Holbrook Results 1/3/2015


New member
Didn't think many would show up as the Ice storm up North with another Snow storm due in the after noon.
Had a full two relays. The new heater seems to work OK for our Air Gun Matches. We turned on the heat for 10 min after we finished a relay. By the time guns were cleaned and air added the range was in the high 60's Outside temp was mid 20's. Only had to wait a couple of min before we started shooting for the thermals to stop.
Dan Brown's first two targets was with his SUMO but was tethered so didn't count for Scoreline.
He switched to his EV-2 for his HV Scoreline scores.
Thanks to Mark and Chris for breaking down the range. Welcome a new shooter that will join us for the Feb shoot.
Results for Scoreline.
Production Class
Robin Zosack Air Force Ranger .22 195 1X, 212 2X, 214 1X, 621 4X
LV Class
Mark Normandin Thomas .177 250 13X, 250 17X, 250 17X, 750 47X
HV Class
Paul Bendix Thomas .177 250 14X, 250 18X, 250 16X, 750 48X
Dan Brown EV-2 .177 249 15X, 250 16X, 246 13X, 745 44X
Mark Marini RAW TM-1000 248 12X, 247 14X, 247 13X, 742 39X
Mark Normandin TM-1000 247 14X, 247 8X, 248 18X, 742 34X
Chris Sloan TM-1000 247 12X, 246 8X, 244 5X, 737 25X
Mark Marini TM-1000 249 13X, 242 7X, 245 11X, 736 31X
Chris Sloan TM-1000 242 9X, 245 11X, 248 8X, 735 28X

see you the first Sat in Feb for the next shoot.

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Looks like you had a wicked good turnout for sure.

Congratulations to both you and Mark on not dropping any points - again. It looks like Mark may have gotten his issues with his Thomas worked out nicely. Plus, with only an "X" separating your Agg results, even with you shooting in different Classes, must have made it even better. Nice shooting guys.

Congratulations to everyone else as well for just being there and having such good fun. But, Chris, next month bring along your MPR as well as the RAW. I'll be bringing mine (mainly due to its ease of cocking and loading) and we can have a shoot-out.

At this point I'm really hoping to be joining you next month, but won't know for sure until a little closer to the match. Otherwise I'll be going nuts!

Hi Dave, missed you yesterday, hope the shoulder is getting better...definitely will bring the MPR next time!