How many are dealing w/.....


Paul Fielder

....all star baseball??

My boy is 10 and I have never lived so much baseball in my life!! I was a football player and track (sprinter)

I know / learned more about baseball (and my son) in the past two weeks than we have in last five years since t-ball!!

He is getting good & the coach wants him on his select team but he has too many other interests and obligations to live bb all year long. It is fun but HOTTER than hell down here right now & is taking up ALL of June.

Any other Dad's deal with this?? Select involves travel and $$$$.

I think kids (or adults) playing baseball in the local sand lot or school yard is a lot of fun and good exercise. More "advanced" forms of baseball, especially watching professional baseball on TV, is a complete waste of time. I attended one professional baseball game (St Louis Cardinals) when I was about 14. I'm now 63 and have had no desire to go again.
Baseball, It never did do anything for me either....

.....My son is so different than me at the same age. My Dad could not get out the door to hunt or fish w/out me clawing and scratching to tag along. My boy is into sport and really doesn't care about the outdoors yet. He eats up anything w/ a ball and competition so I'm supporting him whichever way he wants to go. I am just now starting to see a little killer instinct in him but not like I had.

I almost gave up football because it was during dove and deer season. I do think that it /sports kept me from taking the wrong path. I was a crazy man in high school and pretty certain that my involvement and being needed in a "team" kept me from going too far off the deep end....although I am lucky to have lived through my teens living along the border.

Let me tell you.....jail in Mexico is no fun.


Baseball is huge in this house. The son has played for years, from tee-ball through Babe Ruth. When he was 10, I built a pitching machine from a DC motor, some aluminum plate, a controller and a small tire. A 55' batting cage in the backyard, and all the neighborhood kids hung out here. Parents would stop by in the eve with their kids for a few min of practice. The parents that thought they could still play and hit usually left holding their backs saying Thanks, I thought I could still hit. It's been a blast.

We talking from experience now Paul?? :D:eek:

On my Birthday too....long night 20+ years ago.

Maybe I'll get wound up and post the story some day.....wish I could get some sleep. Got a long day tomorrow.

pf is too much of a thinking man game. Football was much easier on the mind but harder on the brain:) Glad I got ham string probs and had to quit @ high school. Don't want to know if I had gone on to college....hurting enough as it is today.

I played 2nd base in school, but don't follow it now.

Baseball is like no other sport! Baseball is a pastoral game with times of serene, mellow relaxation filled with the smell of cut grass and hot dogs, punctuated with unexpected action that arrives just before you go into a trance on a summer evening under the lights of a ball park. Maybe its time I got back to going to a local baseball game and let that trance do its work.
I played 2nd base in school, but don't follow it now.

Baseball is like no other sport! Baseball is a pastoral game with times of serene, mellow relaxation filled with the smell of cut grass and hot dogs, punctuated with unexpected action that arrives just before you go into a trance on a summer evening under the lights of a ball park. Maybe its time I got back to going to a local baseball game and let that trance do its work.

Man,yea,i played until i was 35,tore a rotater cuff and i was done.
I started when i was 6 years old,played in school,summer league and pick up games.
They said i was too small to go further,so i took up shooting back when i was 6 also,we would go to Waynick's county store on saturday nights with a 22 springfield single shot,we would shoot for a nickle at Cigs on a fence,if ya hit 3,you got a free belly washer(double Cola)
But BaseBall,was fun,sweat,dirt,dust,hotdogs,double cola,and pretty girls,man,that was the times.
He's only gonna be around for a little while. (under your roof that is) And you'll have a lot of years to think about the times missed. I had to work shift work (and week-ends) when my kids were coming up. I don't remember all the money I made but I sure remember the times I missed out on.
It's all a balancing act....

He's only gonna be around for a little while. (under your roof that is) And you'll have a lot of years to think about the times missed. I had to work shift work (and week-ends) when my kids were coming up. I don't remember all the money I made but I sure remember the times I missed out on.

...I'm self employed and my wife is a realtor. We don't sell, we don't eat....basically starting over. Our health Ins. is more than our mortgage and things are tight.

I have lots of time that is my own and actually heading out with some hog panel and a cut off tool to fix the big hole in the back stop before some kid gets hurt.

Sometimes I wish I had the security of steady and larger financial bag but I do enjoy the freedom I have.....I wonder sometimes if I'm doing the right thing but time will tell. Between the wife and I, one of us is always here for the kids.

Here for the kids

...I'm self employed and my wife is a realtor. We don't sell, we don't eat....basically starting over. Our health Ins. is more than our mortgage and things are tight.

I have lots of time that is my own and actually heading out with some hog panel and a cut off tool to fix the big hole in the back stop before some kid gets hurt.

Sometimes I wish I had the security of steady and larger financial bag but I do enjoy the freedom I have.....I wonder sometimes if I'm doing the right thing but time will tell. Between the wife and I, one of us is always here for the kids.


