To get back to your original question, Benchrest groups are and always have been measured as the distance between the two farthest apart shots.
There are several ways to measure groups but the current method is the best, considering the size of the groups being fired. It is quick, easy for scorers to learn, and fair. Preserving the historical record is probably the best reason for not considering any other.
Long range (600 & 1000 yard) groups, OTOH, could be and probably should be measured differently. The greater possibility of shots off the paper, and the added penalty for such, is reason enough in itself. But, preserving the records will probably override any changes, ever.
To get back to your original question, Benchrest groups are and always have been measured as the distance between the two farthest apart shots.
There are several ways to measure groups but the current method is the best, considering the size of the groups being fired. It is quick, easy for scorers to learn, and fair. Preserving the historical record is probably the best reason for not considering any other.
Long range (600 & 1000 yard) groups, OTOH, could be and probably should be measured differently. The greater possibility of shots off the paper, and the added penalty for such, is reason enough in itself. But, preserving the records will probably override any changes, ever.