mike in co
vic is just another one with his head in the clouds with rose colored glasses on.
i work for myself. 6 and 7 days a week in gun /sporting goods biz.
i have sold off most of my collection of guns...probably close to 100 at this point.
i started collecting three retirement accounts early(jan of this year) because my income was clearly not supporting me.
vic IGNORES the national debt.
more people unemplyeed
more people that have given up looking for work
more people on food stamps
more people on welfare
i will most likely start collection ss at 66 instead of my planned 70.
he has no clue...straight party line....absolutely NO FACTS.
mike in co
i work for myself. 6 and 7 days a week in gun /sporting goods biz.
i have sold off most of my collection of guns...probably close to 100 at this point.
i started collecting three retirement accounts early(jan of this year) because my income was clearly not supporting me.
vic IGNORES the national debt.
more people unemplyeed
more people that have given up looking for work
more people on food stamps
more people on welfare
i will most likely start collection ss at 66 instead of my planned 70.
he has no clue...straight party line....absolutely NO FACTS.
mike in co