Chuck Bogardus
Well, I just need to learn how to count...
Do they make any that hold more than 15? Or that are maybe fitted to hold a Maisto box? I currently take 5 rounds and lay 'em on the towel, and stick two or three fouler/sighters in the lid. Sighters go into the lid, records get tossed on the towel...
I'm one of the guys who shot a six round group at Kelbly's last week... Lost count, looked down, had four empties on the towel, and a bunch in the lid... So I launched another one... And turned a six into a nine...
Do they make any that hold more than 15? Or that are maybe fitted to hold a Maisto box? I currently take 5 rounds and lay 'em on the towel, and stick two or three fouler/sighters in the lid. Sighters go into the lid, records get tossed on the towel...
I'm one of the guys who shot a six round group at Kelbly's last week... Lost count, looked down, had four empties on the towel, and a bunch in the lid... So I launched another one... And turned a six into a nine...