how about some credentials from those you ask to provide tutorials ?


Well-known member
i have been here before i started shooting br. i have seen several "know it alls" loud mouths" and put up with their krapp because i was a new guy. but as i learned and shot and won, i really pick and choose who i listen to. i have 2 long range national championships, and came in fifth overall in heavy gun this year. it means i have one point in the hall of fame. there are mouths on here that only shoot their home range but pretend to be an expert..they aint. when it comes to short range i generally suck but have had a few good moments. so bottom line posting and being opinionated does not make a person an expert.
i have been here before i started shooting br. i have seen several "know it alls" loud mouths" and put up with their krapp because i was a new guy. but as i learned and shot and won, i really pick and choose who i listen to. i have 2 long range national championships, and came in fifth overall in heavy gun this year. it means i have one point in the hall of fame. there are mouths on here that only shoot their home range but pretend to be an expert..they aint. when it comes to short range i generally suck but have had a few good moments. so bottom line posting and being opinionated does not make a person an expert.
So, what makes an expert, Hall of Fame points, and how many? There are good shooters that never travel to National events, and poor shooters that go to every match. There are Competitive and Social shooters, each with specific skills, knowledge and experience. I think it’s hard to define, but I would lean on those that win most often at registered matches.
Mike, as you know, based on your long-range credentials, I asked if you'd like to submit a write-up on long-range shooting. Since I didn't hear back from you, I asked another well-credentialed long-range shooter if he'd like to do that. Even if he accepts, my offer to you still stands; I suspect folks would enjoy reading thoughts from both of you.
Online I think expertise is just demonstrated over time. Any sensible person knows that anyone can claim just about anything online, but if you participate in a forum for very long it's pretty easy to suss out the real experts from the keyboard commandos. There are few other credentials that would be meaningful.

Online I think expertise is just demonstrated over time. Any sensible person knows that anyone can claim just about anything online, but if you participate in a forum for very long it's pretty easy to suss out the real experts from the keyboard commandos. There are few other credentials that would be meaningful.

but there are people on here that do not accept "demonstrated" expertise. people on here that attack rather than discuss...personal attacks vs subject discussion. and nothing is done


The hallmarks of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) are grandiosity, a lack of empathy for other people, and a need for admiration. People with this condition are frequently described as arrogant, self-centered, manipulative, and demanding. They may also have grandiose fantasies and may be convinced that they deserve special treatment. These characteristics typically begin in early adulthood and must be consistently evident in multiple contexts, such as at work and in relationships.
People with NPD often try to associate with other people they believe are unique or gifted in some way, which can enhance their own self-esteem. They tend to seek excessive admiration and attention and have difficulty tolerating criticism or defeat.
Although NPD is a difficult disorder to treat, therapy can help those with the condition develop their sense of self and their relationships.
NPD refers to the diagnosable mental disorder, while the term "narcissism" is a trait that ranges in degree from person to person.

Individuals with narcissistic personality disorder, according to the DSM-5, exhibit five or more of the following, which are present by early adulthood and across contexts:
  • A grandiose sense of self-importance
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
  • Belief that one is special and can only be understood by or associate with special people or institutions
  • A need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement (to special treatment)
  • Exploitation of others
  • A lack of empathy
  • Envy of others or the belief that one is the object of envy
  • Arrogant, haughty behavior, or attitudes
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i have been here before i started shooting br. i have seen several "know it alls" loud mouths" and put up with their krapp because i was a new guy. but as i learned and shot and won, i really pick and choose who i listen to. i have 2 long range national championships, and came in fifth overall in heavy gun this year. it means i have one point in the hall of fame. there are mouths on here that only shoot their home range but pretend to be an expert..they aint. when it comes to short range i generally suck but have had a few good moments. so bottom line posting and being opinionated does not make a person an expert.
Impressive wins! Do you have the targets from those National championships? It'd be great for others to see(pics) what it takes to win at this level in the real world.
Impressive wins! Do you have the targets from those National championships? It'd be great for others to see(pics) what it takes to win at this level in the real world.
i think i do..but what won then, will not win today.
this year i shot a 97 ag 3 targets at the nationals for 5th place, 3 years ago i shot 96.25 ag on 4 targets for overall score.


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my light gun score win was 6 targets over 2 days. on day 2 i shot 3 49's with a total of 5x's. those three targets tied the existing record. this was lite gun, 600 yards i was around 2 1/2 " groups, for ref the current GROUP record single target at 600 is around .3"
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see this is where we strain to see the future. you did not comment on his claim i did not need to show the targets, even tho it was a request by another poster. the target discussion was long range and lee does not shoot long range. so his comment was out of place again, but you reprimand me.
lee, i was asked plain and simple, it aint my peers, we are talking to POTENTIAL new shooters.
by the way i looked, i did not see your name anywhere in the ik nat list of shooters
I never shot long range, and never will. I’m speaking as a experienced shooter, with 21 US Benchrest Hall of Fame points and a .1956 agg 3-Gun IBS World Record.
Sorry, I butted into your world. Have a nice day!

I never shot long range, and never will. I’m speaking as a experienced shooter, with 21 US Benchrest Hall of Fame points and a .1956 agg 3-Gun IBS World Record.
Sorry, I butted into your world. Have a nice day!
i know who you are, that is not an issue. but you ignored the fact that i was asked to post pics.
are you coming to phx for the nationals ??
no i will not be shooting but will be there. ben avery is my home range for short range, but i did not shoot this last year as dates conflicted with my long range dates.
see this is where we strain to see the future. you did not comment on his claim i did not need to show the targets, even tho it was a request by another poster. the target discussion was long range and lee does not shoot long range. so his comment was out of place again, but you reprimand me.
I understand that you were asked. I did not respond to Lee's post because it appears that his comment was directed to Mike Ezell, in what may not have been intended in a negative way.
my light gun score win was 6 targets over 2 days. on day 2 i shot 3 49's with a total of 5x's. those three targets tied the existing record. this was lite gun, 600 yards i was around 2 1/2 " groups, for ref the current GROUP single target at 600 is around .3"

I understand that you were asked. I did not respond to Lee's post because it appears that his comment was directed to Mike Ezell, in what may not have been intended in a negative way.
he replied to me.
he replied to my post not lees. its a function of your software
your opinion of me is clearly showing thru
So, what makes an expert, Hall of Fame points, and how many? There are good shooters that never travel to National events, and poor shooters that go to every match. There are Competitive and Social shooters, each with specific skills, knowledge and experience. I think it’s hard to define, but I would lean on those that win most often at registered matches.
Lee, that's some great advice. :) -Al