how to beat a Calfee rifle with a cmp rifle

Beau, you know exactly where I have been coming from with all these post. you know, Bill knows and I know.
Beau, you know exactly where I have been coming from with all these post. you know, Bill knows and I know.

I really don't. Maybe you and Bill do, but not me. I seems to stem form the Bill versus Varmint thread. I've posted for Bill and read what he put up there, which is consistent with what he has always said. I don't think I've read very many of the responses. Just a bunch of old men swinging their internet dicks at each other through FEA in my opinion. I know what I believe. I know what works for me. I seriously don't know what you're getting at.

If you shot 10 cases of ammo last year, you should know something. Unless it was just cheap ammo, in which case you just wasted your money. I suppose you can do that if you nothing else to do. But so far you've proven nothing to me and your 15 minutes of fame is about gone.
As I see it Calfee rifles can and are being beat by other makers rifles. Your task as I see it is to win three or four matches in a row against all competitors and wait to be asked how you did it. That will garner more attention than this rhetoric.

if nobody's gonna holler liar, liar...
i've got a boxstock Kimber of NY with a trigger job that's been shootin ARA targets ...worst score yet was 2100 and the best was 2350..with Tenex, black box, and SK match 1050 to 1065, @ 50rds..that's in my backyard range, scored by me..with an Official plug...don't need no stinkin tuner and that's the way it is !!!:D


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As I see it Calfee rifles can and are being beat by other makers rifles. Your task as I see it is to win three or four matches in a row against all competitors and wait to be asked how you did it. That will garner more attention than this rhetoric.


You're exactly right. Calfee rifles don't win every match. Of course, I would contend that Calfee rifles win no matches as I've never seen a rifle shoot itself. But anyway, shooters using Calfee rifles do not win every match so why key in on Calfee. Martin has a bone to pick with Calfee and he alluded to that earlier. He thinks I know what it is and I don't. But, if he wants his fifteen minutes, beat everybody. I know he'll get attention. But shooting behind the barn, I can be king every single time.
if nobody's gonna holler liar, liar...
i've got a boxstock Kimber of NY with a trigger job that's been shootin ARA targets ...worst score yet was 2100 and the best was 2350..with Tenex, black box, and SK match 1050 to 1065, @ 50rds..that's in my backyard range, scored by me..with an Official plug...don't need no stinkin tuner and that's the way it is !!!:D

Earl, its hard to tell but if I was looking at that target through a spotting scope which I can normally get pretty close....that target would be between a 1950 and 2050. Of course several pluggers in there.

awh, shucks charlie !!
ya gotta give the shooter the benifit of the doubt.....ya know I wouldn't cheat;)
i had ta stand on my head to score it:D

Hey, cut the Gambler some slack.

I wasn't there when he shot it, never met the guy, but if he said "that is the way it is" then I'm a believer.

Sure, it happened on his range, in the backyard, but he has a picture. That's good enough for me.

From this day forth I'm going to follow his methods and aspire to shoot as well as he does.

You da man Gambler! :D:D
Me and Earl go way back....he is a good guy....and a friend.
We shot many indoor fun matches in Sullivan Mo together.

there ya i'm gonna have ta write a book "How to beat a calfee gun with a Kimber "
page one

lay the calfee rifle gently on the bench and grab the kimber by the barrel with both hands............:D

this is the way I feel about marksmanship. if I find a system that works i will tell other shooters about that system. if you can beat me with the same knowledge of systems then you are the better marksman. if i find as I have that Alex Sitman who is well known in centerfire is bedding my rimfire and the results are outstanding I will tell other shooters, if you can beat me with the knowledge that I share you are a better marksman. I will never stop sharing the sport for the simple reason I want to win. when will Bill finish answering the questions and supply the information requested. never I suspect, but that will not stop me or others from sharing in the sport. and thats the way it is.

Would you tune my rifle for me if I send it to you? I have three tournaments coming up in the next three weeks and I sure could use some help.
I'll probably have to shoot against Beau and several other Calfee guns. Sure would be some good advertising for you. I'm shooting a custom gun but I have a CMP 40X if you would rather I use it.

