Holbrook Results 1/14/17 Wow 4 Springers all FWB-300!


New member
Results of Holbrook 25 yard indoor Airgun Benchrest for Scoreline
Springer Class
Bill Day FWB-300 238 5X, 241 7X, 247 4X, 726 16X
Mark Marini FWB-300 237 3X, 232 2X, 241 4X, 710 9X
Chris Sloan FWB-300 224 3X, 238 6X, 240 3X, 702 12X
Robert Fisher FWB-300 227 4X, 227 3X, 232 3X, 686 10X
LV Class
Mark Marini Thomas BR .177 249 14X, 250 12X, 250 12X, 749 38X
Chris Sloan AA S-400 .177 245 8X, 238 5X, 244 8X, 727 21X
Howard Williams Walther .177 235 5X, 232 6X, 218 2X, 685 13X
HV Class
David Shattuck Rapid .177 249 11X, 250 11X, 247 13X, 746 34X
David Shattuck Rapid .177 247 6X, 248 10X, 249 12X, 744 28X
Robert Fisher RAW TM-1000 .177 233 4X , 230 4X, 245 7X, 708 15X
Paul Bendix Thomas BR .177 249 18X, DNF, DNF, 249 18X

Stu was sick and he was going to shoot Springer Class which would have made 5 Springers !
Welcome new shooter Howard Williams who is setting up 25 yard Air Rifle at his club.

Holbrooks Next shoot Feb. 4 at 11:00 AM so if you can be at the range for a 10:30 set up and bench drawing.

Mark, David, Bill

Bill, Mark, Chris, Robert all shot FWB-300.
Record Springer's at Holbrook's Airgun Benchrest shoots ever!!
Mark scoring and Chris recording scores.

Paul Bendix

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Thanks Paul for another great match!! Was fun to shoot the FWB300 for the first time in competition....definitely a keeper! Hope you can get the Thomas in working order before the next match. Hope to have the RAW fixed and ready to do HV!


  • 01.4.17 Scoring in Holbrook.JPG
    01.4.17 Scoring in Holbrook.JPG
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Other than for your not being able to shoot more than one target with us before the Thomas let loose, the rest of us had a great time.

I'm more than happy with the way my old Theoben shot and know with a bit more fine-tuning it will get even better. Maybe you should dust off and bring along one of your Theobens to act as a back-up to the Thomas? Either that or fire up the SUMO! I always bring a second gun along just in case.

If all goes well, maybe next month I'll have the RAW back up and running too.

See everyone in 3 weeks. That match should have an overflow crowd so will have to move the cleaning and scoring areas back up into the main hall at the Club. Will have to intermingle with all the riff-raff. ;)

Until then,
