I counted my guns today...

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...and guess what? I have more than I had in November 2008. The predicted federal gun control laws that were supposed to be enacted during the last four years never were. Nor was the predicted huge excise tax on ammunition that triggered panic buying and hoarding. Gee, I wonder what happened?
I only wish i could afford to hord guns. I have 4 rifles and i shoot them all. if i want to try something else i have to sell one first. Just the way it is while raising a family. Actually i feel pretty lucky to have what i have. Lee
...and guess what? I have more than I had in November 2008. The predicted federal gun control laws that were supposed to be enacted during the last four years never were. Nor was the predicted huge excise tax on ammunition that triggered panic buying and hoarding. Gee, I wonder what happened?

I have counted up what guns I have left. I have substantially less than I had in 2008. In the last 4 years stuff has been sold off due to the economy. Even when the economy was going through the supposed improvements. Both "Summers of Recovery" that were supposed to be producing 500,000 jobs per month according to those in power. Never happened. I sold stuff that can NEVER be replaced. I hope that the economy can pick up better in the next four years than it has in the last four, for everybody.

One thing that DID happen is that the elections of 2010 changed the holders of power in the House of Representatives so that the overwhelming majority held by the one party being in control of the Presidency, the House of Representatives, and the Senate could no longer do everything they wanted without a single vote from the other side. And while the Senate still remains in the control of the same party that holds the Presidency, they no longer hold a filibuster proof super majority like they did before 2010. That made it much more difficult for the one party that has a tendency propose more gun control than the other to succeed in proposing more gun control. It also rendered it impossible to tell the American people that they had to "pass the bill so they can see what is in it" as then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi famously said about the health care bill that was opposed by the majority of the country. And still is. It also rendered it impossible and untenable for the party previously in power to attempt something as underhanded as trying to "Deem the bill passed" without a vote so as to avoid putting their name in association with the vote and then facing the voters, as was proposed by the then and current Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, regarding that same health care bill.

In the 1990's Patrick Moynihan proposed a 15,000% (PERCENT!) increase in the ammunition sales tax. Undeniably, the goal was not to raise money for government, but to eliminate ammunition sales, rendering guns useless. Was it Alexander Hamilton who said that the power to tax is the power to destroy?

In the 1990's Senator Dianne Feinstein proposed legislation that on the surface and in it's name too if I recall right, was directed at removing guns from the hands of criminals. It failed by ONE (1) vote in the Senate after having passed in the house and was supported by President Clinton. On a national TV show she lamented that she was "only ONE vote away from saying "turn them ALL in, Mr. and Mrs. America"". I found that video on Youtube recently, and can do it again if necessary. It was never about criminals and guns, or she wouldn't have said that.

When politicians of one party do things such as this, yes, people tend to remember. Especially when the same politicians are still in power. And I recognize that politicians of both parties have proposed gun control regulations in the past, and will in the future. But I also recognize that one party in particular has a long history of proposing the most.

The Founding Fathers never in their wildest imaginations considered such shenanigans as I have described above, that actually happened. Whichever way one votes on Tuesday, vote to defend the Constitution. Many of those in power have forgotten about that document. If they ever really read it to begin with.

Take care,

but still the vics will vote, deal with it.

"There Is None So Blind"

welfare is a drug and like all drugs it's fueled by denial

Like you Greg I've sold stuff to survive cuz I AIN'T on the guvermint payroll.

Keep The Pride

sold two rifles to finish paying my property taxes this year.
As a self-employed contractor nearing Social Security (61 years of old age) ,I have not worked a solid 40 hour work week in 4 years, most often 20 hours. I, too have had to sell off some of my rifles, powder and bullets to pay bills. All I can say is there better not be an over-zealous Obamohoo supporter trying to hand me a pamphlet at the polls.....they may end up eating it.
Remember in the 2nd Pres. debate OBamahoo FINALLY let the cat out of the bag in desperation to get votes.........he believes that stricter gun laws are necessary and that he would push Congress to that end. Perhaps that one political "slip-up" will seal his fate.
...and guess what? I have more than I had in November 2008. The predicted federal gun control laws that were supposed to be enacted during the last four years never were. Nor was the predicted huge excise tax on ammunition that triggered panic buying and hoarding. Gee, I wonder what happened?

Here's a little video for you vicvanb. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uI0DYcHtTlI

BHO's comments probably don't worry you any but they keep me up at night.
It's unfortunate that some had to sell guns because of the recession, but without the economic policies enacted in 2009 and 2010 we'd be in the midst of another Great Depression and all of us would have to sell guns.
...and guess what? I have more than I had in November 2008. The predicted federal gun control laws that were supposed to be enacted during the last four years never were. Nor was the predicted huge excise tax on ammunition that triggered panic buying and hoarding. Gee, I wonder what happened?

Obama was elected and paranoia, that baseless or excessive suspicion of the motives of others, ran rampant. So much so, that the gun industry today is without a doubt the fasted growing segment of our economy. If reelected, and the paranoia persists, you're assured of having plenty of guns and ammo available for at least the next four years. The Industry will be thankful for their profits. :D
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Obama was elected and paranoia, that baseless or excessive suspicion of the motives of others, ran rampant. So much so, that the gun industry today is without a doubt the fasted growing segment of our economy. If reelected, and the paranoia persists, you're assured of having plenty of guns and ammo available for at least the next four years. The Industry will be thankful for their profits. :D

Gun contol IS HERE in Obamacare. Snuck in below the radar to avoid political suicide of addressing it in the party platform. Those exempt clauses won't mean a thing once the feds take over the entire HC System.
If he gets re-elected I cant wait for the real obama to rear it's face with no more elections to contend. Paranoia?? He will show you the true meaning of the word!
It's not over yet

I wouldn't dance down the hi way, w/a sign saying "I have more guns than in 2008"
I saw an interveiw on Meet the Press in 2007, having a conversation w/a black senator from Ill.
He said to the interveiwer, (one of my objectives would be to disarm the American public)
What better time to try this , than in the second 4 years of an administration. I heard the same
man, just last wk, saying the Amercan people had no need for the same or similar firearms the military has.
Sorry for getting political.
The ONLY reason that we haven't had more anti-gun laws enacted in the last four years is that Obama spent the first two years jamming Obamacare down our throats, then he got a Republican House that wouldn't have passed any new restrictions no matter what the White House or Senate wanted. THAT and the desire to get reelected were the only things that prevented more anti-gun laws. Although I haven't had to sell any guns I also haven't bought any either. Nobody voted for the last budget Obama submitted in either house BTW, and Harry Reid's Senate has not passed a budget in nearly four years. Good work there.

If Obama's fans like Vic get him reelected the next four years are going to be ugly. If the idea that spending more money in less than four years than Bush did in eight, and not fulfilling ANY of his campaign promises from four years ago but promising more of the same lights your fire I'm not sure what to say except enjoy the warmth.

I'm about sick and tired of politics at this point, and like HFV am sorry for getting political but don't feel like there's much choice when threads like this are started.
It's unfortunate that some had to sell guns because of the recession, but without the economic policies enacted in 2009 and 2010 we'd be in the midst of another Great Depression and all of us would have to sell guns.

Pure speculation, no one can look into the future and accurately predict what will happen. Your quote is nothing more than opinion and speculation.
Well Vic have you checked your 401 or your retirement fund or even the equity in your house?
Six hours after winning the election Obama and his crew began actively pushing for the UN International Firearms Control Treaty. They say this won't have any effect on our Constitutional Rights, but part of the treaty calls for national licensing of gun owners and registration of guns. Can't go around collecting the guns if you don't know exactly where they are. Just sayin'.... :(
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