is still in service too.

IMO it's premature to write off the 1911 as the primary sidearm of the military.

Good call on the BMG though! I hadn't thought of that. 90yrs and counting on Ma Deuce.......... holy cow.


In India-where I originally am from- the 303 Enfield is still in use-as a service rifle, by many police departments...104 years by the last available record
What is to come?

This is a clasic case of your tax dollars at work.

Just wait until they get phasers like on Star Trek..

Just beam me up Scottie there is no inteligent life down here.

Nat Lambeth
Wannabe rifle

I think this is for all the wannabe snipers. There is a huge market for "tactical" rifles.

That's exactly who this rifle is designed for. The people who put together Remington's advertising know the market they are appealing to. As soon as you put 'military' or 'police tactical' on a firearm, you are going to draw a very specific market.

Lou Baccino
On the subject of the M-16

I guess he should have stated that the M-16 is the longest running standard issue service rifle the U.S. has ever had in its arsenal.
I agree that it is an excellant battle weapon and when I see these articles about whats being tested to replace it I cant help but think, "Why?"
I didn't get in on all the B.S. that came with the first bunch of M-16's issued & I never trained with the M-14 so maybe my oppinion is biased. That being said, the M-16 is light its accurate & if its maintained properly its reliable.
A soldier can carry a lot more rounds of ammo in the same amount of weight/space than the calibers of past weapons, a point hat I have argued more than once in defense of the 5.56mm as a caliber of choice for a battle rifle. I've always thought it would be better to have more of a smaller round than to run out of the bigger so called more affective round.
Another waste of our money!

With the right connections at the Pentagon, Remington could sell a boatload of these contraptions!
First off we are talking here about the sniper rifle and not the M16, those are due for replacement too, as the battlefield has changed.

The modern sniper is a lot more active than any since WWII, not disputing Carlos Hathcock, but today sniper is shooting further and more often than ever before as well as wearing body armor and working in vastly different missions.

The bolt action Remingtons, Winchesters and the semiauto M14 do not meet the needs of the battlefield today.

This new rifle was designed with and by the snipers that use them in an joint effort that I was not aware of happening before.

We took some target rifles and made them work and they worked pretty well but we weren't traveling in Stryker vehicles, running up staircases and shooting at targets a mile away.

Times change and so does the equipment that we use. I fired both the M24 and the XM21 in SVN and they were for me wonderful rifles but I would really like to shoot these new Remington rifles, I think that they would make our old rifles, just that old rifles.