Hunter Class Rules..


Broken down Plumber
I need clarification on the latest rules regardign ctg case dims.....I hear that the old 30-30 volume rule is no longer in use,,,I have a 30 BR reamer and am about to chamber a new bbl,,,,will that be legal in Hunter class,,,my rifle was legal before but am wanting new bbl,,,would some of you active Hunter shooters or officers help me out ,Please....I cant find it in the on line rules,,,,Roger

The 30BR is now legal in Hunter class.

Virgil Howarth
Austin Rifle Club
Hunter/VFS Match Director
Hi Roger.

Assuming your new barrel meets the taper requirements: ( pg 77

Short answer = yes, it is legal.

Little bit longer answer =
In the IBS the 30BR would still be in the varmint hunter class (in terms of ability to break world records). As of last year (2013) you would compete against all other 6 power scopes (regardless of caliber) in terms of yardages and grand aggs.
In the NBRSA the "no case capacity rule" is in its' 3 year trial period. So, for the next 3 years you can shoot basically any caliber you want. The membership will vote at the end of these 3 years to either accept or reject this rule.

Hope this helps.
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Great,,thanks Stanley and Virg....I have a 30 x 47 bbl with aprox 100 rds tht Is long enuff to re chamber ,,,I am tired of the recoil and look foreward to the accuracy of the BR....Roger
NBRSA website
Board of Directors minutes minutes FINAL plus GenMtg.pdf

page 4 of 7
Hunter Class: Mr Meyer wanted to discuss the hunter class meeting at the 2013 Hunter Nationals which
was held by Ron Shultz at Mill Creek. The hunters voted 20 to 15 to remove the case capacity and
caliber restriction for a 2-year period. Mr Meyer asked for a vote to accept their 2-year trial period.
Second by Mr Campbell and passed unanimously.

page 7 of 7
Mr Meyer made a motion to have a 3-year moratorium on all rule changes for all three disciplines
once the Hunter/VFS Rules are approved with the exception of safety items. The Board has requested
Mr Mundy to review the Hunter/VFS Rules and once approved, these too will be included in the 3-year
moratorium on rule changes. The moratorium will be concluded January 1, 2017. Motion seconded by
Mr Hunter. All in favor except for Mr Stanton. Motion passed.
Go to the NBRSA

How can I get a copy of this rule change?

website. Left column, "Score Shooting" On that page is a link to the .pdf of the current score rules, the full rules. You will see the definition of all the rifles, targets, course of fire, the whole enchilada.