Heck, once Martin gets your rifle tuned, you should be able to save all kinds of money..When he gets through, you will probably be able to shoot that Federal bulk ammo from Wal-Mart, then you can send me all that old Eley you have been using..:D

Would you tune my rifle for me if I send it to you? I have three tournaments coming up in the next three weeks and I sure could use some help.
I'll probably have to shoot against Beau and several other Calfee guns. Sure would be some good advertising for you. I'm shooting a custom gun but I have a CMP 40X if you would rather I use it.

Yeah, Martin do that for Gene. That's a heck of an idea. Only use the CMP though. That custom gun is junk anyway. I could even help and give it a few twists myself if needed.
will it ever end? martin is new and having fun. i do believe he has let it go to his head in a mjor way. martin give it a rest and win a several matches, then come back and see if they except your advice then. your like me martin. this is your first year. don't get over cocky. humble pie and crow taste exactly the same when it is fed to you!!

i'm afraid tomc has created a monster with martin. the day is coming when somebody who can shoot and is using a calfee rifle or another cmp rifle is ganna put martin in his place hard.

martin, there is no one magic rifle builder. there is no one best rifle shooter. on any given day the best shooter with the very best rifle can and will get beat by a lesser riflemen with a much lesser rifle. we all have good and bad days. somedays no matter how hard we try to shoot our best we just can't do it and other days we can do nothing but shoot the x's out of a target. getover yourself. the humble pie and crow is coming.what day and match you'll never know, but it is coming. don't fight it. the taste will just stay that much longer in your mouth.

just have fun and stop trying to change the rimfire shooting world. enjoy yourself, enjoy the company of other riflemen, and enjoy the sport. stop beating your chest till you have a great many winning matches under your belt. then you can say what you want. it's stuff like this fude that is not attracking new people to our sport. it drives them away. i hate to fuss. if i have to go to a match and there is constant bickering going on i will leave and not go back.

me and big g might have pissed alot of people off because we talked and ribbed each other the entire match. it's all in fun. none of us are ganna get rich doing this. none of us are going to shoot constant 2500's or 250-25x's. if we did everybody would just give us thier money and go home without shooting a shot when we walked up to a bench and set our rifles down.
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Mr. nobody, thank you, you hit the nail on the head. there is no magic rifle builder. and you are right I am having a good time with this. if your rifles shot like mine you would too. now all everyone has to do is convince Bill to explain all the different stories, give Al the info he has asked for. science is funny to some there are those that no matter how much science proves that the earth was not made 7,000 years ago some will not beleive. some beleive 7,000 years ago man walked with the dinosauers, what more can anyone say.
Nobody ever said there was a magic rifle builder. Certainly Calfee has never said so. You have a bone to pick with something and I'm honest with you. When I say I don't know what the problem is, I'm being honest.

So, why don't you enumerate the differences you mention and then maybe it will be solved. If you can't enumerate the differences then you're just blowing smoke.

As far as beating a Calfee rifle with a CMP, simply outscore them. But I will tell you or anybody else one thing. You will never have integrity if you just stay in one place and report scores. People dismiss you. Just the way it is. You want to prove your method? Get out and compete, or adjust the tuners for others and congratulate them when they win using your method. You'll get the attention you want.

Are these people of science related to the ones just 600 yrs ago that knew the earth was flat??? I believe about as much from scientist as I do from politician's. Most modeling programs have flaws and some things we just can not explain yet, like why do some actions just shoot better than others of the same model, even if they spec out the same....who knows, just be glad when you have one. Kinda like the old saying "don't look a gifted horse in the mouth".

once it's proven it's no longer a theory. it's proven, and no matter what Bill, Beau or any team Calfee member says, if Bill is tuning his rifle like he said during the spring of 2008 his rifles are not tuned. however if Bill is timing his rifles and not telling us then maybe they are.
Hovis, are you really here on this planet? who was burnining what and telling who to read and think what 600 years ago? I think it was rome that said the world was flat. geez see what I mean.
once it's proven it's no longer a theory. it's proven, and no matter what Bill, Beau or any team Calfee member says, if Bill is tuning his rifle like he said during the spring of 2008 his rifles are not tuned. however if Bill is timing his rifles and not telling us then maybe they


What did he say and I'll tell you whether or not he does it.