I counted my guns today...

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vic is just another one with his head in the clouds with rose colored glasses on.

i work for myself. 6 and 7 days a week in gun /sporting goods biz.

i have sold off most of my collection of guns...probably close to 100 at this point.

i started collecting three retirement accounts early(jan of this year) because my income was clearly not supporting me.

vic IGNORES the national debt.

more people unemplyeed
more people that have given up looking for work
more people on food stamps
more people on welfare

i will most likely start collection ss at 66 instead of my planned 70.

he has no clue...straight party line....absolutely NO FACTS.

mike in co
do you actually work for a living, producing something or just another bloodsucker feeding on the working class ??

mike in co

The reason the dems didn't come after guns...and have quit coming after them in such a public manner...can be traced back to the whipping's they took in the congressional races back in the 90's, and this quote from the patron saint of the democratic party, Bill Clinton:

"(Although we still believe in it)...gun control is a loser political issue".

So the democratic party quit (publically) going down that road.

So...although they believe in it, think it's right, think it's necessary, etc, etc, they abandoned it for the sake of getting elected, and being in power...which is what it's all about with them. The ends justify the means...

A highly principled lot they are not. They are extremely hypocritical, though.

And the Republicans missed the boat by not making it an issue in the last two presidential campaigns. Obama and Biden wouldn't have been able to hide from their voting records while they were in Congress.

$16.1 Trillion in debt, with it increasing at the present rate of $4 Billion per day. But that rate will increase because unpaid interest is just added to the principal, so it compounds. Anybody have any idea how long it can go on until the bubble bursts? Just askin.
about the time no one will cash a government check....
at the old only 14 tril debt it was 1 BILLION a day for 387 YEARS..if we stopped all spending...neither have happened....
you cannot eat gold nor silver....but if i have a gun and you only i have food...guess who eats.
it will not be pretty
mike in co
$16.1 Trillion in debt, with it increasing at the present rate of $4 Billion per day. But that rate will increase because unpaid interest is just added to the principal, so it compounds. Anybody have any idea how long it can go on until the bubble bursts? Just askin.
Yes, but if it gets really ugly (the weather related problems in NY & NJ were just a small microcism), the stroke of a pen can declare Martial Law, and all rights in the Constitution are null & void. The Government then takes control of everything: food, gasoline, utility companies, all transportation, and yes, all firearms. Do a Google search for; FEMA- The Secret Government. That house you thought you owned will no longer be yours, nor will any other private property.
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skeetlee: We just tried that on Nov. 6. How did it work out for you?
try it and see what happens.....
Yes, but if it gets really ugly (the weather related problems in NY & NJ were just a small microcism), the stroke of a pen can declare Martial Law, and all rights in the Constitution are null & void. The Government then takes control of everything: food, gasoline, utility companies, all transportation, and yes, all firearms. Do a Google search for; FEMA- The Secret Government. That house you thought you owned will no longer be yours, nor will any other private property.
skeetlee: We just tried that on Nov. 6. How did it work out for you?

yea it did not work. did it.

I really hate to sound like some militant finatic.. BUt is it not "we the people" NOT "the goverment" .. maybe it's time for a revolution and we take this thing called the USA back.
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