Holbrook Results March 7,2015


New member
LV class
Mark Normandin RAW. 249 16X, 250 16X, 247 15X, 746 47X
Philip Sloan AA S-400. 248 10X, 247 8X, 247 8X, 742 26X
David Shattuck AA S-400. 245 11X, 247 10X, 246 8X, 738 29X

HV Class
Mark Normandin RAW. 250 18X, 250 14X, 250 16X, 750 48X
Chris Sloan RAW. 246 10X, 249 15X, 248 11X, 743 32X-
Todd Banks. 247 13X, 246 12X, 247 8X, 740 33X
248 10X, 243 11X, 491 21X. Had to leave early
Mark Marini RAW. 241 8X, 245 4X, 246. 6X, 732 18X
243 7X, 238 7X, 245 9X, 726 23X

Open Class
Robin Zosack Air Force 208 1X, 228 6X, 216 1X, 652 8X

Production Class
Bill Day .177 HW-100 241 7X, 243 7X, 240 7X, 724 21X

Springer Class
Bill Day FWB-300 225 4X, 227 3X, 230 3X, 682 10

Thanks for all the help in set-up and takedown! We had shooters from SALEM NY, Portland Maine, And N.H.
Welcome new shooter Philip Sloan that was just one point behind his father shooting a 12 fpe gun! With Dad shooting a 20 fpe RAW!
Great seeing David after all you have been through lately!
Congrats to Mark N. Shooting the only 250's Today 750 in HV class and the only 250 in LV class.
Another Match my Thomas didn't drop a point!! But then again I didn't shoot! If another shooter came I would have run three relays!
Paul Bendix

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Thanks Paul!

Another great match in Holbrook yesterday! Thanks for all the scoring along with Dave! I've attached a couple of pictures of Phil shooting for the first time at Holbrook and shooting alongside Todd Banks!


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Even though the new barrel didn't pass the test yesterday I had a good time at Holbrook. It's nice to see guys like Chris, Phil, Mark M, and Robin getting into the game and shooting well. Come to think of it, those four guys nearly double the number of active AG BR shooters we have here in the Northeast and we could sure use more like them!

Great match! Enjoyed shooting with everyone again, especially Todd who I haven't seen since last summer.

Great shooting by all, and we all better watch Phil as he did quite well for a first-timer.

Mark N.: congratulations on showing us how it's done. But, then again, Paul's Thomas just sat there in its case, so who knows what challenges would have been posed if he had brought that out.

And Mark M: if there is anything I can do to help convince the Harvard Club to let us use their Outdoor facilities, just ask. I had really been hoping to reopen the Pinnacle range sometime this summer, at least for a few matches, but after the latest round of health issues I don't see that happening.

Hope to see you all in April.

If you can get approval to hold matches at Pinnacle Mtn. this year I will commit to doing anything physical that needs to be done. I still need to resolve my love/hate relationship with that range. It owes me a 250, dammit!?

If I do we both know what will happen: the days I pick will be during Hurricanes, High Winds, or at least pouring rain. :cool:

We'll see how things go as we move along.


If I do we both know what will happen: the days I pick will be during Hurricanes, High Winds, or at least pouring rain. :cool:

We'll see how things go as we move along.


You forgot the dense clouds of black flies and mosquitos. Honestly, I don't know why I like that place so much:confused::D
Don't forget Todd, all those years ago Pinnacle was where you started your rimfire, and later airgun careers. Even with that illusive 250 still hanging out there, the place is, and always will be, a great range to shoot at. Of course, Salem's not so bad a range to shoot either. Depending on the day. Of all the "LOCAL" Outdoor ranges (Capitol City, Holbrook, Angle Tree, Salem, East Hampton, Harvard and Pinnacle) my favorites are both Pinnacle and Salem with Harvard running a close 3rd.

I once shot at

a rim fire range that was completely open so that one's wind flags told the truth and the wind could be read. It keeps me longing to get out of the boxes we shoot at in most places.

That's how our range is, Pete.....but most everywhere else is full of obstacles and wind impediments. It makes it hard for us to learn the really tricky stuff, since we don't have much of it to practice in. When the sun comes over the trees, we get vertical oddities.

Of course, anyone is welcome to come here and shoot anytime. It would be great to have some company. :D

Glad your doing well, Dave.



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