How many rounds before...



Not sure if asked before...if so point in right direction...thanks.

How many rounds through your barrel before you notice degradation in your accuracy? I have a Shillen 4 groove ratchet barrel with 5909 rounds through it. Granted it really still shoots fantastic. I've been told over 50-70 thousand. What is the real deal?
Thanks again
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Not sure if asked before...if so point in right direction...thanks.

How many rounds through your barrel before you notice degradation in your accuracy? I have a Shillen 4 groove ratchet barrel with 5909 rounds through it. Granted it really still shoots fantastic. I've been told over 50-70 thousand. What is the real deal?
Thanks again

You’ve been told wrong, maybe 1/2 that, if you are extremely careful with cleaning tecnique.
Let's say you have a winning barrel, as all others aren't worth discussing. When it becomes more difficult to win is when you should start looking for a replacement.
I put 18 cases thru one !

It shot very well for 5 years with over 150 ARA Targets per year ! It was Solid up thru 2010 -2016 won many Times an most always top five ! Then it fell off 100 points ! I sent it back to Gorham for a new barrel and it sent back and said I put the wrong spring in it (new Diorio Spring in a Flash ) and it was hitting mehanical stop ! He put the correct spring in it and I got another year out of it ! Came in 3rd in ARA A line that year ! Have put 3 new Ratchets on it and none of them is as good as the old one yet ! New barrels don`t always solve the mystery !
It shot very well for 5 years with over 150 ARA Targets per year ! It was Solid up thru 2010 -2016 won many Times an most always top five ! Then it fell off 100 points ! I sent it back to Gorham for a new barrel and it sent back and said I put the wrong spring in it (new Diorio Spring in a Flash ) and it was hitting mehanical stop ! He put the correct spring in it and I got another year out of it ! Came in 3rd in ARA A line that year ! Have put 3 new Ratchets on it and none of them is as good as the old one yet ! New barrels don`t always solve the mystery !

Bob Barnhart, if memory serves, said he put around 30 cases through his barrel. And was winning till the very end. (He only has 8 boxes of his magic ammo left) Bob and Wayne did well last Friday with Bob’s Trident.
And I’d bet Black Death and Big Dog have had at least 15 cases run through them.
Thanks for the replies. I've certainly have enough barrel life left for a long time yet.