Holbrook Results 4/4/2015


New member
Holbrook Results,
Had a good turn out for Easter weekend. Welcome new shooter John Eroh who is a field target shooter.
He shot off sand bags front and back. Dan Brown shot his AA EVA-2 12 FPE but with his FT stock and doesn't make weight for LV class.
David is recovering from his health problems and only shot 3 targets.
Mark N. Is the first person at Holbrook to shoot a 1500 with 750 in both LV and HV.
Mark M shot his first 250
Chris is getting close to his first 250 with a bunch of 249 the last couple of matches.
Robin shot his highest target with a 249!
Thanks Chris and Mark with help setting up and taking down the range.
Open Class
David Shattuck RAW BM-500 .22 248 14X, 249 14X, 249 16X, 746 44X
LV Class
Mark Normandin RAW TM .177 250 16X, 250 13X, 250 14X, 750 43X
Robin Zosack RAW TM .177 247. 9X, 242 6X, 249 7X, 738 22X
HV Class
Mark Normandin RAW TM .177 250 12X, 250 12X, 250 16X, 750 40X
Mark Marini Raw TM .177 250 15X, 249 8X, 247 11X, 746 34X
249 12X, 247 16X, 249 15X, 745 43X
Dan Brown AA EV-2 .177 248 13X, 248 11X, 248 15X, 744 39X
Chris Sloan RAW TM .177 247 12X, 249 10X, 248 8X, 744 30X
244 10X, 247 12X, 249 8X, 740 30X
John Eroh AA S-500 .177 238 6X, 243 6X, 241 7X, 722 19X

Paul Bendix
Match Director

Sent from my iPad
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I had a great time being with the crew, and thanks so much for hosting the matches.
Congratulations to Mark N. for shooting so well. I would think a combined Agg of 1500 for both LV & HV must be some kind of Record?
Chris, Probably next month you'll land your first 250('s) with a whole slew to follow. You're definitely on the doorstep!
Mark M., You too aren't far from landing your first 250 either.
As for me, the X's seemed to be happening, but there always seemed to be that one, or two pellets that just plugged out on each card.
But Paul, Where are your scores? Month after month you're there doing all the work but not enjoying the benefits. I know, next month after your Thomas' come home you'll be shooting up a storm showing us how it's done.
Until then,
Great seeing everyone again, and if I recall Mark M did get his first 250 yesterday! (great shooting!). I hope to hit that magic number in the coming months!
Agree with Dave that Paul must shoot next month!! Happy to help with scoring too!
Mark M. 250 15X

David, Chris,
Yes I will shoot next time! David, Mark M his first target on the second set was a 250 15X. I posted them by high scores per class. Not in the order they were shot.
We had Easter at our house Sat night with all the Grand Kids. Glad we started at 11:00 as I was home in plenty of time.
Mark N. Sure has his RAW smoking!

John's AA S500 is just over $1,000 so it qualifies as a Production Class. He shot off front and rear bags.
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Opps! Sorry 'bout that.

Congratulations Mark M. on shooting your first 250, and know there will be many more to follow. That's great!

Thanks for the warm welcome

I was happy to meet everyone at the match. My question(on another forum) about the production class was me fishing for a goal. So now it's set. I need to score a 240 with 26 x's. I have a bubble level on the way to eliminate can't error and have found the most accurate pellet for my barrel(so far, I think) from what i have in stock. I'll start sorting them and be as ready as I can for the next match. As I said on the yellow BR forum Paul, I will stick with bags until my scores stop improving but then again may take you up on your offer to try a mechanical front rest as well. John
John, I guess you mean 740 with 26X's for your goal?

You will reach that no problem! Will let people know when the next shoot is after the next Ex-board this coming Monday. The club gun show is the first week end of May. I will also know when my Surgery is by then.

Yes, 740 is what I mean

I still have a lot to learn about shooting bench rest, correct terminology being one of them!