How to get more participation...

Hi AJ, I should be there by the end of October. Looking forward to it. I am trying to get a scoped rifle for Florida. Worse come to worse, I will bring one I already own down along with some ammo it likes. Boy, I wish someone would make a good trigger for the Kimber 82G. My best, David


I sent you an email about the trigger. Don't worry about a scoped rifle. We can find something here, remember the Lakeland Gunshow will go on twice while you are here...500 - 600 dealers. If we can't find it there will loan you something out of my cabinets.

Hi Guys,

Some possible ways to add shooters:

Instead of Outlaw Matches start a Class system for beginners and Intermediate shooters along with the Elite class shooters and the $5000 rifles.
Sporters just need to make weight and scope rules fpr these two classes. Make score limits or # of matches a class shooter can shoot before moving up; say 10 matches max or a score of 220 then move up. Shoot these new shooters and intermediate on a separate relay if possible.
Same thing 10.5 and 13.5 pound. Some will stay and some will go . some will keep shooting intermediate with
their lesser rifle and some will buy a used race rifle(s) or get one built as they can.
Start a Juniors program so Dad or Grandpa BR shooter can get more bullets thru their rifles or just give or buy a rifle for the Junior. Get the Scouts involved whenever we can.

As far as Elite shooters get a 8 pound gun any scope for the people who can't or won't shooy sporter. Make sporter a
separate gun from this as it is now.Make a 4 gun and a 3 gun winners award.
Just some random thoughts, I know it is a extra load on match people so we need more people involved same as in everything else.
I'd like to hear from some of the other match directors. Wilbur has set up special sporter class with relaxed rules in the past. We never had a single person show up to shoot the class. I always take one or two of my spare custom sporters and an extra rest in case someone shows up without a sporter. In July we had 8 new shooters show up with only a heavy gun. All were offered a sporter to shoot. Only one accepted the offer.
Guess I am some kind of nut, but I have 5 sporters that will out shoot my 10 1/2 guns. Obviously I do not understand the reluctance of people to shoot sporter. Some claim the small scope strains their eyes. I am 69 years old and shot with cataracts for several years before getting them fixed last year.
I don't like allowing the sporter class match to be used as a practice session for 10 1/2 for all the reasons stated by others. However I have done it but found it to not have any positive effect. Some think they should not pay to shoot it since they will be DQ'd. Sporter shooters don't think it is fair to them. I applaud Joe and his results but have not seen it work other places.

I've seen you practice what you preach. In fact, that young position shooter you loaned your equipment ot a couple years ago at the Crawfish taught all of us a lesson.:eek:


I agree with all you have said about the sporter & 10 1/2shooting together. I think we all bend over backwards to show a new shooter a good time and help them shoot. If they are on the line, they need to be a competitor, period. You can't be a competitor unless you pay an entry fee.

I did a little searching and found "A Tale From The Crawfish" and put it the 'Worth Reading' section of my website.

When I saw Matt and his family at this years Crawfish they told me that Matt has had a lot of college scholarship offers based on his Air Rifle expertise. If I remember right he said he planned to go to West Point!
If you read my Tale you will probable agree that he will fit right in!
More participation

I travelled to Michigan on vacation from Texas with the intention of shooting with Joe Haller at the Mavis Haller Memorial Yooper Shoot and with Dick Wright in Harrison, Michigan as a warm-up match for the Yooper Shoot. Both clubs use the 25 and 50 yard target. Dick's club combines the scores from a 25 yard target and a 50 yard target, Joe's club has individual matches in each distance. The 25 yard target was a treat...the scores are high and the x's become the deciding factor. I found much less frustratation with the 25 yard target, plus my ego was really inflated when I shot a 250...So much of our sport is an exercise in frustration...a little twitchy, breeze can ruin your score and upset your concentration. We need to encourage new shooters with classes for all types of 22lr's...the 25 yard target may not be easier or as easy as you think they are, but they are fun to shoot!!!

By the way...if you are planning a "shooting" vacation next year I would like to strongly suggest a trip to the Sault St. Marie, Michigan during the 2nd week of August for the Mavis Haller Memoerial Shoot (see Joe Haller's previous post). This was my first trip and I've already made plans for 2009. The country in upper Michigan is beautiful and there are many things for a family oriented vacation, plus the shoot was exceptional. Joe and the club really know how to run a match...the door prizes alone are worth the trip.
Some Ramblings

Hi Friends,

I swore I would leave this one alone, but here I am.

First let me say that many of you have made good points. The problem I have is one I liken to the city person who moves to the country because he thinks it would be a good place to raise kids and grow old in. Then before you know it he is trying to change things. Perhaps complaining that the streets are too narrow or the street lighting is poor. Perhaps even complaining that cow **** stinks. Then, if he gets his “improvements”, he complains that the taxes are too high. You know the kind?

As I said, most all have made good points, but some posters have a limited amount of time shooting RFBR. They do not have a firm grounding in the rules, customs and traditions of the games/disciplines. Most of the posters have never been a Match Director and most likely never will be one. Having a firm set of rules makes the match run smoothly and the Match Director’s job a bit easier…a job that is hard enough as it is. Remember, that Match Director most likely has a lot of experience under his belt.

Most rules are there for a reason. Do rules sometimes have to be bent a bit to fit the circumstance? Yes. For instance, if you have a gun that does not meet the criteria for a certain class you could ask the Match Director if you could shoot it anyway, for fun, knowing you would be DQ’ed. But you should ask first, not just bring it to the line. Speaking of asking, perhaps asking why a rule is there first might be a good idea. You may like the answer or you may not but at least you have a basis for further suggestions.

As to attracting new shooters? This has always been a problem and has been debated ad-infinitum on this board. Let’s face it; we have chosen a nitch sport that will probably never attract big numbers of shooters. Seems to me the best answer is what Joe Haller is doing. He has done a great job bringing in new shooters. Some of which I’m sure have “graduated” to IR or ARA or what ever.

Sorry for my babble. Just had to get my 2 cents in.

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