Holbrook Results Jan 2


New member
Holbrook's Scoreline results on 1/2/2016

Production Class
John Eroh AA S500 .177 244 4X, 244 9X, 246 5X, 734 18X

LV Class
David Shattuck AA S400 .177 248 13X, 248 10X, 243 10X, 739 33X
Robin Zosack RAW .177 246 9X, 245 10X, 247 15 X, 738 34X
Mark Marini RAW .177 248 12X, 247 10X, 237 6X, 732 28X
Chris Sloan AA S400 .177 245 6X, 247 11X, 239 4X, 731 21X
Stuart Spector RAW .177 248 15X, 246 6X, 236 10X, 730 31X

HV Class
Chris Sloan RAW .177 244 10X, 249 16X, 247 17X, 740 43X

Open Class
Paul Bendix THOMAS .177 250 17X, 250 19X, 250 17X, 750 53X
David Shattuck RAW .22 245 11X, 250 19X, 250 16X, 745 46X
Mark Marini RAW .177 247 10X, 250 12X, 245 12X, 742 34X
Stuart Spector RAW .177 246 8X, 246 13X, 247 12X, 739 33X

Thanks for all the help in running and scoring the Match. Winter weather and the cold walls played havoc with the pellets.
Next Match February 6, 2016
Paul Bendix

Sent from my iPad
Long commute from Jacksonville to Holbrook?

Where are you Pete?

I am in the San Antonio TX area for the winter and there is nothing going on here...Thinking in going to maybe AZ at the end of the month....Got my FT gun with me and can shoot BR with it.

"Have Gun Will Travel"...Remember the TV series?

