How Do You Become a Site Contributor?


New member
Having learned a lot here and expecting to learn more, I would like to be supportive. What do I do to make a contribution?

What is the definition of "contributor".

If that means offering opinions on specific subjects in Threads, then any member can do that.

I say "opinions" because if you monitor this site for any length of time, you understand that in the realms that this site covers, i.e., extreme accuracy, gunsmithing, shooting techniques, equipment, etc, then there are varied ways of achieving results. It has always been up to each reader to ascertain whose ideas best fit their particular needs.
How to become a contributor?

The best way to contribute to the site is to obey the rules.

If you want to contribute to the SPORT, Become a member of the NBRSA. Buy what you need to compete, as we like to say it….“take the plunge.”

As Jackie pointed out, there is no lack of opinions, when it comes to the topics discussed here on this forum or any forum, for that matter.

Get a mentor, that's got the time to help you along. Attend and shoot at as many matches as you can. Let your participation be your contribution to the Sport. If you have a friend that you think might be interested bring him/her along with you. As you know, hobbies are what you make em. This Sport truly is a lot of fun. I feel that I am qualified to say that. I look forward to seeing your name on a match report in the hear future.

Guess I should have been more specific. As one poster suggested, I was referring to a financial contributor. I am too new at this game to contribute much in the way of suggestions and at my age, probably never will get far enough. I financial support all the forums that I am truly active on.

With regard to the other suggestions, I will for sure join the association. I have found (or I should say he found me) a mentor, who has been great and has I am sure saved me a bunch or time and money and I have gotten great input and insight from many on this site including long chats with Wilbur.

As far as buying all the stuff, I think after many conversations with Boyd and Wilbur they will attest that I probably buy too much and just need to start shooting this game, though I do shoot long range regularly. I think I may have made my last two purchases today for a while and now it is time to unwrap many of the things that I have purchased and start using them.

In any case, let me know how to made a financial donation to the site.

There is no formal way to become a site contributor like on Accurate shooter. PM Wilbur to discuss your intentions. Many really knowledgeable people on this site that will share.
Guess I should have been more specific. As one poster suggested, I was referring to a financial contributor. I am too new at this game to contribute much in the way of suggestions and at my age, probably never will get far enough. I financial support all the forums that I am truly active on.

With regard to the other suggestions, I will for sure join the association. I have found (or I should say he found me) a mentor, who has been great and has I am sure saved me a bunch or time and money and I have gotten great input and insight from many on this site including long chats with Wilbur.

As far as buying all the stuff, I think after many conversations with Boyd and Wilbur they will attest that I probably buy too much and just need to start shooting this game, though I do shoot long range regularly. I think I may have made my last two purchases today for a while and now it is time to unwrap many of the things that I have purchased and start using them.

In any case, let me know how to made a financial donation to the site.

Friend Bob,you may send all monetary donations to me,I will see personally that Wilbur receives them! ;)