I gotta know... BAT vs Panda

To make it short, sweet, and to the point.... I love Pandas. Love 'em. I've shot nearly everything else with of course mixed results, BATs included. Now, I'm just thinking about a future rifle, and I just wanna know, is a BAT REALLY that much better than a Panda? I currently shoot a Panda and at no time have I felt that I drop any competitive advatages for owning a Panda. The fact that everyone owns one doesnt impress me (trends come and go), what I'm wondering is there any solid statistical proof that you gain by owning a BAT? Obviously they are glass smooth and seem to have much tighter tolerances in the raceways and of such nature, but does this lead to a competitive advantage? Just curious. :D

Matthew S Keller
It is a matter of what features you want in an action. The Bats and Pandas are both top notch actions and as far as one having better tolerances than the other I do not know for sure but I would say they are both as close to perfect as you will find. I own a bat and love it I have shot Pandas and they are amazing I do not think you can go wrong either way. I like the extractor system on the Panda beter but I do not feel that I am at a disadvantage with my Bat. It is all what you prefer and what you feel you can win with. I will promise you rounds down the barrel and experience is much more important than what brand is on the side of your action. That is not to say you can win with an WWII mauser action, just that you can easily be on top with either maker you mentioned. Just my thoughts take them as you will and I hope that helps.
Last year I built a Bat, and to tell you the truth I wish I would have built a Panda. This year if all goes well I will have a Panda. So far I have a stock for one.
I'm putting together a new gun for myself on a Farley. Got it in a deal. If I were going out to buy a action new, I would get a Panda. I've owned a few in the past and they are fine actions. Oh, and I own 2 BATs. Nothing wrong with them either.
I, too, have owned both. It is my opinion that one can win with either or can fail to win with either....depending on how good is his barrel and how good is the shooter. I think the choice is a Ford/Chevy situation. If one prefers the big foot print of aluminum actions, he should go with the Panda. If he prefers the steel action, the BAT would be a good choice. We are fortunate to have a choice of so many fine actions. As with cars, some actions may need a little tweaking as they come from the manufacturer. This is normally minor. I have seen both BATs and Pandas that needed minor work before they were perfect. Good shooting...James
As with cars, some actions may need a little tweaking as they come from the manufacturer. This is normally minor. I have seen both BATs and Pandas that needed minor work before they were perfect. Good shooting...James

Maybe I am the only one that has a problem with this; a new action is $1300.00, it should be perfect from the factory! I cannot see comparing them to cars, because of the number difference, Ford or Chevy makes a few million cars a year, where action makers if they are lucky make a few hundred. The Ford’s and Chevy’s are the Remington, Savage, and Ruger actions. I compare a custom action to a Ferrari; I guarantee if you pay $300,000 for a car it is not right from the factory there will be heck to pay. Why do we except a $1,300 action that could have a chance of not being perfect? Why are these actions not checked, or test driven before leaving the factory?
It's not a perfect world

Maybe I am the only one that has a problem with this; a new action is $1300.00, it should be perfect from the factory! I cannot see comparing them to cars, because of the number difference, Ford or Chevy makes a few million cars a year, where action makers if they are lucky make a few hundred. The Ford’s and Chevy’s are the Remington, Savage, and Ruger actions. I compare a custom action to a Ferrari; I guarantee if you pay $300,000 for a car it is not right from the factory there will be heck to pay. Why do we except a $1,300 action that could have a chance of not being perfect? Why are these actions not checked, or test driven before leaving the factory?

Patrick, there will always be the occassional imperfection in anything man made. It would be nice if this was not the case but as long as human nature remains as it has been for thousands of years, I don't see that changing. :)

As has allready been stated, we are lucky to have so many choices of custom actions today. Not that many years ago, trued Remingtons were about as good as you could do and even today, a trued Remington from someone like Brackney, Bryant, Tannel and many others is hard to beat.

If you do not allready have your own lathe and do your own gunsmithing, I encourage you to do so. It's very rewarding. :D

Good shootin'

Gene Beggs
The fact that everyone owns one doesnt impress me (trends come and go),

Well Matthew,
You should be impressed if everybody owns one, if the everybody is the people finishing at the top. It seems to me I saw the equipment list from the last SuperShoot (which I cannot locate right now) and Bats clearly dominated in pure numbers. I am talking top 20 of 300+ shooters. That may not tell you Bats are better but it tends to say Bats are preferred at least currently. I have owned 3 Stolles and still own one, they are fine actions but I now have as many Bats and there certainly is not a dramatic amount of difference in accuracy potential but I prefer the construction of the Bats. Frankly I would be most interested in a Grizzley if I were to buy a Stolle at this point.
If you're paying $1300.00/action they saw you coming and ripped you off !!!

OK, tell me where you can get a new one cheaper?

A Bat direct from Bat is $1250 plus shipping and wait time.

A panda direct from Kelby is $1100, plus $100 for microport and $60 for a dual port making it run $1265.00 plus shipping and wait tiime.

Russ haydon sells a Bat for $1250 plus shipping, then you have a FFl transfer fee bringing the action close to $1300.00

Bruno sells the same bat for $1275.00 plus shipping, without transfer fee your at $1300.00

Bruno sells a Polished Panda for $1220 plus shipping.

So tell me where they are cheaper.
1300 is about right for a new BAT DS. Thats just the way it is!! I like my BAT action. I have had and tried several other and one thing for sure is that Nothing else feels like a BAT. Some say they need firing pin work and i tend to agree to a point. I was also told by one of the best benchrest gunsmith in the bizz that most all action could use a little tuning in the firing pin department. By what you like and dont worry about what others think. This is your baby!!! Lee
It's all about trends. At one time, the Panda was the go-to action, hands down. Shilen was THE barrel. The Jewel trigger is about the only constant item that has remained.
It's all about trends. At one time, the Panda was the go-to action, hands down. Shilen was THE barrel. The Jewel trigger is about the only constant item that has remained.
Wayne, I call it flavor of the month. For example if Mr B grinds up and stuffs his cases with dried bird poop, next shoot everyone has a poop grinder and an 8# jug of poop.
Jerry, just to qualify your statement a little. If Mr. B uses ground up bird poop, and WINS with ground up bird poop, then I do think that ground up bird poop would be worth looking at........jackie
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Jackie, I just this morning poop grinder on order!

Bat(Guano) vs. Panda(poop).
Appears bird poop is ahead by a post !:)
I think Winter is setting in.
Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"