Holbrook Results BIPM USA Scoreline 4/5/14


New member
Holbrook Range is coming along. Working on Heat and Ventilation Ducts outside. Mark N. Helped me block off outside holes with Sheetrock and cardboard. Thanks Mark!
Todd came from New York building his new RAW action tested pellets all 6 targets. Dan was testing barrels. Even changed barrels in middle of card! Bill Day was testing an AirWolf and pellets in his EV-2 for the Nationals.
Welcome new shooter Jay Theriault with his M-Rod in .25
Thanks for all the goodies from Mark and David with help in scoring.

May will be at the Nationals and the range will be used for pistol classes. Will try for a new date in June as the first Sat is taken. Will try for a date before the North East Regional the last weekend in June at Salem, NY.
LV class
Todd Banks. RAW TM-1000 .177 248 11X, 249 13X, 247 12X, 744, 36X
248 7X, 249 10X, 248 13X, 745 30X BIPM
Mark Normandin Raw TM-1000 248 9X, 250 13X, 248 12X, 746 34 X
Bill Day AA EV-2 230 4X, 233 3X, 243 10X, 706 17X

HV Class
Dan Brown Smith SUMO .177 246 7X, 250 18X, 249 12X, 745 37X
250 13X, 248 17X, 249 13X, 747 43X BIPM
Mark Normandin RAW TM-1000. 249 17X, 250 19X, 250 12X, 749 48 X BIPM
David Shattuck Theoben .177 247 9X, 235 4X, 245 6X, 727 19X
244 12X, 245 9X, 249 13X, 738 34X BIPM
Bill Day Air Wolf DayState .177. 241 7X, 239 5X, 235 5X, 715 17X BIPM
Paul Bendix Smith SUMO .177 250 21X, 250 22X, 250 16X, 750 59X BIPM
Open Class
Jay Theriault M-Rod .25. 201 2X, 210 2X, 220 2X, 631 6X

Paul Bendix

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Hi Paul, sorry I missed it again! Family obligations....but well worth it. Good luck at Nationals if I don't see you guys until June!!
Hi Paul, sorry I missed it again! Family obligations....but well worth it. Good luck at Nationals if I don't see you guys until June!!
Thanks Chris, family is #1!
Relay one Dan,Jay,Bill, Todd, Mark, David shirt

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Well done guys, sounds like a lot of testing going on for the coming season.

Looks like you have that SUMO well sorted out Paul, great shooting.

Hate to change any thing on the SUMO as it's shooting the slow twist LW Polygon at 19 fpe Great!
Spring has arrived and will see how it does in the wind. I might shoot HV class and Open class 25 meters with this barrel at the Nationals in AZ on Sat. And Put on the .22 barrel for 50 yards at 30 fpe on Sunday.

Thanks again for running the BIPM matches.

I might shoot HV class and Open class 25 meters with this barrel at the Nationals in AZ on Sat. And Put on the .22 barrel for 50 yards at 30 fpe on Sunday.

Good luck Paul and to everyone going to the Nationals, sounds like a great event.


A 750-59X. What more needs to be said. Those Sumos continue to do well. I'm so glad you got one. Congratulations.
Paul, Another Great Shot

To appreciate what Paul did yesterday, you really had to be there! Paul sets up the range, organizes everything, does the scoring, and oh yeah He shoots and is pulling his gun off the bench before I'm done with my sighters! Congrats on the score Paul and good luck to you and the rest of the locals going to the Nats.


Congratulations on posting another series of great scores! I mean, a 750-59X? Seriously? I was shooting the exact same pellets through the same barrel for one of my targets, but came nowhere close to what you did. Guess it must have been because of my mistakingly taking (wasting) the time to: wash, weigh, airguage, then relube mine where you just opened up the tin and shot. I gotta try that?

Jay, it was good to meet you and I look forward to shooting with you many more times. It's always good to have new blood amongst the rest of us. Kind of adds a new perspective on what we're doing, especially when doing so against a .25.

Todd, as always, it's always great to shoot with you again, and good luck at the Nationals. Next time we'll meet up will probably be at the N.E. Regionals.

Bill, you're a good man for driving the distance to come down for the shoots. But, then again, it's your van that being used to haul Paul, Todd and yourself, plus gear, the 2900 miles, each way, out to AZ for the Nationals.

Dan, you're unbelieveable! As Paul said: you'd shoot half a target, get up, go out, swap off the barrel, then come back, settle back down and finish off the target. And you did it more than once? And, what were your Agg scores? A 745-37X for the first 3 followed by a 747-43 for the next. Too bad (for you) that we don't score by using a handicapping system.

Mark, I'm always in awe of the way you shoot that RAW 12f/p gun. Time and time again you post simply awesome scores. And I'll be in touch about that ongoing conversation we were having.

Thanks for running the matches.

Dave Shattuck

A 750-59X. What more needs to be said. Those Sumos continue to do well. I'm so glad you got one. Congratulations.
Thanks Steve,
Hope to see you and Frank at the Nationals. Would like to shoot your Twin tube SUMO a couple of pellets on Friday. Might even get to shoot Chip Smith's new action! That alone will be worth the trip!

To appreciate what Paul did yesterday, you really had to be there! Paul sets up the range, organizes everything, does the scoring, and oh yeah He shoots and is pulling his gun off the bench before I'm done with my sighters! Congrats on the score Paul and good luck to you and the rest of the locals going to the Nats.

Thanks for all the Sheetrock you did blocking the vent holes to the outside before the match.
Can't wait until we get our Thomas's from Mike for the next match.


Congratulations on posting another series of great scores! I mean, a 750-59X? Seriously? I was shooting the exact same pellets through the same barrel for one of my targets, but came nowhere close to what you did. Guess it must have been because of my mistakingly taking (wasting) the time to: wash, weigh, airguage, then relube mine where you just opened up the tin and shot. I gotta try that?

Dave Shattuck

Like Dan said when you find a pellet that works buy all you can. The trouble is all they make is mediocre pellets and head size printed on the tin means nothing. Now they stopped putting lot numbers on the tins.

Thanks for scoring the last relay of targets for me, while we broke down the range and removed all the Sheetrock Mark put up to block the out side air.

See you at the North East Regional in June.