How do you qualify

Shoot a score that places in the top 10 of the World Postal. That would do it for me.
How do you qualify for the world championship benchrest shoot?

Thanks Kevin

Craig Young is the Match Director for the WRABF World Champ in the USA, he should be able to guide you to team and USA qualifying. You are allowed teams of 3 with 1 reserve per team but if the reserve is not used they go back to the individual comp. The reserve and ind can still win ind and get records and ind medals etc. You are allowed 3 teams of 3 plus 6 individual per class making 15 per class
Guys i have sent an email to Craig to try and get the answers you want: See below which is pretty self expalnatory withut getting into local politics.

Thanks for your email i will try and set you on the correct course even though as President of WRABF i do not have control on the qualifying procces of each country and discipline.

Craig, David or Carl can u steer Stephen to the correct person and protocols for the USA Air Rilfe Team procedures for WRABF World champs. May be also post something on the link on Benchrest central again to avoid confusion and dissapoinments.

Stephen: I can tell you that the World Postal is run by Doug Weeter in the USA BUT this has nothing at all to do with WRBAF or qualifying for World Championships unless a country actually stipulates that under their own qualification processes.

Bill Collaros
WRABF President

Does this mean there will NOT be open entry at the physical match here in this country next year or not? I, and a few others in Ca. are interested in competiting at the pcoming World's match, but havent plans to go postal.
No open entry it's a World Championship you must qualify. Craig Young is working it out with a couple of your local Air gun guys i am sure they will advise everyone in the near future.
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Craig and I had an excellent conversation on the phone and we will be sharing the details of what is decided.

GO USA. Had to throw that in.
Craig and I had an excellent conversation on the phone and we will be sharing the details of what is decided.

GO USA. Had to throw that in.

Good to hear Cris.

AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE Oi Oi Oi. Had to throw that one in too, c u next year.
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I hope the policy doesnt end up needlessly limiting interest and attendance in such an already obscure and tiny sport.
Why would anyone do anything to needlessly limit interest and attendance?

The first priority is to field a team that will be competitive in as many gun classifications as possible.

The second priority is to shine a positive light on benchrest shooting in general and air rifle benchrest, specifically.

Hopefully, we will be able to accomplish these objectives.

I would suspect reversing those priorities would be better for the sport. Actions that would enhance esposure in a positive and more public way for airgun benchrest shooting would seem more important in the longer run than developing a team that can "be competitive in as many gun classifications as possible".

I always get the impression that head to head Airgun Benchrest competition in the US is being deliberately kept smallish to a degree, as though its a sort of elite compared to other airgun shooting. Perhaps this is just because there are so few open matches being held that the general shooting population knows about before and after?
Point well taken.

The priorities should be reversed.

I am sorry you have the impression that air rifle benchrest is elite and attempting to limit participation. Nothing could be further from the truth. does not charge for clubs to become sanctioned or to run matches, there is no fee per target, a target file is provided and can be downloaded so that a local vendor can print targets. I am not clear on what else can be done to make things more "open" but I am always open to suggestions.

I know this Benchrest forum is pretty popular ... among benchresters, but I suspect more frequesnt discussion of your activities on a Forum with more airgun traffic could draw in some airgun shooters that are, at present, relatively unfamilar with your game. The 54 Airgun Forum has tons and tons of traffic, and though most are not serious shooters like youall, there might be some budding benchresters in the mix.

Also, in my own personal experience, it seems any places where some airgun BR shooting is taking place are fairly limited with respect to how many shooters can be accomodated .... for instance, my range is on my own private property, and I only have five benches at present, for a variatey of reasons. Another Range whose matches are posted here has around eight light folding benches, and anther that HAS, on occasion, posted here has (I beleive, six) benches. But there ARE a few larger public ranges with more accomodations, if only sufficent publicity and iterest were drummed up to be able to "book them" for an event.

See, I think larger regional events might be put on, but its the chicken and the hen thing! I suspect if there were a "West versus East USA Challenge" matches, say, posted well in advance with rules posted and a come one come all invite to see who has the most accurate airguns around, well then perhaps this sort of event could be used to generate qualifiers for a true World team, I dunno, just brainstorming?

