How to shoot a 416 Rigby

How to shoot a 416 Rigby?

Carefully. Very carefully.

Less care is needed if you neck it down to .338... Of course, then you blow it out for more capacity & use 300-grain bullets.... We'll never learn.
A hunter sighting in a 505 Gibbs is using a portable 3 legged shooting bench at my club. Its high enough that he can shoot while standing, when signing in the rifle. Then shooting sticks are used for practice.
Standing and useing shooting sticks is more comfortible.
I remember Bill Shehane sighting in a .40/505 at Hawks Ridge -- is that the Chy-Tac?

Of course, Bill's a big boy... It was braked... He seemed all right with it.
Watched two guys with one. The first guy got knocked back till he was almost off the bench, His hat was laying on the bench about where his head was before he shot. Other guy ended up with a busted shoulder, I heard.
Tim Thompson
"About as much fun, "as a dose of clap".

Please explain. LOL!!!!

I wouldn't know, but wouldn't a 30/06 take down most anything that needs brought down? Hell i dont even like shooting a 30/06 and i am a fair sized man. Recoil sucks!!! Lee
I'll hold your rifle while you talk harsh language to him.


While you're holding his rifle you can sit in the fully armored Hum-v while I man the MA DUCE in the turret. At my age death is no longer a challenge, it's a promise. No sense hurrying it along! Not very sporting but safe to say I'll never own an armoured vehicle and never hunt Cape Buffalo.................................
and he will have to be fast if he gets me riled up...

We need you on our Olympic Track team. Forget about the 416 Rigby,just get you a pair of them Nike running shoes. I'll be a safe distance away with a video Cam.

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Butch back in post 10 you said you were worried about squirrels.
Do they look like this?
big squirrel.jpg
Absolutely no doubt about it--standing benches are a life saver. Can almost shoot comfortably. Just don't shoot too much.