I know it isn't benchrest but it is the shape of some things to come

Personaly I think its a pointless design, and around 5 years too late for the military, then again, thinking about it, I cant see the military being interested in a switch barrel rifle, whats the point of carrying an extra barrel/bolt head and ammo? it may get the 'tacticool' crowds juices going and thats about it! as for its switch barrel capabilities, im not impressed with that either, very savage'esk, a big thumbs down from me, must try harder remmington!

It's become obvious to me that the engineers of the modern era were given far too many leggos, erector sets, and linkin logs as children.
I think this is for all the wannabe snipers. There is a huge market for "tactical" rifles.
It's become obvious to me that the engineers of the modern era were given far too many leggos, erector sets, and linkin logs as children.

Nor have they ever deployed and used anything they design. I would hate to have to carry/drag/manuever that scratchy/pointy/angular looking beast through brush and the like. There appear to be many "fish hook" looking protrusions on it.

I like the line, "designed by operators for operators". I used to be an "operator" (a title I despise...I thought operators answered phones) on a "tactical" team (another over used word) and have actually carried and deployed with a "tactical" rifle. I have some opinions on what a "tactical" rifle should look like...and it doesn't look like that.

Reinventing the wheel...and making it square.

Nor have they ever deployed and used anything they design. I would hate to have to carry/drag/manuever that scratchy/pointy/angular looking beast through brush and the like. There appear to be many "fish hook" looking protrusions on it.

I like the line, "designed by operators for operators". I used to be an "operator" (a title I despise...I thought operators answered phones) on a "tactical" team (another over used word) and have actually carried and deployed with a "tactical" rifle. I have some opinions on what a "tactical" rifle should look like...and it doesn't look like that.

Reinventing the wheel...and making it square.


C'MON Justin.... don'cha know that the more moving parts, the more holes to plug up with gunk, the more hooks and hangies and best of all the more squared off corners, the more you can rub and fondle and 'maintain' the piece....... the more experienced it will look the quicker? Remember, these are the same guys who'll scrub their "piece" around in the sand and make nicks with their multi tools (SOG makes 'wayy better marks than a Leatherman) so they can tell other "operators" how rough and tumble they are. :D

And the more pieces you can disassemble, the cooler it is! What's more manly than a whole table full of gnarly looking parts in your "hooch?"


C'MON Justin.... don'cha know that the more moving parts, the more holes to plug up with gunk, the more hooks and hangies and best of all the more squared off corners, the more you can rub and fondle and 'maintain' the piece....... the more experienced it will look the quicker? Remember, these are the same guys who'll scrub their "piece" around in the sand and make nicks with their multi tools (SOG makes 'wayy better marks than a Leatherman) so they can tell other "operators" how rough and tumble they are. :D

And the more pieces you can disassemble, the cooler it is! What's more manly than a whole table full of gnarly looking parts in your "hooch?"




Obviously, you get it! Love your sense of humor.

Another thought...most of us have been on the inside of Remmy actions and barrels and had to reach for The Factory Rifle Sickness Bags immediately thereafter. There is no doubt in my official mind that that the action and barrel on that ponderous beast are any different. No matter how hard you try, you can't polish a turd.

That "rifle" looks to be about as comfortable to hump as a 60. :( "the pig" could at least send alot of attitude adjustment down range when called for.:D

Nor have they ever deployed and used anything they design. I would hate to have to carry/drag/manuever that scratchy/pointy/angular looking beast through brush and the like. There appear to be many "fish hook" looking protrusions on it.

I like the line, "designed by operators for operators". I used to be an "operator" (a title I despise...I thought operators answered phones) on a "tactical" team (another over used word) and have actually carried and deployed with a "tactical" rifle. I have some opinions on what a "tactical" rifle should look like...and it doesn't look like that.

Reinventing the wheel...and making it square.


Well said Justin.

Target rifles painted black should not be taken to war. Period.
Y'know, I just went back and looked again.... really LOOKED at that hawg.

Just ...wow man.


Could you IMAGINE taking a tumble with that beast? I counted nine places to twist a finger off just on this side. And dingers? :eek: .... HUMP it??? I'd have forevermore two raw holes on both trigger fingers, three barked knuckles and a knot on my wristbone like a botfly boil...... I wouldn't know where to keep my pinkie, just tape it off? The nail's already wripped off, and the knuckle's swolled out and hanging down....... I'm ready to hacksaw OFF that dangling @#$% of a magazine... if I wanted a tinkertoy I wouldn't have volunteered for S/S now would I ????

So you strap it on maybe?......I pictured that "handguard" sneaking up on my medulla as I slithered down head first..... ready to spoon a hunk out of my neck. So's I guess I'd grab it off and push it? Yeahhh RIGHT!! Like driving a bear trap with a chain..... good luck ooozing that badboy over the ridge ahead of you.

Just thinking about carrying it to use gives me a gutache..... I dunno as I'd dare break into so much as a trot without I wrapped the whole deathtrap in tape. Then I wouldn't know where to grab it.... Extend the bipod legs and tape a couple pounds up front? And let's say I need to "employ it" quick?? (This means I gotta' shoot something, NOW!) I'd be confused..... it's like one of those handguns with nine safeties only I don't even know where to GRAB this thing! And once't I had ahold of it, my first instinct would be to get rid of it if I started sliding...... And in the DARK? I guess that's why it's got all the adjustable piccatinnies, so's you can leave the light on for ya'........

Just looking at it makes me want to circle it, twice.

I really dunno as I'd dare wrap myself up in that thing unless I was in a nice clear area with lots of time..... like if I were at a croquet match and suddenly a target needed to be dealt with, genteelly, old chap....

Lemme' go find my gloves



Your comments have reminded me of my thoughts the first time I jumped out of a C130 with an M-16 by my side.
I just new I was gonna end up with a hole in my leg the same size as the flash suppressor or the front sight post.

When I looked at the picture the one thing that got my vote was the Savage style barrel nut, the company armorer could change the barrel with out stripping the rifle and sending it off to a higher maintenance echelon.A prefit barrel could be used on any rifle in the rack,thats not a bad idea.
When I looked at the picture the one thing that got my vote was the Savage style barrel nut, the company armorer could change the barrel with out stripping the rifle and sending it off to a higher maintenance echelon.A prefit barrel could be used on any rifle in the rack,thats not a bad idea.

A fully agree with this sentiment. And Remington even says "user level," I like that. A 6" spanner and a rock and you've got a new barrel.

But, it's not really Savage style and that's where they blew it. (IMO) I DON'T like the slip-in barrel with half the threads of the Savage. In the pix the brake looks indexable......

Bare metal:
Too hot in summer
Too cold in winter

I made the mistake of leaving the Remmington site running when I went for a bath. The action music it starts to play is really annoying.
As a machine shop owner, I was delighted with the amount of machining on gun chassis (used to be stocks) now coming on line. The owner of an other Machine shop and I did the SHOT show this year this is what is coming down the line. Wether it will make the civialn market and benchrest I don't know. I do know that there is a sizable market for things that look and worklike these rifles do. We make firearm parts and I just saw lots more parts that we can make.:D
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