I bet a big match in say, Reno might attract some entries, if publicised, or maybe not?
All are excellent ideas.

The "Yellow" forum does have a great deal of traffic and Tony's new benchrest rifle certainly generated a great deal of attention. Hopefully, some of the budding benchrest shooters from there will become lurkers and contributors on this forum. Tim's interest in benchrest is good to see, especially with the 30" air tube. The aluminum fore end that you did for Tony's rifle is a big improvement. Without revealing any secrets, the BR barrel with your specs, has changed how people will think about air rifle barrels. Hopefully, other barrel manufacturers will try their hand at an air rifle barrel, in .177. Your forum is another one with loads of information, especially for those with USFT rifles.

And there is more to do. Who knows, we may see more FT shooters deciding to try something else, like Doug Miller.
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Yes, Doug has one of my barrels, but hasnt got 'round to trying it. He was wanting to fit it to a P70 and I recommended pretty strongly against that for several reasons. But Doug is already an experienced airgun benchrest shooter, yet feels more "into" the FT circuit. I was meaning we might attract shooters into airgun BR shooting that don't need to abandon some other shooting they really like, but rather, would ADD it to their activities as a mainline activity.

I know there are lots of bullseye and Silhouette shooters getting to where its a real chore to compete much anymore, and the airgun competition, with its reduced offline burden (no reloading) and increased reliabilty (lifetime barrels!) might be a real draw, IF there were matches being held at public ranges they knew about!
I like the idea of a West coast vs East coast type of shoot geared toward building a pool of shooters that are interested in shooting at the Worlds. We have several shooters who participated in AGBR and those scores are probably still available to view. I would like to see what other shooters are doing and the equipment they are using especially if I were new to benchrest or if I were a seasoned shooter sitting on the fence. The scores and equipment usually push a shooter in one direction or another as far as participating , some shooters wont flinch some will need to prepare and some will say no way.
I would think someone has a basic idea of qualifying scores so perhaps they should post them then those interested will know if it's possible or not then prepare and wait for the instructions on how to qualify.
It's still a little way off but with life and finances the way the are today I'm sure folks would appreciate all the advance notice they can get and it would make it a little easier on the gun clubs that would be holding qualifying events , I don't think submitting a target shot in your backyard would count.
Have some experience in 25 and 50 yard air rifle benchrest and interested,but not shelling out $$$$ for a dedicated BR rifle before knowing particulars. Lot's to do between now and worlds....and time running short for some of us who are not 'teamed' up..

Logistics:Buy BR rifle..maybe 6 week wait for build.....then, shoot 25/50 meter,sort out rifle.....then try to get on team...then qualify...

As Doug says...
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Comparing Scores

The easiest way to gauge how competitive a score is would be to compare that with the scores on the international website for recent European and Postal Championships.

2009 Postal 737-20X
2010 Postal 736-23X
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Really, as I look at it, we would truly need to know exactly how to quailfy now, in order to have a reasonable chance of making it. In particular, I personally am mainly interested in the fifty meter leg, and I really have now idea if the scores being bantered about are fifty meters on the SAME target as is used foe 25M but if they are, well then I gotta wonder how they do that?

Sadly, I feel it may be my first and last chance at shooting in a World's match, since I kinda doubt it will be held within a geographical location I can make it too during the short time I may have left to travel and shoot.

As you know, my airgun benchrest interests center mostly on trying to make the most accurate rifle I can for shooting at fift yards, and I have nearly zero interest in shorter range shooting.

Though I appreiate the skill and dedication required to shoot high scores at 25yds, I simply feel its the fifty yard range thats going to push airgun technology with respect to significant accuracy improvements, because its so much easier to SEE differences at the longer ranges. Not that I feel its too easy to shoot 25yds, but the tiney differences it usually takes to win just don't seem very significant to me. My revival of interest in shooting ariguns off the bench has only been sparked from hearing a few years back that shooters in Northern Europe were beginning to shoot @ 50 meters.