How to insert image



I’m having trouble inserting a picture, perhaps someone smarter than I could explain what’s up.
When I highlight the picture image on the tool bar the background goes blurry while the picture is downloading, once completed the screen remains blurry I see no way of continuing with the post.
I’m pretty sure I’m doing something wrong but what?
Using a third party hosting service works well.

Imgur is about as easy as it gets, the pictures are high quality when posted and it's free.

Steer clear of Photobucket. -Al
I use flickr

I figured I could just upload a picture from my phone. I don’t have a clue how Flickr or photo bucket works.
Oh well
thx anyway Gents
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I figured I could just upload a picture from my phone. I don’t have a clue how Flickr or photo bucket works.
Oh well
thx anyway Gents

Hokayyy..... a Luddite perspective :)

I take a pixture with my phone, typically just a snapshot when someone asks "how do you?"....

Then I plug my phone into my laptop and it goes 'ding' and shows me some options to click on......and I shift my phone pictures onto my computer by "creating a file" which I name something creative like "phone pix 7/10/19" so now the image(s) is(are) quote 'on my computer'


I take a pic on my phone and email it to myself, then I open the email, right clik the pic and do 'save image as'....... and again, this makes the image "on my computer"

Now on BRC I klik the icon that's kinda square like a tacked up blanket that says "insert image"

When I klik on "insert image" it gives me the option of "from computer" and "choose file" so I go there, pick my pic and dubble-click and


I just went and looked at that image (which I snapped recently to show my ultra-sophisticated $39.99 drive motor) and noticed the lead slugs.... those are in'tirely disconnected from the other stuff in the pic. They are 375gr air rifle slugs. For shooting big game with a pellet gun

I've got the charged air rifle in the shop, with a jammed broken bolt...... I've been tasked with fixing it. It's a liddle spooky to start unassembling a gun with 4000psi inside of I'm building a bleeder fitting before just unscrewing stuff willy-nilly LOL!
AND..... let it be said..... as a person with several thousands of dollars in camera equipment...... I too am in awe of Tom's abilities
Hokayyy..... a Luddite perspective :)

I take a pixture with my phone, typically just a snapshot when someone asks "how do you?"....

Then I plug my phone into my laptop and it goes 'ding' and shows me some options to click on......and I shift my phone pictures onto my computer by "creating a file" which I name something creative like "phone pix 7/10/19" so now the image(s) is(are) quote 'on my computer'


I take a pic on my phone and email it to myself, then I open the email, right clik the pic and do 'save image as'....... and again, this makes the image "on my computer"

Now on BRC I klik the icon that's kinda square like a tacked up blanket that says "insert image"

When I klik on "insert image" it gives me the option of "from computer" and "choose file" so I go there, pick my pic and dubble-click and


View attachment 23048
To quote another [I see the workbench of a genius] lol
Thx for the walk through, I may have it now........ insert smiley face here
The more the pixels are compressed and then reorganized, the more the detail suffers. Not that details are always important, as this pic I grabbed off my phone shows. :D

The more the pixels are compressed and then reorganized, the more the detail suffers. Not that details are always important, as this pic I grabbed off my phone shows. :D


waitin' at Costco for them to get new tires on the grocery getter......... jus' had one a' them foot-long buck-fitty hut'dogs and feelin' fine.....