Trust me, you and your wife are doing the right thing. You have a whole lifetime to make money and only a little time to love and shape a child.
This is from a guy that did 30 years on the night shift, you can not get your kids growing up, back. There is little that is more important than your children, no matter what it is. The pictures in your mind of them when they are growing up, is the most important thing in your life. At least they are in mine.
ROFLMAO. You think you've got problems. A friend in Memphis had 5 kids and one year he had kids in 4 different leagues. As posted, it'll work out. Good luck to you. Keep us posted on how the kid does. :)
You think he knows how that happens B??

...can't imagine 5!! Especially all boys!! I shut down the factory after #2.

He has his 1st game tonight...we're gonna look like the bad news bears if the city doesn't provide the jerseys and caps when we show up tonight. We'll have kids from 5 or 6 teams all mis-matched from their earlier jerseys.

Might be pretty funny.....not sure who were playing. Going a 3-4 towns to the East. Not sure how this all star stuff works?? I think this is like a practice tourney for the next 3-4 days to prepare for end of the month Real tourney??

His coach is pretty cool....for you bb guys, his name is Ted Ford and was suppossedly a hot shot hitter with the Texas Rangers back in the early 70's.

4 boys and 1 girl

As Paul Harvey would say, the rest of the story is, it was as much her as him. She was determined to have a little girl. When she had a little girl that she could dress in ribbons and curls, silks and lace, they called it quits. The little girl looked like a peanut butter ad. Red hair and freckles. With 4 older brothers, she quickly learned to stand her ground, and, of course, play ball. She went to the Univ of Tenn on a softball scholarship. I guess those ribbons and lace are still packed away somewhere. ;)

My Son is 35 years old
When he was seven, he decided he wanted to swim. So he (we), joined the Sam Houston Swim Club. a US Swim Team affiliation.
Well, untill the day he graduated from High School, I spent every other week end, sitting beside a pool, watching him compete. He practiced every day, just about year round.
My Daughter, who is now 30, wanted to be in Band. I went to every football game, and made four major out of town trips during her High School years as a chaperon.
It all seems forgotten now.

My oldest brother had one Daughter, she decided at about 8 years that she wanted to play Softball. She became a pitcher.
She did. She got really good. Then she got REALLY good. Ended up going to LSU on a full ride scholorship, was chosen the most valuable player in the 2004 College World Series her Senior Year. She then went to LSU Law School, with Alumni paying for most of that. So, my brother ended up NOT HAVING TO PAY FOR a college education worth over $150,000.
So, my advice, get you kid involved in something that will get them an education without sending you to the poor house.
Incidentally, I had to pay for my Daughters college degree. Plus her Masters. So, I speak from experience.....jackie
We'll see Jackie....

My Son is 35 years old
When he was seven, he decided he wanted to swim. So he (we), joined the Sam Houston Swim Club. a US Swim Team affiliation.
Well, untill the day he graduated from High School, I spent every other week end, sitting beside a pool, watching him compete. He practiced every day, just about year round.
My Daughter, who is now 30, wanted to be in Band. I went to every football game, and made four major out of town trips during her High School years as a chaperon.
It all seems forgotten now.

My oldest brother had one Daughter, she decided at about 8 years that she wanted to play Softball. She became a pitcher.
She did. She got really good. Then she got REALLY good. Ended up going to LSU on a full ride scholorship, was chosen the most valuable player in the 2004 College World Series her Senior Year. She then went to LSU Law School, with Alumni paying for most of that. So, my brother ended up NOT HAVING TO PAY FOR a college education worth over $150,000.
So, my advice, get you kid involved in something that will get them an education without sending you to the poor house.
Incidentally, I had to pay for my Daughters college degree. Plus her Masters. So, I speak from experience.....jackie

....He'll be 10 in July and is a honor roll student in the GT program. Right now, he already has plans to play for the Dallas Cowboys and will start his 1st year of football pretty soon. I held off long as I could & wanted him to avoid full contact till later but all his buddies are doing it and decided to let him play.

He aso enjoys basketball and soccer so he's getting a taste of everything at this point. Time seems to be flying so by the time he's in Jr. High, he'll hopefully pick one or two that he is best at and the high school days will show the true tallent. Most hot shot players his age today don't even play sports when they reach highschool.....College is a whole new level too. I got a ride to play football at a very small college and the jump up in strength and speed from my 5A highscool days was amazing!! I'm talking a small college too, nothing like LSU talent.

Mom and I have informed him there are no promises in regards to College and his brain and sports along with a part time job may be how he has to get there. If we can get in gear and have the funds, we'll certainly support him but cannot promise that financial commitment today.....we'll just have fun at this point and see what road we are on in 7-8 years.

Hee Hee, I never used the term "pay for" with my kids. I used the term "help you". As in "help you" thru college; I will "help you" buy a car; No, I wil not "help you" pay for your car insurance, etc. :D

It all does indeed seem to slip away so fast. I also had swim team with my daughter, helped coachmy son in baseball and rec league football etc. My daughter also sang in her college show choir, so I remember the hours sitting in an auditorium, listning to music I didn't like. I don't regret any of it, in fact, I have 3 grand boys, with a 4th in the works. My oldest is 7, and lives 2 hours away, so that makes the old days seem easy by comparison, drive 2 hours, watch a tee league game, and drive 2 hours home. Oh well, maybe they'll remember us fondly one day, see ya, Rusty