I just saw a comercial....



Fact! 7 million Americans try "5 hour energy" drinks every week to stay awake on the road or at work... Thats 35 million hours... of people that are too tired to keep their eyes open... Can that be safe?
What happens if you drink a 5 hour energy drink, then drive across a time zone line?
Been home a lot, couch sitting all day affects my sleep habits at night... comercials are better in prime time though. Sometimes the best thing on the tv is the comercials.
Paul, these energy drinks must be a profitable item. Every store I go in now has an energy drink coolers at the checkout registers.

Hopefully these drinks will keep the "now" generation awake long enough they will figure out what is going on in this country.
I tried one of those drinks once, after being up all night on a water main brake, and i didn't notice anything. I was just as tired 30 min after drinking it , than i was 30 min before i drink it. I think its all in the mind. Needless to say i didn't stay awake all the next day. I simply went home and went to bed!! 7hr later i felt great!!! Thats good medicine. Lee
Skeet, you're very perceptive!

I have kids.... piles of 'em.

teenagers in the house allatime.... A Rockstar on every table and a Red Bull in every pot.

It is my opinion that "energy drinks" are a pure marketing fraud. As the kids are finding out now that work is slow. All of a sudden coffee, juice and popcorn are gaining favor over NOS and a bag of chips!

This from a guy who drinks his last cup of coffee just before going to bed..... coffee and a nice rollie put me right to sleep.

Al, have you tried good ole New Awlins' coffee & chickory?
It's all I drink (since I was 2)
It is THE drink in New Awlins' and south looserana.

But prolly not in Washington, state that is.

BTW, my annual Pogo Christmas Carol will be posted soon.
No Roy I have not. I drink a lot of sweet ice tea in the summer but never haver had the pleasure of trying chicory. I looked it up last Christmas and just about ordered some online but chickened out, figgered I was getting tourist trapped.

Tell me more about Pogo?

My brother who used to be a coach and team trainer before he retired said that kids tried these things and found that they felt great for a while then crashed like they'd run into a reinforced concrete wall. He doesn't like them at all.
where I work. All the kids(under 40) drink them. The plant runs 24-7.
We used to get free coffee. Doubt, if we will ever get free energy drinks. Cost too much.
If a Hi-Lo driver spills a lift. He usually has an energy drink in hand. Or his phone.
Management won't do anything. They said we wouldn't have any hi-lo drivers.....
My friends in Iraq say that stuff is everywhere. was told it wasn't unusual for some one to drink a case a day. At times he said these guys were really wired tight, to the point of concern to the senior NCO's.