How to use Bukys TSI Tuners

If you notice Gene Bukys and Jackie Schmidt are both using tuners out in front of the muzzle.I doubt they weigh more than one or two ounces more than the tuners sitting behind the muzzle.

They are exerting more leverage on the muzzle however and tune quicker.The weight behind the muzzle tuners seem lazy for lack of a better description.
I have one of Jackie's earlier tuners, and it extends beyond the muzzle about and length 3". Looking at pictures of the current version that has part of a marine cutless bearing pressed over what I have, I would say that it has slightly over 1/3 of its total weight in front of the muzzle. I also have one of Gene Beggs' tuners. When you move it, things happen. The point isn't how they look, or whether their style conforms to any preconceived notions, but whether they work. It would seem that there is more than one way to skin this particular cat. Lou Murdica has spent a fair amount of time testing tuners of various configurations. What he currently is similar to the Beggs (very well made by Ralph Stewart), a little lighter, and on his 10.5# bag gun(s) it sits with about half of the thickness of the front disk overhanging the muzzle. I have seen the targets that show how he tunes his rail with a larger, heavier version, proportioned to the larger barrel. It doesn't take much of an adjustment to fix a little vertical. Personally, I think that once you have about the right amount of weight, in about the right position, you can finish the tune by adjusting the load, and from their make further adjustments with either the load or the tuner, or in extreme conditions both. Of course if one is preloading, one is limited to adjusting the tuner, unless he has come to the match with more than one load.
I don't like the recessed crowns even though they work.I think Henry Childs used a recessed crown and shot a very small group with it at the nationals back when he was posting here.

When my guns are shooting small at 100 they are not shooting small at 600.When they are shooting small at 600 they are not shooting small at 1,000.

lynn,Henry was going for pot luck by throwing differing weights on his muzzle .He did not adjust his weights .He does not adhere to the theories we are working with and that is cool, but soon he will I hope .My experience is quite the opposite from you ,mine was set for 1000yds and I was invited by Ralph Stewart to come out and shoot some matches at denton which is about 30 minutes from my home, The gun shot small at 100yds and shot small at 200yds as well.The only reason was level velocities. Tim in Tx
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We always enjoyed Tim when he came to shoot and hope you all will come shoot with us. Tuner or No tuner we learn from everyone and are always hoping you will come by and have some fun. We have been having some big laughs lately, it has been cool, with a nice 20 to 30 mph breeze. Denton is just a few miles from DFW and we have nice benches, loading areas, very little blowing dirt, and you will find a range with modist challenges and helpful people.

Thanks Mr Ralph,I am looking forward to shooting there again. good people ,good shooters,good laughs ,good smooth running match and good food at that.Man what more could you ask for ? It is time to get out and shoot and have some fun.We will see you soon.

Tim in Tx
My barrels are around 20.5". I don't think that I want to give up any more bore length. You make the point that I wrote of earlier in this thread, for 10.5# PPCs the viable tuner options are significantly different than they are for rimfire or heavier CF rifles.

I see your problem now Boyd ,I did not realize your barrel was so short.Ok on you next barrel call Tim North and tell him you want a weak middle barrel so you can add weight to the muzzle or have enough meat to recess it.I bet you could remove 1 full pound just by going to a weak middle.Just a thought. Tim in Tx
Actually, since I am not aware of anyone shooting one of Tim's barrels in short range benchrest, and the one that I bought some years back came with a .2433 groove diameter, I think that I will pass on that.