Hornady Auto Charge first impressions

Jim Wooten

Just Me
Well, I finally let curiosity get the better of me and bought a new Hornady Auto Charge. I wanted a back-up for my RCBS, and also wanted to have something that I could take to the range for load development without disturbing my "old faithful" Chargemaster. Did I mention this unit is almost a hundred dollars cheaper than the RCBS ;)? I have played with it for a couple of hours total now, and formed a few very early impressions.

My first observation was that it was SLOW. That's slow with a capital S-L-O-W!!!! Notice that I used the past tense, was. I called Hornady late yesterday afternoon, and talked to a couple of nice service techs. They were not able to solve the problem, but gave me the extension for Matt, who wasn't available yesterday. I spoke to him this morning. He was very helpful, and as luck would have it, had just received the new instructions for re-programing the dispense settings yesterday.

He actually took the time to walk me through the new re-programing procedure (the units were changed a bit at around serial number 2840, and the procedure differs somewhat for the newer units). On the fast setting (there are three speed settings- slow, normal, and fast), I was finally able to adjust the trickle speed and trickle start time so that the total time for dispensing a 34.0 grain charge of H4198X was reduced from 45 seconds to 20 seconds. By going outside the normal adjustment range I do get a few 0.1 grain overthrows, and the occasional 0.2 overthrow that elicits an overweight error message, but I am willing to deal with that in preference to doubling the time. I suspect that I could reduce the overthrows a bit with a little more compromise on speed, and I will try that as time allows.

Matt also told me that some units have a slightly tight fit with some of the moving parts initially, and smooth up with use, allowing them to speed up as a result. This being the case, I may have to re-adjust the settings after some use, but it seems to have smoothed up pretty well already.

To this point I don't know how well the Auto Charge will work in comparison to my RCBS or Lyman units for actual reloading, but I intend to find out soon. So far I would say that the scale portion of the unit is more stable than my Lyman, and roughly comparable to my RCBS. Also, the indicated weight of a charge on the Hornady is the same to the exact tenth of a grain when checked on the RCBS. Yes, I realize that these scales are only accurate to a tenth either way, but it is reassuring to see that they read the same in any case.

If anyone would like an update after I have loaded some ammo with it, I will be glad to post what I find out about it.

Please keep us posted. I find it interesting to know someone else likes their Chargemaster well enough that they worry about a backup unit. I feel like if my Chargemaster was on the fritz I would would be handicapped in spite of having a perfectly good powder measure I found adequate for years.

Thank you for the write up.

I debated over a few different units before I bought the RCBS. Can't imagine loading without it now.
I'm considering buying another RCBS Charge Master 1500 Combo, not as a backup, but as a companion to the first. While I'm dumping powder from the first [already programmed for "light speed"], the second one will be filling up its pan with the next load. By setting them on auto, the process should be very quick.
I have a pair of Chargemaster Combos, one for the reloading bench at the house and one that I take to shoots(can run off of AC or battery). Works well for me. :)
Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"

Thanks for the info. Keep us posted as you work with the unit. I'm still using the old powder dump and thinking about upgrading. Saving a couple of hundred on a couple of units would be nice.

Thank you Jim for reporting. I second keeping us posted. I must be on my 4th year of using my chargemaster. I have been generally pleased with it. I wish it was a bit less apt to throw an over-charge. I think if the extruder tube was at a lesser angle it might be more consistent, don't know but NO WAY would I ever rely on a Powder Measure ever again. I was weighing when weighing wasn't cool, as I think you and many more know. Sure was glad to see the dispencer combos come along.
Has anyone used or tested the yellow one. I think it is the Smart Reloader. Looks kind of like a knock off of the Hornady unit. I think Natchez SS has had them for about $179.
