2 Cents Worth
I'm a new shooter, one year under my belt competing in ARA matches. One of the items that I became aware of very soon into this advantage was how few particpates there where considering I lived in very large metro area, San Antonio, TX. I even did a little promoting trying just to see if I could get one person to at least come out to a match, which resulted in a big fat 0. I'd go to a range near my house and setup my gear to try and do some practice, which by the way is a waste of time IMO, the benches wobble, no flags, and the guys next to you are shooting off their AR47's as fast as they can unload a clip then high fiving each other, anyway back on subject, I'd have folks come over and ask me questions and I'd always tell them about what I knew, tell them they should attend a match, give them directions etc..... as stated above one big 0 not one came out. I even posted on one of the biggest outdoor forums in Texas and I'm sure that many read the post and that coming weekend I kept thinking at least one vehical would pull up, again 0. I won't even go into the fine details but it was a small miracle how I even became aware of the sport. If a few pieces hadn't fallen into place I wouldn't be here enjoying myself. I guess time will only tell but maybe some of the new things going on may spark some added interest and help it grow.
I'm a new shooter, one year under my belt competing in ARA matches. One of the items that I became aware of very soon into this advantage was how few particpates there where considering I lived in very large metro area, San Antonio, TX. I even did a little promoting trying just to see if I could get one person to at least come out to a match, which resulted in a big fat 0. I'd go to a range near my house and setup my gear to try and do some practice, which by the way is a waste of time IMO, the benches wobble, no flags, and the guys next to you are shooting off their AR47's as fast as they can unload a clip then high fiving each other, anyway back on subject, I'd have folks come over and ask me questions and I'd always tell them about what I knew, tell them they should attend a match, give them directions etc..... as stated above one big 0 not one came out. I even posted on one of the biggest outdoor forums in Texas and I'm sure that many read the post and that coming weekend I kept thinking at least one vehical would pull up, again 0. I won't even go into the fine details but it was a small miracle how I even became aware of the sport. If a few pieces hadn't fallen into place I wouldn't be here enjoying myself. I guess time will only tell but maybe some of the new things going on may spark some added interest and help it grow.