How do you guys setup to face a receiver

Still tooling up to build my first rifle.

I ordered the DVD "Metal working for a rifle Smith" from richard's custom rifles. He pretty clearly indicates that one should true the action before chambering the barrel that will attach to it.

It's 4 hours of pretty thorough instruction on how the author of the video builds rifles. It includes a rather lengthy section on how he trues receivers and bolts in addition to chambering and crowning. The guy just starts up a video camera and does the work talking to the viewer like you were there and he was showing you how he does it. The technique works very effectively.

He uses a spyder much like the one in this link

to hold the receiver for all the truing operations on the video.

I send Richard an e-mail asking about the dimensions of his receiver trueing sleeve. He replied that it is 3" OD, 1-1/2" ID, and about 3-12" long. I had a piece of 3-1/8" rod in the shop that was 3-1/2" long (picked up years ago off a drop rack I used to visit once a week when I lived in CA). I have no idea what metal it is other than it is steel and machines, drills and taps very nicely. The rod end had a receiver trueing sleeve buried inside just waiting to be liberated. When I finished cutting away all that wasn't trueing sleeve, it looked like this ...


I haven't tried using it yet. My next step is to make the bolt lug facing holder that John Hinnant shows in his excellent book. I have a 2" diameter rod end that looks to me like it has one of these hidden inside.

Hinnant also has some drawings of mandrels that could be used for centering the receiver in the spyder like this one. Hinnant's book has been very helpful.

I'm still going to get Gordy Gritters DVD and watch it a few times.

I have hopefully attached a couple of drawings as to the mandrels that I think you guys are using. Are these close??????
You might have guessed, it's a little slow at work tonight....LOL

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Yes Mike, those are exact representations of a "raceway mandrel" with centers, that can be used both for action facing, and for action alignment in a "trueing fixture" as you have illustrated.............Don

